

 (Amended as of November 2015)

The Villages Hiking Club is a resident organization subject to the control of the Board of Directors of the Villages Golf and Country Club.


A. To provide an organization of villagers for hiking and socializing.

B. To establish and maintain trails and picnic sites in the Villages hill lands.

C. To establish a regular hiking schedule for members of the club.

D. To promote the preservation of the hill lands, the natural springs and trails in their present   pristine condition.

E. To support other Villages organizations whose purposes are congruent with those of the Hiking Club.

F. To support selected Bay Area organizations where we hike and enjoy their beautiful park areas. They include Evergreen, City of San Jose, Santa Clara County, Santa Cruz County, Regional Parks, State Parks, and occasionally other areas.


A. All Village residents are eligible to become members.

B. Active members must be current in payment of annual dues and special assessments.

C. Members are encouraged to participate in Club activities.

D. Membership will be terminated upon failure to pay the annual dues, by request of the member, or when the member moves away from the Villages.


A. The Executive Committee will consist of  six officers: President, Vice President-Trails, Vice President-Social Events, VP Membership and Communications, Secretary, and Treasurer.   The Executive Committee will normally meet once per month but no less than quarterly.

B. In case of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President-Trails will fill out the un-expired term. Vacancies in other offices will be filled by appointment by the Executive Committee.


A .The President will appoint a nominating committee. It will present a slate of candidates at the General Meeting in October.

B. Election of officers will be held at the General Meeting in November. Officers will take office in January of the following year.

C. Terms of office are for one year, January 1 through December 31.


A. The President will be the chief executive officer. He/she will preside at all Executive and General meetings and will serve as an ex-officio member of all committees. He/she will represent the hiking club at Villages strategic planning meetings and will prepare and submit the calendar for the coming year.

B. The Vice President-Trails will assist the President, and in the President’s absence, will assume the duties of the President. The Vice President-Trails will approve all scheduled hikes and oversee the Hiking Club’s efforts in maintaining The Villages hiking trails.

C. The Vice President-Social Events will assist the President, and in the absence of the President and Vice President-Trails will assume the duties of the President. The Vice President-Social Events will recruit the chairpersons for our monthly social events and approve all Hiking Club social events.

D. The Secretary will keep minutes of the Executive and General meetings and will handle all necessary correspondence.

E. The Treasurer will keep a record of all monies received and deposited, collect annual dues, and any other special assessment, pay approved and signed bills and make financial reports to the Executive Committee and to the members at the General monthly meetings.  The Treasurer will also prepare an annual budget for approval by the Executive Committee at its November meeting.

F. The Vice President of membership willmanage the website, membership list, email communications to membership, bulletin board, membership applications and waiver and release of liability forms.

G.  The President or the Treasurer will have authority to approve expenditures up to a limit of$100.00 without Executive Committee approval.


A. General meetings will be held monthly. The purpose of these meetings will be to handle any appropriate business, to hear reports from committees and individuals, to hear a presentation on a topic of interest to the members and to provide a forum for socialization.

B. Special meetings may be called by the President when appropriate.


A. Annual dues will be established by the Executive Committee each year.

B. Members joining after October 1 will be credited with dues payment for the following year.

C. Special assessments may be made as required.

D. All monies collected by the Treasurer will be deposited in a Hiking Club account. Both the President and the Treasurer will have access to the club account.


A. All officers and Chairpersons of standing committees will be installed at the January general meeting. They will serve one year.

B. Committee Chair persons will appoint their committee members.

C. Temporary Committee Chairpersons will be appointed by the President or Vice Presidents as required.


A. These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of paid-up members in attendance at the duly announced General meeting of the Club.

B. The meeting at which there is to be the voting on the amendments to the By-Laws must be announced in the Villager beforethe meeting.


A. All meetings will operate under Robert’s Rules of Order.


A. These By-Laws will become active when approved by:

B. A majority of the paid-up members in attendance at the meeting of the vote. The meeting must have been duly announced (ARTICLE IX)

C. The Board of Directors of the Villages Golf and Country Club.