6-26-23 Villages Hiking Club Minutes – General Meeting
Foothill Center
Call to Order -President Bob Bogdanoff called the meeting to order at 7:30pm with a total of
148 attendees. The following Board Members were present: President – Bob Bogdanoff; VPs
Social – Bibi Bruce & Carmel Smith; VP Membership/ Website – Jim Beyer; Treasurer – Gordon
Carbonetti; and, Secretary – Cheryl Allmen. VP Hiking Trails – John Petrin, absent/ vacation.
VP Membership/Website – Jim welcomed many guests and introduced new members
including David Cook, Bobby Farhat, Monona Tang, Bertram Tang, Cheri Reid, Barbara Kieker,
Irene Cheung, and Hanne Loiacono. He indicated the Club’s registration form is now on line
available on the Club’s website.
Secretary – Cheryl thanked Deb Siedband for filling in as secretary while she was on vacation.
Motion to accept minutes from the previous general meeting was moved by Lucy McProud and
seconded by Pam Siedband, motion carried.
Treasurer – Gordon shared the reports for the Club’s April & May 2023 financial statements.
The current General Fund Financial Report ends with a balance of $5,210.44 and the Hill Lands
Project Fund balance continues unchanged as $2,715.89. Gordon also indicated that the Club is
waiting for the fiscal statement from the Villages related to the Sonora trip. Motion to accept
April and May Financials was moved by Lucy McProud, seconded by Loretta Carbonetti, motion
VP Hiking & Trails – Bob reported for John who is vacationing. Relating to hikes, Katy Peretti is
organizing the 4th of July walks within The Villages and Al Girolami (209-531-6553) is leading
the Sixth of the Magnificent 7 hikes at Almaden/Quicksilver County Park with hikers meeting for
carpooling at the Bell in front of Cribari Center at 8:45am and leaving at 9.00am.
Additionally he indicated the Hiking Club Pt Reyes Fall trip is scheduled for October 10-12,
2023 at Tomales Bay Resort, approximately 110mile drive. 20 rooms, a meeting room and a
$1200 discount are included on the Resort contract. Further research will be conducted to locate
the various hikes, member’s instructions for arranging their room reservations (charging
members in advance) will be coming soon and a restaurant for the October 11th evening will be
VP Social – Bibi and Carmel announced the cancelation of the July 8th Summer BBQ and shared
more information about the September 21 Club Picnic will be advertised soon.
President – Bob informed the membership that the Hiking Club Board formally appointed
Michelle Breslin as HC Representation for Cow Grazing. Michelle informed those in attendance
of the 4 options being considered involving the cattle and the Villages relevant to the safety of
the Villages, cattle grazing scheduling and potential fire prevention plans. Meetings involving
one of the ranchers, Richie Vargas and scheduling of the cattle grazing on the hill are being
conducted. . Michelle indicated she’ll keep the Board apprised of the progress and what will be
done to improve safety and fire prevention.
Related to Lands Maintenance and the mountain hiking trails, Tom Muniz announced that
morning that the annual maintenance is in process and mowing the roads and weed whacking
trails is occurring. Downed trees are being hauling away is also in process. Communications
with the city focused on garden step replacement and rerouting Upper Meadow trail is
resubmitted. New removal of dead eucalyptus trees in picnic area and old water tank above
Upper Gardens is on the schedule.
General Meeting Speakers were next announced: July – No meeting; August– Sustainable
Lifestyle – Whole Food Plant Based Diet – Global Village Club – Mary Mackey.
Break – 15 minutes was given for conversations and snacks.
Presentation – Annette Mach shared beautiful slides and gave many wonderful examples of the
past History of The Villages and answered questions raised by the audience.
General meeting was adjourned at 9:15pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl Allmen
Cheryl Allmen, Secretary