General Meeting Minutes 26-June-2023

6-26-23 Villages Hiking Club Minutes – General Meeting

Foothill Center

Call to Order -President Bob Bogdanoff called the meeting to order at 7:30pm with a total of
148 attendees. The following Board Members were present: President – Bob Bogdanoff; VPs
Social – Bibi Bruce & Carmel Smith; VP Membership/ Website – Jim Beyer; Treasurer – Gordon
Carbonetti; and, Secretary – Cheryl Allmen. VP Hiking Trails – John Petrin, absent/ vacation.
VP Membership/Website – Jim welcomed many guests and introduced new members
including David Cook, Bobby Farhat, Monona Tang, Bertram Tang, Cheri Reid, Barbara Kieker,
Irene Cheung, and Hanne Loiacono. He indicated the Club’s registration form is now on line
available on the Club’s website.
Secretary – Cheryl thanked Deb Siedband for filling in as secretary while she was on vacation.
Motion to accept minutes from the previous general meeting was moved by Lucy McProud and
seconded by Pam Siedband, motion carried.
Treasurer – Gordon shared the reports for the Club’s April & May 2023 financial statements.
The current General Fund Financial Report ends with a balance of $5,210.44 and the Hill Lands
Project Fund balance continues unchanged as $2,715.89. Gordon also indicated that the Club is
waiting for the fiscal statement from the Villages related to the Sonora trip. Motion to accept
April and May Financials was moved by Lucy McProud, seconded by Loretta Carbonetti, motion
VP Hiking & Trails – Bob reported for John who is vacationing. Relating to hikes, Katy Peretti is
organizing the 4th of July walks within The Villages and Al Girolami (209-531-6553) is leading
the Sixth of the Magnificent 7 hikes at Almaden/Quicksilver County Park with hikers meeting for
carpooling at the Bell in front of Cribari Center at 8:45am and leaving at 9.00am.
Additionally he indicated the Hiking Club Pt Reyes Fall trip is scheduled for October 10-12,
2023 at Tomales Bay Resort, approximately 110mile drive. 20 rooms, a meeting room and a
$1200 discount are included on the Resort contract. Further research will be conducted to locate
the various hikes, member’s instructions for arranging their room reservations (charging
members in advance) will be coming soon and a restaurant for the October 11th evening will be

VP Social – Bibi and Carmel announced the cancelation of the July 8th Summer BBQ and shared
more information about the September 21 Club Picnic will be advertised soon.
President – Bob informed the membership that the Hiking Club Board formally appointed
Michelle Breslin as HC Representation for Cow Grazing. Michelle informed those in attendance
of the 4 options being considered involving the cattle and the Villages relevant to the safety of
the Villages, cattle grazing scheduling and potential fire prevention plans. Meetings involving
one of the ranchers, Richie Vargas and scheduling of the cattle grazing on the hill are being
conducted. . Michelle indicated she’ll keep the Board apprised of the progress and what will be
done to improve safety and fire prevention.
Related to Lands Maintenance and the mountain hiking trails, Tom Muniz announced that
morning that the annual maintenance is in process and mowing the roads and weed whacking
trails is occurring. Downed trees are being hauling away is also in process. Communications
with the city focused on garden step replacement and rerouting Upper Meadow trail is
resubmitted. New removal of dead eucalyptus trees in picnic area and old water tank above
Upper Gardens is on the schedule.
General Meeting Speakers were next announced: July – No meeting; August– Sustainable
Lifestyle – Whole Food Plant Based Diet – Global Village Club – Mary Mackey.
Break – 15 minutes was given for conversations and snacks.
Presentation – Annette Mach shared beautiful slides and gave many wonderful examples of the
past History of The Villages and answered questions raised by the audience.
General meeting was adjourned at 9:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl Allmen
Cheryl Allmen, Secretary

General Meeting Minutes 27-Feb-2023

Villages Hiking Club General Meeting Minutes

Monday, February 27, 2023, Foothill Center

 Call to Order:  President Bogdanoff called the meeting to order at 7:30pm and announced “the Chance of a Lifetime View”—the beautiful snow on the hills above the Villages and hoped the members appreciated the wintery view.  Then he announced the addition of a Co VP of Social and shared the Board Members present:  President – Bob Bogdanoff, Co-VP Social – Babette Bruce/Carmel Smith, VP Membership & Website – Jim Beyer Treasurer – Gordon Carbonetti, and VP Hiking & Trails – John Petrin.  He shared Secretary – Cheryl Allmen is on vacation and will complete the minutes from Gordon’s recording of the meeting.

  • Reports:

VP Membership & Website – Jim indicated the membership includes 308 people.  Guests introduced were Tim and Mary Robinson, Lisa Barboza (presentation speaker), and Anita.  Website is frequently updated and emails related to hiking and activity opportunities are sent to the members. He especially highlighted the beautiful photos of our hikers who hiked up the hill and enjoyed the snow at the top.

Secretary – Substituting for Cheryl, Bob indicated the minutes from the past January 30th General Meeting were on the back table for review. Lucy McProud moved and Deb Siedband seconded the approval of the previous minutes.  Motion approved.  

Treasurer – Gordon presented the January 2023 reports on the whiteboard.  Hills Lands Project Fund continues with a balance of $2,215.89.  General Fund balance is $4,031.21. He recently received the 2023 membership dues from the Villages and will deposit them to be reflected in the March report. Gordon reminded the members of the $500 transfer from the General account to Hill Land’s account which could cover future costs such as benches, tables, etc which would also be included in the March report.  Lucy McProud moved to accept the budget reports, seconded by Gigi.  Motion approved.

 VP Hiking & Trails – John shared that weekly Rambler and Rambler Lite hikes are already scheduled through March 2023 and Long hikers continue to take care of organizing themselves.  He’s looking for increasing the number and variety of hikes as well as adding/orienting a few more hiking leaders.  Next, he indicated Al Girolami is spearheading bonus hikes, typically offered on Tuesday or Thursday connected with the Santa Clara County Magnificent 7.  Bob also announced that he and Gordon will be leading a Wed offsite 4.3 mile hike on the Bayfield Ranch Trail reminding hikers to bring poles since there’s a creek along the trail.

Related to Trail Maintenance Day, the workers will be meeting at Foothill on Saturday, March 25th, 8:30am to clean up the trails and improve their safety.   According to Dan Kato, the Lead,

John shared an overview of the plans for this annual event.  Mules will transport worker groups of 5-8 individuals to areas needing maintenance as well as others walking uphill to various trails.  A luncheon with beer will be coordinated by the Co-VPs of Social who are planning for 40 individuals. A map of the variously trails with blue and red lines to illustrate the trails needing the most attention and a pickup with gardening tools would be available.

Next, he announced the plans for the Spring 2023 trip, May 2-4 in Sonora, which is approximately a 2 1/2hr drive. After researching hotels, he indicated Lumber Jack Hotel is offering one of the best rates of $115/night and plans to reserve a block of approximately 20 rooms.  Next, John gave a historical description of the area and described a wide variety of hiking trails including Railroad Trail and Columbia Ditch Loop are possibilities of hikes with an additional Tuesday afternoon hike at the Columbia State Park for earlier arrivals.  He shared there will be a reception on Tuesday evening and a dinner on Wednesday night for $52 per person including tax/tip.  He indicated the 2-step process of gathering the list of hiker attendees including registering for the hotel room and signing up on the club website to create a list of the individuals to maximize communication and follow up with those planning to attend.

VP Social – Babette/Carmel shared that 2 weeks of publicity will encourage members to attend the Thursday, March 9th Game Night from 6:30pm-8:00pm with a variety of snacks, coffee, and tea, including BYOB and games to share.  Related to the Thursday, May 11th, Variety Night.  Babette indicated it will include a potluck and BYOB between 5:30pm-8:00pm. It will be “international” food selections and guests will rsvp and specify what they are bringing to encourage a good variety of dishes.  A head announcer will be chosen to keep the group enjoying the different talented acts.

President – Bob announced the Hiking Club has been invited to participate in the 4th of July Freedom Fun Walk with a walk around the Villages which will be led by Katie Peretti similar to our Rambler Lite hikes.  He announced the Club Survey 2023, indicating last year’s survey gave the Board members some good information, suggestions, and recommendations for our team’s future planning and requests members to complete the survey and submit their ideas and suggestions.  Since he’s going on vacation, March 15-April 4th, John is going to lead the March General meeting and the next Board meeting, March 23rd, Bob will join us via telephone.

He also announced the General Meeting SpeakersMarch– Meet the Ranch Neighbor – Richie Vargas and facilitated by Michelle Breslin; April – Ukraine Relief – Rose Egan & Mira Dytko; May – no meeting; and June 26th – Panorama of The Villages – Annette Mach.

Presentation– After a brief break for refreshments, Lisa Barboza from the Sierra Club gave a wonderful presentation featuring a variety of popular and interesting national and international hikes. Members appreciated the interesting photos and explanation of all the hikes.  Bob indicated he would send a few slides from the presentation on a useful app to the membership.

Meeting was later adjourned at 9pm.

Respectfully submitted,      Cheryl Allmen, Secretary

General Fund – Financial Report 

February 2023

February 1, 2023 Beginning Book Balance: $ 4,031.21 


 VGCC – HOA Member dues for 2023 (299 x $7) $2,093.00  Dues – New Members (Cindy Prestage, Laurel Hamilton, Ann Jervis) $21.00 

Total Income: $ 2,114.00 Sub Total $ 6,145.21 


 Transfer to Hill Lands Acct as approved by Board 2-23-23 $ (500.00) Total Expenses: $ (500.00) 

February 28, 2023 Ending Book Balance: 

Submitted by: 

Gordon Carbonetti 


$ 5,645.21

Hill Lands Project Fund – Financial Report

February 2023 

February 1, 2023 Beginning Book Balance: $ 2,215.89 


 Transfer from Gen Fund Acct as approved by Board 2-23-23 $ 500.00 Total Income: $ 2,715.89 


 None $0.00 Total Expenses: $0.00 

February 28, 2023 Ending Book Balance: 

Submitted by: 

Gordon Carbonetti 


$ 2,715.89


General Meeting Minutes 30-Jan-2023

Villages Hiking Club General Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 30, 2023 Foothill Center

Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 7:33pm by President Bogdanoff. All Board members were
in attendance: President – Bob Bogdanoff, VP Social – Carmel Smith, VP Membership & Website – Jim
Beyer, Treasurer – Gordon Carbonetti, Secretary – Cheryl Allmen, and VP Hiking & Trails – John Petrin.
33 individuals were in attendance.
Reports: VP Membership & Website – Jim One guest & two new members were in attendance.
Jim indicated our current enrollment totals 309 members. New members are: Carol Reid, Helen Ware,
Janet Riley and Leon Riley. He mentioned all members received notifications of the $7 addition to the
January HOA with 17 members dropping their membership in the Hiking Club (largest number recently)
because of relocation, passing and no longer interested in hikes. He also indicated that the website is
functioning well.
Secretary –-Cheryl: Copies of the General meeting were on the back table for audience’s review. A
motion by Lucy McProud and second by Wendy Werner was made to accept the minutes from two
General Meetings: November 28, 2022 and October 31, 2022. Both minutes were approved.
Treasurer – Gordon presented the December 2022 statements on the whiteboard which included our
yearly donations to the following: Greenbelt Alliance ($100.00), Peninsula Open Space Trust ($200.00),
California State Parks Foundation ($100.00), Bay Area Trail Council ($100.00), Sempervirens Fund
($100.00), Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society ($100.00), Santa Clara County Parks & Recreation Dept.
($100.00), Santa Clara County Open Space Authority ($100.00), Portola & Castle Rock Foundation
($100.00), and The Pine Ridge Association ($100.00). There also was a donation in Memory of Caroline
Cooper after her passing. Nothing changed to the Hillside Budget: $2,251.89 and General Fund is
currently at $4,403.89. November & December Financials were approved by the members. Sunshine
committee headed by Terri Vivoli sent condolence card to Dot Armbruster in memory of her husband
VP Hiking & Trails – John shared information about the upcoming Trail Maintenance Day
scheduled for Saturday, March 25 th along with Dan Kato who has been working with
Maintenance for their support for the day.
John also indicated that more Rambler leaders are needed. To support that there are orientations
available and also there are copies of what is involved in leading a hike and sheets of paper
including his email and phone number are available for pickup at the back table.. Additionally
he is recommending use of first aid kits and a more available location for picking up the kits for
a being worked on.

His plans also includes finalizing plans for a spring hiking trip and selecting a fall trip soon. He
will ask for recommendations from members and volunteers who are familiar with areas to add
more individuals to support the planning and execution of future seasonal travel hikes. He
indicated he is familiar with a couple areas….Placerville, one near Plymouth, Plumas County
and possibly Tahoe City—all within the approximate 3 hour driving distances
Additionally, Bob shared on the whiteboard the Henry W. Coe State Park DOWDY RANCH VISITOR
CENTER – BELL STATION ENTRANCE Walk map A special hike is available on
Saturday, April 29th with reservations beginning of March. More information on this hike will be coming
VP Social – Carmel announced the Thursday, February 9th White Elephant Soup Supper, ,BYOB,
5:30pm-9:00pm at Foothill. Pam Thompson had volunteered to help. On Thursday, March 9 th is Game
Night Potluck, (BYOB, 5:30pm-8:00) Lastly, Thursday , May 11 th is Variety Night (Potluck, BYOB, 5:30pm-
8:00pm). Last year Lee Thompson was the MC> She asked for a few members to help support the
President – Bob shared the status of Hill Land Trail Project indicating it will be hopefully accepted by City
of SJ for permit consideration. Permit review fees have been paid and the City of SJ (Environment &
Planning) is completing final review before permit issuance.
Additionally, the Hiking Club Table at New Villager Orientation welcomed new residents. Bob is offering
a personalized hill walk and obtained 2 takers and the Villages Club Fair will occur later in the year.
General Meeting Speakers include: Feburary – Lisa Barboza, Sierra Club  March – Meet our Ranch
Neighbor to the south-Richie Vargas , Michelle Breslin  April – Ukraine Relief – Rose Egan & Mira Dytka 
Bob will be conducting a Club Survey 2023 possibly send out in March to gather information and
suggestions from the membership
Q&A Break – 15 minutes, snack bringers were thanked for bringing yummy goodies to the meeting. –
He reminded members to sign up for bringing future snacks.
Speaker: John Trudeau Actively involved in numerous club activities including periodic club speaker,
hike leader, signs & sign content (names, distances, elevation), and travels extensively and this spring is
going to Patagonia  Works with various clubs on technical support gave a talk on Bugs, Plants, Flowers
along our Hikes.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50pm
Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl Allmen

Cheryl Allmen, Secretary

Hiking Club – The Villages Golf & Country Club
General Fund – Financial Report

January 2023

January 1, 2023 Beginning Book Balance: $4,043.89
Dues – New Members (Janet/Leon Riley, Christina Ly, Carol Reid, $42.00
Michael Warfield, Kris Carlsen)
Total Income: $4,085.89

Chk# 1726: Robert Bogdanoff – Reimb for wireless mic system $ (54.68)
Total Expenses: $ (54.68)

January 31, 2023 Ending Book Balance: $4,031.21
Submitted by:
Gordon Carbonetti

Hiking Club – The Villages Golf & Country Club
Hill Lands Project Fund – Financial Report

January 2023

January 1, 2023 Beginning Book Balance: $ 2,215.89

Income: $0.00

Total Income: $ 2,215.89

Expenses: $0.00

Total Expenses: $0.00

January 31, 2023 Ending Book Balance: $ 2,215.89

Submitted by:
Gordon Carbonetti

General Meeting Minutes 11-28-2022

Villages Hiking Club – General Meeting

Monday, November 28, 2022, Foothill Center

  • Call to Order -President Bob called the Hiking Club General Meeting to order at 7:33pm, welcoming the members and guests to the November meeting.  The following board members were in attendance:   President – Bob Bogdanoff; VP Social – Bernice Capitano; VP Membership & Website – Jim Beyer; and VP Hiking & Trails – Gary Lohr.  Treasurer – Gordon Carbonetti is absent due to a family illness and Secretary Cheryl will join the meeting at the conclusion of a Village’s rehearsal, with Jim recording the meeting in preparation for her completing the meeting minutes. 
  • Reports:

VP Membership & Website – Jim welcomed two quests and announced there are 4 new members:  Jane Shaw, Julian Tao, John Smith and HJ Liang for a total membership of 321.  He also announced that members will receive an email by December 9th indicating continuing members will be charged $7 for 2023 membership on their January HOA bill.   He also indicated the website continues to function well.   Bob next announced that the Sunshine committee under the leadership of Terri Vivoli sent a get well card to Dot Armbruster who received an injury during a Skyway trail hike.  Emergency procedures were covered with the membership to insure all members are protected and supported if injuries or health issues occur.  


Secretary Cheryl will bring the past October minutes, which are on the club’s website, for acceptance at the next meeting.  


TreasurerGordon   Bob, in support of Gordon shared, the Hillside and General funds have had no activity so they remained the same.  


VP Hiking & Trails Gary reminded the members that more leaders and a few more participants are needed on the Rambler hikes.  


VP SocialBernice encouraged members to attend the “no cost” Thursday, December 8th Holiday Party from 5:30pm-9:00pm. It’s going to be a BYOB event with the Hiking Club providing the main dish (ham, turkey, vegetarian) and desserts with individuals providing the sides/appetizers.  The last 2022 event is the Thursday, December 22nd  Holiday Lights Event with individuals bringing their own BYOB along with holiday cookies to share, 6:00pm -9pm meeting at the Vineyard with Michelle Breslin leading walk.  The new 2023 calendar of events and hikes was available at the back table. 


President Bob announced two new nominees to the 2023 slate of Club officers which includes Carmel Smith as VP of Social and John Petrin as VP of Hikes & Trails along with the present officers willing to serve another term.  This includes Bob as President, Gordon as Treasurer, Jim as Membership/Website and Cheryl as Secretary.  Lucy moved to accept the election slate of officers, a second was offered and the members present voted unanimously to accept all the


Nominees.  Officially, the New Board includes:  President – Bob Bogdanoff.   VP Social – Carmel Smith.  VP Membership/ Website – Jim Beyer.   Treasurer – Gordon Carbonetti, VP Hiking & Trails –John Petrin and Secretary, Cheryl Allmen.    

Secondly, Bob thanked both Bernice and Gary for their leadership this past year along with Susan Brown who handled our Club Meeting refreshments.  Members were encouraged to volunteer to serve as cookie and refreshment supporters for next year.    

Also, Bob indicated Mary Tatum asked for statistics of the Villagers’ hill usage.  After reviewing the Trail Log Summary from 2014 – 2021, he shared on the screen his findings, a 50% increased usage during the pandemic period, approximately 6,600 hikers.  He also indicated that not all hikers sign up at hill lands entrances and encouraged all hikers to do so in the future.  

Next, Bob shared that he also will be creating another club survey after he found that last year’s survey gave very good suggestions that helped the board plan well. 

Lastly Bob announced the next General Meeting Speakers:  There is no meeting in December, in January, our first 2023 speaker will be John Trudeau and in February is Lisa Barboza of the Sierra    Club. 


Break – was held for 15 minutes when members enjoyed the snacks and chatting with other members.  Thanks was given to those who brought cookies. 


Speaker: Wate Bakker, past president of our club, leader who has led numerous hikes and is a very active biker shared an outstanding presentation entitled:  “Flowers, Chihuly and Other Art.”


Meeting was adjourned at approximately 9pm.


Respectfully Submitted,


Cheryl Allmen


General Meeting Minutes 31-Oct-2022

Villages Hiking Club – General Meeting MINUTES

Monday, October 31, 2022, Foothill Center

  1. Call to Order-Bob called the meeting to order at 7:36pm with the following Board Members in attendance:  President – Bob Bogdanoff; VP Membership & Website – Jim Beyer; Treasurer – Gordon Carbonetti; Secretary – Cheryl Allmen; and VP Hiking &Trails – Gary Lohr.    Absent:  VP Social – Bernice Capitano.  Members and guests in attendance:  31 attendees.  
  2. Reports:

VP Membership & Website – Jim introduced tonight’s newest member, Robert Lovin, indicating the current membership is 317 members with 6 members dropping during the last month.  He reminded the membership to check out the website which features pictures from the hiking, outings, social events as well as minutes and fiscal reports.  

Secretary – Cheryl indicated copies of the last general meeting are already on the club’s website and a hard copy was on the back table for review.  A motion to accept the September 26, 2022 General Club Minutes was raised by Lucy McProud and seconded by Wate Bakker.  Motion carried.  

Treasurer – Gordon shared the fiscal reports on the board including Hill Lands Project Funds that remains unchanged at $2,215.89. The new balance of our General Fund is $5,561.95. Motion to accept September Financial Reports was raised by Lucy McProud and seconded by Al Girolami.  Motion carried.

VP Hiking & Trails – Gary reported 37 attendees at last week’s Cambria outing and an enjoyable time was had by all.  He announced by January 1, 2023, one new writer is needed to replace Katie Peretti to be responsible for reaching out, writing and submitting write ups for inclusion of Villages hikes and their leaders for the email announcements to the members and inclusion of information to The Villager.  Bob next reminded the membership of this Wednesday’s invitation to the Seascape condo potluck and hike lead by Jane Ruona, our hostess.  He indicated Jim’s most recent email presented all the details.  

VP Social – As a substitute for Bernice, Bob shared that on Thursday, 11/10/22 will be our Club’s Game Night from 6-9pm at Foothill. Attendees are asked to bring board or card game, appetizer or dessert, their own beverages. The Saturday, 11/26/22 Hidden Path Walk has been canceled since these paths are included in some of the Rambler Lite walks.  The Thursday, 12/8/22 Holiday Party from 5:30pm-9:00pm will be a Hybrid event in which the Hiking Club will provide the main course and attendees will bring sides, appetizers and the desserts.  He passed out a signup sheet encouraging a few individuals to volunteer their help to plan, shop and help coordinate the event with Bernice.  On Thursday 12/22/22 Michele volunteered to lead the Holiday Lights Hike which involves brining your own BYOB and holiday cookies, 6:00pm -9pm, to enjoy after the hike at Vineyard. 


President – Bob reminded the members of the New Villages Alcohol Policy (detailed recently in The Villager) in addition to nominations for next year’s officers including a new VP for Hiking & Trails (John Petrin agreed to run ) and new VP of Social or Co-Coordinating  VP’s of Social partnering with Bernice.  The following current officers (President, Treasure, Secretary and VP Membership & Website) have agreed to continue their leadership roles.   Bob also indicated a 2023 Club Calendar will be handed out at the next general meeting, scheduled for November 28, 2022 with program by Wate Bakker as the presenter on the topic of Chihuly, the famous glass artist.    

Break – Before breaking for refreshments, the following were thanked for their support of refreshments including Susan Brown for organizing the refreshments, President Bob who brought candy & leftover snacks from the Cambria tour, Johanna & Wendy Werner and Cheryl Allmen who decorated the refreshment table “Halloween Style” and also prepared the hot chocolate, tea and coffee.

Speaker: In honor of Veteran’s Day on November 11th, Al Girolami, Immediate past president of the Hiking Club and a valuable support of this year’s President,  presented a most informative and very interesting program on Iwo Jima complete with photos from WWII and the recent anniversary celebration recalling the battle, famous photo of the US victory and the military involvement.   Al’s background includes his wife of many years, Vera and growing up in San Jose not far from Jim Lohr. He went to Bellarmine High School in San Jose and is the former Judge from the Central Valley before moving to The Villages.  

  1. Motion to Adjourn-The Club meeting adjourned at 9:10pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl A. Allmen

Cheryl A. Allmen, Secretary  

Hiking Club – The Villages Golf & Country Club

General Fund – Financial Report

September 2022

September 1, 2022

Beginning Book Balance:

$   5,658.95


New Member Dues – Norma Brown

New Member Dues – Stephanie Torres & James Halliwell

New Member Dues – Greg Schultz

$           7.00

$         14.00

$           7.00

Total Income:

$        28.00



Ed Knott – End of Summer Pot Luck Entertainment

$     (125.00)

Total Expenses:

$     (125.00)

September 30, 2022 Ending Book Balance:

$   5,561.95

Submitted by:

Gordon Carbonetti



General Membership Minutes 29-August-2022

Villages Hiking Club-General Meeting
Monday, August 29, 2022, 7:30pm, Foothill

  1. Call to Order Bob called the August general meeting to order at 7:30pm. Board
    Members in attendance were: Bob Bogdanof-President; Bernice Capitano-VP Social; Jim
    Beyer-Membership & Website; and Gordon Carbonetti-Treasurer. Board Members not
    in attendance: Cheryl Allmen-Secretary was on vacation and Gary Lohr-VP of Trails was
    attending to out-of-state family issues.
  2. Reports
    Membership. Jim indicated the Hiking Club now has 318 members with the addition of
    the following 6 new members: Norma Taylor, Chung Lui, Dana / Linda Arbaugh and
    Gary / Dawn Greenberg. He announced the club website continues to do well and often
    updates the calendars of the various hikes.
    Secretary. Filling in for Cheryl Allmen who drafted the June 27, 2022 minutes of the last
    General Meeting, Gordon requested a motion to approve the June minutes that are on
    the back table for viewing and also on the Club website. Minutes were approved after
    the motion was made and seconded.
    Treasurer. Gordon stated that since there was no July General Meeting, there are 4
    financial reports, 2 for July and 2 for August, 2022. Both Hills Project monthly reports
    were identical, totaling $2,215.89. The June General Fund Report ended up: $4,085.89
    The July report totaled $4,423.95. Motion to approve all 4 reports was seconded and
    approved by the membership.
    Trails. Substituting for Gary the VP of Trails, Jim shared that the Hiking Club website
    lists all the scheduled hikes and hiking updates. Current announcements about the
    upcoming hikes and General Meetings including speaker presentations is also included
    in the Villager. One additional hike at Senior Happy Hollows Day will be led by Kathy
    Tanaka on Thursday, September 22, 2022 was announced.
    Bob reminded the membership to notice the Villagers updates related to walking on
    the golf course which is usually available for all Villages walkers on Mondays before 1pm
    and most other days of the week around sunrise and sunset. Times are modified when
    golf tournaments are scheduled. So, be sure to always check the Villager for changing
    hours updates and also, always use the golf course paths. Fortunately the Golf
    Committee ignored the individual who was requesting only golfers on the golf course
    paths and no walkers allowed. The committee opted out and we walkers and hikers are
    allowed on the golf paths according to the listed hours.

Social. Bernice expressed appreciation to Susan Brown for the evening’s refreshments
as well as the volunteers who brought the cookies. She also thanked Wendy Ledamun
who coordinated the July Hiking Cub Picnic during her time away as well as many other
volunteers who supported the picnic and cleaned up afterwards . The event was well
liked and everyone had a good time.
She also announced to be sure to check out the article in the next Villager which
requests more volunteers to help out at each of our social events. As a reminder, she
asked the members to open their Hiking Club email blasts and to look at the website
and its calendar of upcoming events and socials. In October it’s the Cambria Outing. In
November there will be a Game Night and December 8 th is our annual Holiday Party
followed by the Holiday Lights Walk Tour scheduled for December 22, 2022 where it’s so
much fun to walk around the Villages, see the lights and decorations followed by
refreshments afterwards.
President’s Report. Bob read the note from Annette Mach who was so looking forward
to giving her presentation on the “History of the Villages”. Unfortunately she had
eyesight problems and was apologizing to the membership that she had to cancel. Dan
Kato stepped in and is offering another presentation and Bernice indicated she would
send a get well card to Annette wishing her a good recovery.
Next, Bob indicated the following future presentations: Matt Kelly, VP of Lionheart
Safety on “ First Aid for Walking and Hiking” at the September 26 th meeting and Al
Girolami on “Iwo Jima” at the October 31 meeting.
He also mentioned that Marjorie Siegel is interested in birding and has indicated her
willingness to lead a hike with others who are also interested in birding.
At 8:04pm, Bob indicated we’d have a 15 minute break after which Dan Kato will give a
presentation on “Winter Camping with Warm Puppies”.
Meeting was adjourned at approximately 9pm after the most informative and enjoyable
presentation by Dan Kato.
Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl Allmen
Cheryl Allmen Secretary

Attachments, Fiscal Reports

Attachments – General Account and Hill Lands Project Fund Financial Reports:

The Villages Hiking Club
Hill Lands Project Fund – Financial Report
July 2022
July 1, 2022 Beginning Book Balance: $ 2,215.89
Income:                                                                   $           –
Total Income:                                                          $           –
Expenses:                                                               $           –
Total Expenses:                                                      $           –
July 31, 2022 Ending Book Balance:                 $ 2,215.89
Submitted by:
Gordon Carbonetti

Hiking Club – The Villages Golf & Country Club
General Fund – Financial Report
July 2022
July 1, 2022   Beginning Book Balance: $ 4,085.89
Two New Member Dues $ 14.00
Chico Outing Dinner Proceeds from VGCC $ 1,584.00

Total Income: $   1,598.00
VMA Donation for Cookie Hunley$        ($ 50.00)
Summer BBQ Expenses ($ 1,197.94)

Total Expenses: ($  1,247.94)
July 31, 2022   Ending Book Balance $ 4,423.95
Submitted by:
Gordon Carbonetti

General Meeting Minutes 26-Sept-2022

Villages Hiking Club – General Meeting Minutes
Monday, September 26, 2022. 7:30- 9:30pm, Foothill Center

  1. Call to Order-President Bob welcomed 32 members and guests in the audience to the meeting, calling it
    to order at 7:35pm. All Board Members were present including: President – Bob Bogdanoff, VP Social –
    Bernice Capitano, VP Membership & Website – Jim Beyer, Treasurer – Gordon Carbonetti, Secretary –
    Cheryl Allmen, and VP Hiking & Trails – Gary Lohr.
  2. Reports:
    VP Membership & Website – Jim welcomed several guests and announced that our current
    membership is 318 villagers. He announced that 2 members have moved away and 4 new
    members joined in the last month including: Stephanie Torres, James Halliwell, Grace Schultz,
    and Norma Brown.
    Related to our membership breakdowns, he indicated there is a greater number of female club
    members and then outlined the timeframe length of membership as follows: 0-1 year club
    members= 70 people; 1- year members=14; 2-5 years= 79; 5 years=88; 10 years=5, and 20
    years=11 individuals. On the screen he showcased a minor change to our club membership
    application form which includes an addition of a couple of more mature characters.
    Secretary–Cheryl thanked Gordon for serving as her substitute while she was vacationing by
    recording the August General Meeting which allowed her to write up the minutes. She then
    announced copies of the minutes were located in the back table for review along with minutes
    of the September Board Meeting. She next emphasized to the membership that volunteering is
    how the Hiking Club members support each other and encouraged other members to be willing
    to lead more hikes and additional volunteers to support many of our activities and socials. With
    copies of August General Meeting minutes on the back table for review, a motion was made by
    Lucy McProud and seconded by Stephanie Bogdanoff to accept minutes from August 29, 2022
    General Meeting. Motion approved.
    Treasurer – Gordon shared that the Hill Lands Project Fund remained unchanged and is
    currently $2,215.89. The new balance of our General Fund as of August 31, 2020 is $5,558.95
    since 4 new members joined the club and we received a reimbursement check from the Villages.
    Al Girolami motioned to approve the treasurer’s August financial reports, seconded by Stephanie
    Bogdanoff. Motion approved.
    VP Hiking & Trails—Gary reminded the membership to check out the upcoming hikes available
    on our website and also from emails from Jim. Related to the Cambria Outing, Bob indicated
    that presently, 38 members have signed up and arranged for lodging at the Blue Bird. In front of
    the inn we’ll have a reception beginning at 4pm on Tuesday. Gary and Bob had checked out the
    various hikes ahead of time. Three hikes will be lead on Wednesday-Rambler Lite by Lucy,

Rambler by Gary and Long Hikes by Bob. 5pm Dinner will be held at Linn’s of Cambria at a cost
of $48/person billed to member’s residence account. Alcoholic drinks and dessert are also
available payable by members wishing additional items. There’s also a gift shop available at the
restaurant for jams, syrups and other local Cambria item. Thursday is on your own with
reservations available for Hearst Castle and Lighthouse Tour. Viewing the nearby elephant seals
is also suggested. President indicated that an up-to-date trip outing email will be sent to those
outing-registered members by Tuesday, September 27, 2022.
VP Social—Bernice thanked Sandy, Bob and JoAnn for the evening refreshments cookies. She
reported the September Potluck at the Gazebo was a grand success with 40 individuals in
attendance and beautiful music by Ed Knott. She thanked a large number of volunteers who
helped with set up, clean up, ice pickup, name tags, games, umbrella, serving. Etc. It was great
weather and a wonderful time was had by all. Bernice also shared the 4 more 2022 events
planned with more details to come including: November 10-Game Night, November 28-Hidden
Paths Walk, December 2-Holiday Party and December 22-Holiday Evening Lights Walk.
President – Bob indicated the next General Meeting will include presentations by Al Girolami
on October 31, 2022: “Iwo Jima”. On November 28, 2022, Wate Bakker will lead the 2023
Club elections with 5 current officers willing to continue and seeking 1.5 board members. He
also indicated he will be soliciting additional speakers for next year’s meetings and the 2023
Calendar of room reservations have been submitted to the Villages and awaiting it confirmation.
Break of 15 minutes was announced at 8:05pm along with thanks to those bringing snacks as
refreshments, organized by Susan Brown.
Speaker and Presentation : “First-Aid for Hiking & Walking”, Matt Kelly, VP Lionheart Safety
LLC, with 22 years of experience, also SJFD Fire Captain and Hazardous Materials Specialist, EMT
& Fire Academy Liaison. The idea of this type of presentation at a General Hiking Club meeting
first came from a Saturday morning hike with his mother, Magnoli Kelly, as well as our
President’s last first aid training occurring in his 1960’s Boy Scouts timeframe. Additionally,
because hiking and walking trips has a higher risk of falls, sprains, strains, sore knees & ankles,
heat exhaustion, poison oak, ticks, animal encounters & medical emergencies, it’s critical the
Villages trail/walking leaders, sweepers and hikers/walkers are acquainted with how to respond
and help someone with an injury while on a hike or walk. Matt gave out lots of first aide items
to the members and described in detail how to respond to a broad number of potential injuries.
3. Adjournment. After the conclusion and questions and answers of the First Aid presentation, the
meeting was adjourned at 9:30pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Cheryl Allmen
Cheryl Allmen Secretary

Hiking Club – The Villages Golf & Country Club 

General Fund – Financial Report 

September 2022

September 1, 2022 Beginning Book Balance: $ 5,658.95 


 New Member Dues – Norma Brown $ 7.00  New Member Dues – Stephanie Torres & James Halliwell $ 14.00  New Member Dues – Greg Schultz $ 7.00 

Total Income: $ 28.00 


Ed Knott – End of Summer Pot Luck Entertainment $ (125.00) Total Expenses: $ (125.00) 

September 30, 2022 Ending Book Balance:  $5561.95

Submitted by: 

Gordon Carbonetti 


Hiking Club – The Villages Golf & Country Club 

Hill Lands Project Fund – Financial Report 

September 2022

September 1, 2022 Beginning Book Balance: $2,215.89 


$ – 

Total Income: $ – Expenses: $ – Total Expenses: $ – September 30, 2022 Ending Book Balance: $2,215.89 

Submitted by: 

Gordon Carbonetti 



General Meeting Minutes 27-June-2022

Villages Hiking Club GENERAL Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 27, 2022- 7:30pm, Foothill Center

Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by President, Bob Bogdanoff, at 7:33pm with the following
Board members in attendance: VP Membership & Website – Jim Beyer; Secretary – Cheryl Allmen VP
Hiking and Trails – Gary Lohr. Member attendance 46 individuals.
Due to work and health issues, Social – Bernice Capitano and Treasurer – Gordon Carbonetti were
unable to be in attendance but their reports were delivered by the president.
VP Membership & Website – Jim welcomed 2 visitors: Elfriede Kamrar and Hedy Holand to the
meeting. He also indicated that 7 new members have joined the Club: Terry Homand, Kris Carlsen, Al
Lopez, Jim Ware, Marjorie Siegel, Debbie Keys, and Tim Keys, totaling 311 members. A sympathy card
and $50 donation has been sent to the family of member, Cookie Hunley, who passed away. Jim also
shared that progress to update the Club’s website continues very well. He also mentioned that release
forms will be available for non-resident guests accompanying our Hiking Club outings and hikes.
Secretary – Cheryl indicated the 4/25/22 General Meeting Minutes are available at the back table and
have been added to the Club’s website. Motion to accept minutes from April 25, 2022 General Meeting
was given by Lucy McProud and Seconded by Stephanie Bogdanoff, Motion passed.
Treasurer – by President Bogdanoff for Gordon showcased the April and May 2022 budget reports on
the white board. Ending Financials: General Fund-April 2022: $5,645.96; May 2022: $4,057.89; and,
May 2022 Hill Lands Project: $2,325.89 . Motion for all three financial reports passed by the
VP Hiking & Trails – Gary shared that the proposal for the fall outing is Cambria, California coastal town,
for October 25-27, 2022 and is being researched with support by a committee. Cambria features a
Scarecrow festival with many businesses participating. Several members will check out the different
trails in Cambria and additional information will be available soon.
VP Social – by the President for Bernice reminded the Group of the upcoming Hiking BBQ scheduled for
July 9 th and coordinated by Wendy Ledamun with 60 members already signed up. Members attending
the May Chico Outing enjoyed it and would expect the May 5th dinner cost on their HOA report.
President – Bob shared that the Last Saturday of the month hike with Russ Glines ended up around
12:30pm with hiking and member visitors enjoying their lunches and snacks. He also met and
communicated with Kings Grading team members, the Villages Hill land maintenance representatives,
and several Club members regarding connecting Skyway to Joe Marsh trails, cleaning up several trails
and ensuring improved vehicle hill access in case of emergencies and firebreaks providing road/trail
maintenance for hikers and firefighter access. There also was a temporary relocation of our mailbox to

support the trail improvements. Garden steps replacement and upper Meadow trail projects
replacement is in process of review for City permits.
Next General Meeting is scheduled for Monday August 29th with the presentation to be given by book
author, Annette Mach, on The Villages History. There is no July meeting.
Presentation: After a brief snack break, the speaker on “Circumambulating the Annapurna Mountain in
Nepal” was given by Franz Spickhoff supported by Helga with beautiful photographs of the multiple
times he had hiked the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal after it opened to the public

Meeting was adjourned 8:55pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Cheryl Allmen
Cheryl Allmen Secretary

General Meeting Minutes 28-Mar-2022

                                         Villages Hiking Club General Meeting Minutes

                                              Monday, March 28, 2022, Foothill Center

  1. Call to Order: Bob Bogdanoff called the meeting to order at 7:33pm and introduced all the attending Board Members including:  VP Social – Bernice Capitano, VP Membership & Website – Jim Beyer, Treasurer – Gordon Carbonetti, Secretary – Cheryl Allmen, VP Hiking & Trails – Gary Lohr and himself as President – Bob Bogdanoff.  38 members were in attendance.


  1. Reports:

*VP Membership & WebsiteJim indicated he has been updating our website and recently added photos which included pictures of many volunteers who helped improving the trails from the Saturday March 26, 2022 Club’s Trail Maintenance Day.  He also announced that the membership is now 306 individuals including three new members:  Qi Huang, Pat Hubbard, and Carol Jacobsen.  Terry Homand was also welcomed as a guest attending her first Club meeting.


*SecretaryCheryl shared that copies of the February 28, 2022 Club General Meeting Minutes and the March 24, 2022 Hiking Club Board Meeting Minutes were available for review at the back table.  She reminded the membership to visit the Club’s website frequently which includes hikes, events, activities along with the Club’s Board and General Meeting minutes and is consistently updated well by Jim.  Lucy McProud moved to accept both minutes, seconded by Mary Stradner, motion passed.


 *Treasurer – Gordon invited members to notify him or other Board members if a member has health, grief or other issues.  On behalf of the Sunshine Committee, Terri Vivoli will make and send a caring, supportive card from the Club.  He next shared screen shots of the General Club Financial Report indicating expenses and payments totaling a balance of $ $5,825.19.  The Hills Financial Report received a transfer of $500 from the General Funds totaling a Hills balance of $2,215.89.  Bob moved to accept the February Financial Reports and was seconded, motion passed.

*VP Hiking & Trails – Gary thanked approximately 30 individuals who volunteered at the Saturday, March 26, 2022 Trail Maintenance Day and were given a delicious lunch served at the Foothill Center.  He indicated Dan Kato, chairperson of the project, did a terrific job planning, organizing and managing it which ended up successfully maintaining 5 different hill sites.  Volunteers were provided rides up and down the hills to their assigned area.   The last downhill mule ride returned a total of 7 workers ready to join other volunteers in celebrating completion of the trail maintenance.


Gary also asked members for feedback on Rambler hikes related to locations, timing, possible modifications and whether distances of 3-4 miles were preferred.  He also announced the Club could benefit by adding a few new leaders and to contact him for additional information.   He also reminded leaders to contact Jim Beyer weeks in advance of a hike.   Jim will send publicity emails to the members for upcoming Rambler, Rambler Lite and Long Hikes and feature announcements in The Villager.


*VP Social – Bernice indicated we’d had a great turnout of 25 individuals who enjoyed the Club’s Game Night on Thursday, March 10, 2022 at the Foothill Center after 2 years of Covid regulations limiting public activities.   Refreshments and beverages were thoroughly enjoyed by all.    Bernice next thanked Rose Eagan, Loretta Carbonetti, Deb Siedband, Lucy McProud and daughter Stephanie for helping out with the lunches at the Trail Maintenance Day.    She also announced that our next social, Variety Night, is on Thursday, May 12, 2022 and recommended thinking about talents you’d like to share with the audience.  She encouraged members to announce this fun-filled opportunity to other clubs and talented individuals who would be interested in performing that night.  Publicity will be announcing this event soon.

She mentioned more help is needed to support refreshments availability and coffee, tea beverage preparation at our Club events and asked members to contact her, signup on the sheet on back table or stop by the Club mail box in Cribari and leave a message.

*President – Bob gave an update on our upcoming May 4-6 Chico Hiking Club Trip indicating an announcement is already in The Villager and additionally, Jim has sent out an email to members describing the registration process and description of the outing. So far 17 rooms have been booked with close to 30 people planning to attend.  He indicated Spring Outing fliers are available for pickup at the back table before leaving the meeting explaining the 2 step process. This includes #1:   Register for lodging with the hotel.   Members are encouraged to take advantage of the discounted Oxford reservation rates of $125 a king and $135 for 2 queens per room per night by April 4, 2022 by calling the hotel or contacting Bob for assistance with the registration.  #2:   Next, book your participation online with the Hiking Club which develops a contact list that will be given to the members attending to help them arrange for carpooling and support communications during the outing.  The outing includes a private room Cinco De Mayo dinner at the Tres Hombres restaurant on the evening of May 5th for $48 to be billed to your residence.  Alcoholic beverages are available at an extra cost.  Contact Gary, Bernice and Bob if you wish additional information on this outing.

  1. Future Meetings. Bob also reminded the members that the next Club General Meetings are:
    • Monday April 25 – RV Road Trip thru the American South – Jim Koski (professional photographer)
    • No Meeting in May 2022
    • Monday June 27 –Circumambulating Nepal’s Annapurna Mtns – Frans Spickhof


  • Next Club Board Meeting is Thursday, April 21, 2022 at 9:30am-10:30am, Forum in Cribari.


Before taking a 10 minute refreshment break, Bob announced that Water Bakker was celebrating one of his senior birthdays with us and to enjoy the cookies and beverages.


  1. Presentation. Russ Glines was welcomed for the evening’s program on Hill Land Animals.  Russ has taken over 5,000 photographs of animals he has located in the hills in the upper mountains of the Villages and reduced it to 250 for tonight’s presentation using new software by Microsoft, Sway.  He shared a multitude of day and night photos of bobcats, cattle, badgers, mountain lions, foxes, skunks, birds, and snakes etc. indicating how he located them, how they were often hidden in nature, how some followed him, the timing of the photos and examples of animal tracks and prints .  Presentation was thoroughly enjoyed by the members.


  1. Adjournment. At the conclusion of Russ’s program, Bob adjourned the meeting at 9:16pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Cheryl Allmen


Cheryl Allmen, Secretary



Hiking Club – The Villages Golf & Country Club
General Fund – Financial Report
March 2022

March 1, 2022   Beginning Book Balance:          $  5,825.19

New Member Dues – Paul Magruder                 $         7.00
New Member Dues – Anne Brewer                    $         7.00
New Member Dues – Qi Huang                          $         7.00
New Member Dues – Carol Jacobsen                $         7.00
New Member Dues – Patricia Hubbard              $         7.00
Total Income:                                                       $       35.00

Expenses:                                                            $.             0
Total Expenses:                                                   $              0

March 31, 2022  Ending Book Balance:               $  5,860.19


Hiking Club – The Villages Golf & Country Club
Hill Lands Project Fund – Financial Report
March 2022

March 1, 2022   Beginning Book Balance:  $  2,215.89

Income:                                                       $               0
Total Income:                                              $               0

Expenses:                                                   $               0
Total Expenses:                                          $               0

March 31, 2022  Ending Book Balance:      $  2,215.89


General Meeting Minutes 28-Feb-2022

                                           Villages Hiking Club – General Meeting Minutes

                                                 Monday, Feb 28, 2022, Foothill Center

  1. Call to Order-At 7:33pm, Bob Bogdanoff called the meeting to order, welcomed 23 attendees and announced the attending Board members:  VP Social – Bernice Capitano, VP Membership & Website – Jim Beyer, Treasurer – Gordon Carbonetti, Secretary – Cheryl Allmen, and, VP Hiking & Trails – Gary Lohr.
  1. Reports:  

Secretary – Cheryl Allmen announced that Minutes from the previous January 31, 2022 General Club Meeting Minutes were posted on the Club website along with the January and February 2022 Hiking Club Board Meetings Minutes.  Also, printed copies were on the back table for reviewMotion by Michelle Breslin and seconded by Gordon Carbonetti to approve the January Hiking Club General Meeting Minutes was passed and approved.

 Treasurer – Gordon Carbonetti shared screen shots of the January 2022 Hills and General Club Financial Reports on the white board indicating no expenses or payments occurred on the Hills Report for a balance of $1,715.89. Its February report will include an additional deposit of $500.00 from the General Hiking Club account. As of the end of January 2022, the General Club account features no expenses and has a current balance of $6,528.59 and includes 2 additions:

#1   $3,231.59 accounts for $ 2,065.00 in paid member dues plus an additional $7 in dues payment, and

#2   $1,225.00 forwarded from the Villages for the October Pismo Outings Trip.  Motion by Al Girolami and seconded by Mary Stradner to accept these financial reports was approved.  Attachment A

Sunshine committee-Gordon reminded the members that Terri Vivoli is in charge of forwarding encouraging cards and well wishes to members in need of support during health and crisis times. Members were encouraged to notify either President Bob or Gordon of any members needing such support.  Sandy and John were recently sent condolences on the passing of her mother.

VP Membership & Website – Jim announced three new members have joined the Club:  Ahmed Khan and John/Deana Kitajima.  Membership now totals 301 current members.  He also indicated that he has been in the process of developing a new, more enhanced and robust website and encourages the membership to check it out.

VP Hiking & Trails – Gary encouraged hikers to review The Villager Newspaper for information and calendar on upcoming Rambler, Rambler Lite and Long Hikes and to review the website with leading tips for new hike leaders as the Club would benefit for increasing the number of new hike leaders with possibilities of hikes offered on additional days beyond the Monday, Wednesday and Saturday hikes already offered.  A variety of hikes have been explored already for the upcoming Chico outing scheduled in May.

Related to the Trail Maintenance Day, scheduled for Saturday March 26, Dan Kato indicated it will begin at the Foothill Center at 8:30am. All volunteers will be given a map of a section needing maintenance and will lead up to the upper hill trails in small groups by drivers.  Tools will be provided and volunteers are recommended to wear sturdy shoes and bring gloves.  All volunteers will come back with a lunch available at Foothill.

VP Social – Bernice, in addition to the lunch provided at the Trail Maintenance Day, reminded the members of the upcoming fun-filled Game Night, on Thursday, March 10, 2022 beginning at 6pm at the Foothill Center.  It will include snacks and beverages to enjoy.  This week’s Villager will remind everyone to bring their favorite game along.  She also encouraged more members to volunteer to help at our social events and meetings by signing up on the sheets in the back of the room.

President– Bob thanked the members for completing the survey and indicated he created a summary of the survey results which was emailed to all members.  The Board members are following up on some of the recommendations including offering training to new hike leaders,  giving potential orientations to new members, and offering both spring and fall outings.

He also indicated the Chico Spring Outing scheduled for May 4, 5 and 6th information was emailed out to the membership on Saturday, February 26th in addition to reminders in the near future in The Villager.  The Outing will include a manager’s reception, a  Cinco De Mayo dinner at the Tres Hombres (at a cost of $48 charged to your Village’s house number) with shuttle service, breakfasts, and a conference room update on things to do in the area and more info on the Rambler, Rambler Lite and Long Hikes options.  Members are encouraged to make their Oxford Suites hotel reservation ($125-135/per room) before April 4th and then to follow up with registering with the Hiking Club to complete the attendee list and help members in arranging car pools. Attachment B

Bob also reminded the members that the next Club General Meetings are:

  • Monday March 28 – Hill Land Animals – Russ Glines
  • Monday April 25 – RV Road Trip thru the American South – Jim Koski (professional photographer)

Next Club Board Meeting:  Thursday, March 24, 9:30a-10:30am, Forum in Cribari.


  1. Program-The business portion of the meeting concluded and a refreshment break was given       before an outstanding Road Scholar Discussion provided by panelists Dan Kato, Gigi Clarke,  Mary Stradner, and President Bob (a substitute for Maria Montiel who had a “last minute cancel” and had provided a good overview of her hiking experiences.)  They encountered numerous awesome hikes and really appreciated the hiking adventures offered by Road Scholar.
  2. Meeting concluded around 9pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Allmen

Cheryl A. Allmen, Secretary










Attachment A 

Hiking Club – The Villages Golf & Country Club
General Fund – Financial Report
February 1, 2022        Beginning Book Balance: $6,528.59
  New Member Dues – Ahmed Khan $7.00
  New Member Dues – Deana & John Kitajima $14.00
Total Income: $21.00
  Chk# 1701: Dues Refund (Margaret Orandi) ($7.00)
  Chk# 1702: Dues Refund for house #’s 7213, 7240 (VGCC) ($14.00)
  Chk# 1703: Reimburse purchase of projector (Bob Bogdanoff) ($203.40)
  Transfer to Hill Lands acct per 2022 approved Budget ($500.00)
Total Expenses: ($724.40)
February 28, 2022       Ending Book Balance: $5,825.19
The Villages Hiking Club
Hill Lands Project Fund – Financial Report
January 1, 2022 Beginning Book Balance: $1,715.89
   Total Income:
   Total Expenses:
January 31, 2022        Ending Book Balance: $1,715.89
Submitted by:
Gordon Carbonetti




Submitted by: Gordon Carbonetti, treasure

 Attachment B

The Villages Hiking Club

Spring Outing to Chico

May 4, 5 & 6, 2022

On May 4th, our destination will be the Oxford Suites at 2035 Business Lane, Chico, CA:

  • We will be staying the nights of May 4th and 5th and departing Friday, May 6th.
  • The price is $125.00 per night for a King Suite or $135.00 for a 2 Queen Suite. The price includes a Manager’s Reception each evening (featuring appetizers and your choice of wine, beer, or soft drinks) and a hot breakfast each morning.
  • Reservations must be made by April 4, 2022.  Call 530-899-9090 to book your room. Mention you are with the Villages Hiking Club to get this special price.
  • Alternately, you can book online with the following link:  
  • A fun driving stop on the way to Chico is Granzellas restaurant for lunch or snacks. It’s just off Interstate 5 in Williams, CA.  Check it out at
  • Also, from Granzellas, it is a 20-minute drive up to the Sacramento Wildlife Refuge (, another interesting stop on the way to Chico.

After making your hotel reservations, please click on the following link:  

  • This will register your participation on this Hiking Club outing, along with others staying with you.  
  • A contact list will be distributed to all registered attendees after April 4th.
  • People are responsible for their own transportation to Chico, and may want to consider carpooling.

After the Manager’s Reception the first evening (May 4th), we will all meet in the hotel conference room to give everyone the details of the hikes planned for the following day and a list of other options of things to do and see in the area.

  • Long, Rambler & Rambler-Lite hikes are planned in Bidwell Park on Thursday May 5th.
  • Bidwell Park encompasses 3,670 acres and is nearly 11 miles in length.

Thursday evening May 5th, we’ll have a group dinner at the following restaurant in downtown Chico:

  • Tres Hombres, 100 Broadway St., Chico. Free shuttle service is available from the hotel. The building housing the restaurant is the oldest existing structure in what is now downtown Chico, completed in 1861 by John Bidwell, the founder of the Chico.
  • We’ll dine in the Blue Agave private dining room for a Mexican, fajita buffet which includes vegetarian offerings and a dessert. Coincidentally, our dinner is planned on Cinco de Mayo (May 5th) so it will be another good reason to gather and celebrate.
  • To keep the cost down, you will need to pay for your own beer, wine, alcohol, soft drinks and coffee, but the room has a private bar to accommodate this.
  • The meal will be prepaid.  To ease the administrative process, a $48.00 per person charge will be made directly to your Villages monthly statement. This amount includes tax, tip, and private room charge.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Gary Lohr – VP Hiking & Trails 925-922-0217, Bernice Capitano – VP Social 408-425-2077 or Bob Bogdanoff – President 408-834-9657.

We look forward to seeing you in Chico.

The Hiking Club Board