Villages Hiking Club GENERAL Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 27, 2022- 7:30pm, Foothill Center
Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by President, Bob Bogdanoff, at 7:33pm with the following
Board members in attendance: VP Membership & Website – Jim Beyer; Secretary – Cheryl Allmen VP
Hiking and Trails – Gary Lohr. Member attendance 46 individuals.
Due to work and health issues, Social – Bernice Capitano and Treasurer – Gordon Carbonetti were
unable to be in attendance but their reports were delivered by the president.
VP Membership & Website – Jim welcomed 2 visitors: Elfriede Kamrar and Hedy Holand to the
meeting. He also indicated that 7 new members have joined the Club: Terry Homand, Kris Carlsen, Al
Lopez, Jim Ware, Marjorie Siegel, Debbie Keys, and Tim Keys, totaling 311 members. A sympathy card
and $50 donation has been sent to the family of member, Cookie Hunley, who passed away. Jim also
shared that progress to update the Club’s website continues very well. He also mentioned that release
forms will be available for non-resident guests accompanying our Hiking Club outings and hikes.
Secretary – Cheryl indicated the 4/25/22 General Meeting Minutes are available at the back table and
have been added to the Club’s website. Motion to accept minutes from April 25, 2022 General Meeting
was given by Lucy McProud and Seconded by Stephanie Bogdanoff, Motion passed.
Treasurer – by President Bogdanoff for Gordon showcased the April and May 2022 budget reports on
the white board. Ending Financials: General Fund-April 2022: $5,645.96; May 2022: $4,057.89; and,
May 2022 Hill Lands Project: $2,325.89 . Motion for all three financial reports passed by the
VP Hiking & Trails – Gary shared that the proposal for the fall outing is Cambria, California coastal town,
for October 25-27, 2022 and is being researched with support by a committee. Cambria features a
Scarecrow festival with many businesses participating. Several members will check out the different
trails in Cambria and additional information will be available soon.
VP Social – by the President for Bernice reminded the Group of the upcoming Hiking BBQ scheduled for
July 9 th and coordinated by Wendy Ledamun with 60 members already signed up. Members attending
the May Chico Outing enjoyed it and would expect the May 5th dinner cost on their HOA report.
President – Bob shared that the Last Saturday of the month hike with Russ Glines ended up around
12:30pm with hiking and member visitors enjoying their lunches and snacks. He also met and
communicated with Kings Grading team members, the Villages Hill land maintenance representatives,
and several Club members regarding connecting Skyway to Joe Marsh trails, cleaning up several trails
and ensuring improved vehicle hill access in case of emergencies and firebreaks providing road/trail
maintenance for hikers and firefighter access. There also was a temporary relocation of our mailbox to
support the trail improvements. Garden steps replacement and upper Meadow trail projects
replacement is in process of review for City permits.
Next General Meeting is scheduled for Monday August 29th with the presentation to be given by book
author, Annette Mach, on The Villages History. There is no July meeting.
Presentation: After a brief snack break, the speaker on “Circumambulating the Annapurna Mountain in
Nepal” was given by Franz Spickhoff supported by Helga with beautiful photographs of the multiple
times he had hiked the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal after it opened to the public
Meeting was adjourned 8:55pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cheryl Allmen
Cheryl Allmen Secretary