Membership Information

We are a hiking club, our mission is to promote an active and healthy lifestyle through hiking.

Participation is the lifeblood of the Club! Opportunities are frequently available in hike activities, trail maintenance, field trips, social functions, hospitality at meetings, special events and programs.

Participation in all the Hiking Club activities are at your own risk.

Please be aware that the Villages Hiking Club and its officers and field trip leaders assume no responsibility for accidents or injury to individuals participating in Club activities.

If you plan to be a volunteer driver to sites, please review your car insurance to ensure it contains adequate insurance for passengers.

Passengers are expected to donate $0.10 per mile to the volunteer driver, payable upon return to the Villages.

Welcome to the Villages Hiking Club!

We are a hiking club, our mission is to promote an active and healthy lifestyle through hiking.

Participation is the lifeblood of the Club! Opportunities are frequently available in hike activities, trail maintenance, field trips, social functions, hospitality at meetings, special events and programs.

Participation in all the Hiking Club activites are at your own risk.

Please be aware that the Villages Hiking Club and its officers and field trip leaders assume no responsibility for accidents or injury to individuals participating in Club activities.

If you plan to be a volunteer driver to sites, please review your car insurance to ensure it contains adequate insurance for passengers.

Passengers are expected to donate $0.10 per mile to the volunteer driver, payable upon return to the Villages.

Member Meeting Minutes

General Meeting Minutes 30-October-2024

General meeting minutes 26-Aug-2024

General meeting minutes 24-June-2024

General Meeting Minutes 29-April-2024

General Meeting Minutes 25-Mar-2024

General Meeting Minutes 26-Feb-2024

General Meeting Minutes 29-Jan-2024

General Meeting Minutes 27-Nov-2023

General Meeting Minutes 9-Sepember-2023

General Meeting Minutes 28-August-2023

General Meeting Minutes 26-June-2023

General Meeting Minutes 24-April-2023

General Meeting Minutes 27-Mar-2023

General Meeting Minutes 27-Feb-2023

General Meeting Minutes 30-Jan-2023

General Meeting Minutes 11-28-2022

General Meeting Minutes 31-Oct-2022

General Meeting Minutes 26-Sept-2022

General Membership Minutes 29-August-2022

General Meeting Minutes 6-27-2022

General Meeting Minutes 28-Mar-2022

General meeting minutes 28-Feb-2022

General Membership Minutes 31-Jan-2022

General Membership Meeting 11-Nov-2021

General Membership Meeting 25-Oct-2021

General Membership Meeting 27-Sept-2021

General Membership Meeting 30-Aug-2021

General Membership Meeting 28- June-2021

General Membership Meeting – 26-April-2021

General Membership Meeting 29-March-2021

General Membership Meeting – 22-Feb-2021 

General Membership Meeting 25-Jan-2021

General Membership Meeting 30-Nov-2020 

General Membership Meeting 26-Oct-2020 

General Membership Meeting 28- Sept-2020

General Membership Meeting 27-July-2020

General Membership Meeting 24-Feb-2020

General Membership Meeting 27-Jan-2020