Board Meeting Minutes 23-June-2022

Villages Hiking Club BOARD Meeting Minutes
Thursday, June 23, 2022, Forum Rm, Cribari

Meeting Call to Order at 9:34am. Attending Board Members included: President – Bob
Bogdanoff; VP Social – Bernice Capitano; VP Membership & Website – Jim Beyer;
VP Hiking & Trails – Gary Lohr; Secretary – Cheryl Allmen. Absent: Treasurer – Gordon
Carbonetti, recuperating health.
Secretary – Cheryl submitted the April 21, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes via email to the Board
members. Motion by Jim, seconded by Gary to accept these minutes. Passed.
Treasurer – Bob, in Gordon’s absence, gave an overview of both accounts. May 2022
General Fund Account is $4,057.89. No changes in the prior Hill Lands Project Account
which continues as $2,215.89. Attachments 1, 2
VP Membership & Website – Jim indicated that 7 new members have joined the Club:
Terry Homand, Kris Carlsen, Al Lopez, Jim Ware, Marjorie Siegel, Debbie Keys, and
Tim Keys, totaling 311 members. A sympathy card and donation has been sent to the
family of member, Cookie Hunley, who passed away. Jim also shared that progress to
update the Club’s website continues very well. He also mentioned that release forms will
be available for non-resident guests accompanying our Hiking Club outings and hikes.
VP Hiking & Trails – Gary announced that planning our 2022 fall outing is a high
priority and is arranging a meeting in the next week or two to finalize a location within
reasonable driving distances due to higher gas prices, trails/hiking options, logistics and
details. He indicated most members have shared the possibility of a California coastal
area such as Cambria, Los Osos, Pt Reyes, and Pismo Beach. Late September and early
October dates have been suggested as possible dates since some member’s calendars are
already have full schedules beginning in mid-October. Cheryl agreed to contact Ramon
Rezo, a former hiking board member, who might have some information on Cambria and
some other coastal areas.

VP Social – Bernice indicated there were no additional costs for the recent Variety Night
which was well received by the membership. She has communicated with Wendy
Ledamun who is coordinating the Club’s July Summer BBQ event on her behalf since
she’ll be out of the area. Publicity and her event planning is going very well. Related to
the upcoming September event, discussion occurred related to either selecting a potluck
or getting a caterer to supply the food. After researching the possibilities, details will be
coming soon.
President – Bob shared he communicated with Tom Muniz, The Villages Director of
Facilities, Maintenance Services and Cary from Kings Grading staff who have been
working in the hills connecting Skyway and Joe Marsh trails while doing general fire
prevention actions, cleaning up several trails and ensuring improved vehicle hill access in
case of emergencies. They’ve temporarily moved our mailbox during this time-frame.
Bob has observed that there is a positive relationship between the Villages, Hiking Club
and Kings Grading and presently, we’re waiting for the city’s permit approval before our
additional hill projects can be addressed.
Bob has met with Franz Spickoff, our speaker at our June 27 th General Club meeting
several times and indicates the presentation is very good and our membership will really
enjoy great photos of his Annapurna Mountain experience.
Lastly, Bob hopes to have an orientation/get acquainted meeting targeting new Hiking
Club members to orient them to the offerings of our club and possibly encourage some to
volunteer their talents and interests to our club activities. Since there were no old or new
business topics, Bob reviewed the following meetings information.
Next Meetings
General Meeting:  Monday, June 27, 2022 -7:30pm at Vineyard Center, No July
Meeting. August meeting will feature Annette Mach as speaker on the early
history of the Villages.
Board Meeting:  No July Board Meeting, Thursday, August 25, 2022-9:30am
meeting in Cribari, Forum Room. Since Cheryl will be on vacation, she’ll find a
secretary replacement for both the August Board and General Club meetings.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:45am.

Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl Allmen
Cheryl Allmen, Secretary

Attachments 1-2 Treasurer’s Reports