On Wednesday Oct 16, 2024, John Zhang led a hike from Oak Meadow park to Town Plaza park in downtown Los Gatos along the Los Gatos Creek. The weather was beautiful and temperature was perfect. Following the hike, all went to Garrett station and enjoyed some party foods.
Seacliff hike 9-25-2024
On 25-Sept-2024 six hikers enjoyed a 5-mile loop along the coast from Seacliff Beach State Park to the New Brighton Beach campground, returning along the abandoned railroad track through the eucalyptus trees to Seacliff. We enjoyed lunch at the Pixie Deli followed up with ice cream at Marianne’s. Jim Koski led.
Golf course walk 9-2-2024
On 2-Sept-2024 the golf course group went hiking all around the course since a tournament was scheduled. Terri, Eileen, Kris, Mon0na, Bert had a great time …and definitely got their steps in.
Hill hike 8-28-2024
Devil’s Slide Hike 8-21-2024
On 21-August-2024 Thirteen Villagers had an exciting 3.3 hike lead by Guy Hoover along the very interesting Devil’s Slide Trail several miles north of Montara State Beach on Highway 1.  Villagers had a spectacular view of the Pacific Ocean with great views of birds, lovely cliffs below with white sandy beaches and awesome mountains displaying rocks, forest-like trees and hopefully the possibility of actually seeing the journey of whales, other marine life and land animals along the hike.
Golf course walk 8-18-2024
Coyote Valley Open Space 8-13-2024
On 13-August-2024, Gordon Carbonetti, Guy Hoover and Dave Shilton traveled to Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve for a rare Tuesday hike. The mission was to tackle the four-mile Arrowhead Loop Trail. The weather was comfortable and valley views were fabulous. The hike was even shared with a few animal friends. Afterward, a brunch was enjoyed at Flames Coffee Shop.