Villages Hiking Club – General Membership Meeting
Called to Order: 7:40pm by President Al Girolami
Attending Board Members:
President – Al Girolami
VP Trails – Faye Swanson
VP Social – Michelle Breslin
VP Membership & Website – Jim Beyer
Treasurer – Sandy Petrin
Also attending was Deb Siedband as Secretary.
Excused Absence: Gordon Carbonetti
Secretary – DEB SIEDBAND pinch hitting for GORDON CARBONETTI
Al asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the June 28, 2021, General Membership Meeting. Deb Siedband made the motion, which was seconded by Sy Gelman, and the minutes were approved by the membership unanimously.
Treasurer – SANDY PETRIN
June 2021 Hiking Club General Fund
Beginning balance as of May 31, 2021 $6,185.15
Income – Membership Dues (Linda Dumont, Laurence & Arlene Versaw, $42.00
Patricia Norton, Judith McAlister, Margaret Orandi-Knop)
Balance $6,227.15
Expense – Chk#1677 Faye Swanson (Two Convertible Tables) ($457.78)
Ending balance as of June 30, 2021 $5,769.37
Note – Book balance is $6,227.15 as Ck#1677 is outstanding.
June 2021 Hiking Club Hill Lands Project Fund
Beginning balance as of May 31, 2021 $2,801.82
No Income and Expenses $0.00
Ending Balance as of June 30, 2021 $2,801.82
July 2021 Hiking Club General Fund
Beginning balance as of June 30, 20201 $5,769.37
Income – Membership Dues (Marge McCandless, Martin Funcell, $28.00
Carmel Smith, Kelly)
Income – Donation (Kelly) $3.00
Balance $5,800.37
Expenses –
Ck#1675 Michelle Breslin (Picnic supplies) ($848.15)
Ck#1678 Steve Siacotos (Picnic Entertainer) ($350.00)
Ending balance as of July 31, 2021. $4,602.22
July 2021 Hiking Club Hill Lands Project Fund
Beginning balance as of June 30, 2021 $2,801.82
No Income and Expenses $0.00
Ending Balance as of July 31, 2021. $2,801.82
Michelle Breslin made a motion to approve the preceding Financial Reports which was seconded by Laura, and was unanimously approved by the membership.
Al highlighted for the membership the Hiking Club’s (HC) purchase of two new convertible benches which were installed by Villages’ crews on Buffalo and Upper Meadow trails, and n now available for use by Hill Lands hikers.
Sunshine Committee – Sandy reported hand-painted cards by Terri Vivoli are going to Vera Girolami and Nancy Mosher-Williams. Both had recent surgeries. Plus, a farewell message goes to Nancy who is moving away from the Villages. Also, Bernie Loth’s daughter checked in to report he still struggles with stroke recovery and loves hearing from old friends. Sandy has Bernie’s email address for those members wishing to contact him. Al gave an update on Vera’s condition and advised she has just moved out of ICU.
VP Membership & Website – JIM BEYER
Jim reported the membership totaled 303, but one new member was just added so the current total is 304 members. He said there have been 23 new members added since May 2021.
Al pointed out that membership numbers matter. Large HC membership should help us get and retain the ear of the Villages Board as we strive to keep the Hill Lands safe and accessible to all Villages residents.
Al read the names of several new members, and asked them to stand for recognition and welcome.
Jim reminded members our HC website can be accessed via the Villages portal but is more easily found via the HC link found in all club communications.
Finally, Jim advised he received a new updated version of the Hill Lands Trail Map from John Trudeau, and he has added it to the website.
VP Hiking & Trails – FAYE SWANSON
Faye is pleased we are back to advertising and attend hikes, especially those off-campus.
She has added a new Rambler group, called the Walkers.
Hike leaders for long hikes are still being sought. The same valued hike leaders continue to lead, but she is asking more members to step up and volunteer as hike leaders, especially for longer hikes.
Faye advised that given the time lag in the publishing of the Villager, she feels the best way to stay abreast of upcoming hike information continues to be the HC website.
End-of-Summer Potluck Dinner – 5:30p Thursday, September 9, 2021: Michelle reported this is the next HC event and will be held at Gazebo Park. As Michelle will be out of town, she has arranged this event will be facilitated by Margaret Donohoe and Wendy Ledamun. Covid protocols will be followed. As in the past, food contributions are managed in an alphabetical system described in distributed emails and on the website.
Pismo Beach Trip – Tuesday, October 5 to Thursday, October 7, 2021: Michelle mentioned there are only 2 rooms left at the HC rate, but that rate ends Sept 1st. The Oxford Suites hotel has Wi-Fi, hot breakfast buffet, evening reception with beverages/appetizers, pool, jacuzzi and fitness center. The special dinner will be held at the “Cracked Crab”. Aside from the crab feast the restaurant is known for, dinner options will include salmon, chicken and pasta (as the vegetarian choice). An email will be sent out only to those signed up for the trip to make their entrée selections. Michelle also said there will be several hike options available for all hiker levels. Details are available from her as well as from Faye Swanson and Sandy Petrin. Finally, Michelle mentioned the availability of a half-day kayak tour which she experienced while in Pismo Beach researching the trip. She said this activity could be an option for Thursday, October 7th.
President’s Report
Al introduced that we have Villages Board approval for two projects the HC has recommended for a few years: 1) Re-routing of the Garden Steps Trail, and 2) New Upper Meadow Trail. It is hoped work can begin on these two projects around April 2022, after the rainy season. In response to a question, Al confirmed the Villages is funding these projects, not the HC. Al also said County guidelines of keeping trail grading to less than 15% will be followed.
Al said there is no response from the Villages Board for the following project. The HC has offered to purchase a picnic table, like the one between the tops of Skyway and Rawhide Trails. This table would be located at the NE corner of the Hill Lands.
Due to ongoing Covid concerns, the HC has been advised that the Villages Activities Office refuses to provide AV (Audio Visual) equipment or operators for our meetings. Al pointed out that John Trudeau brought his own equipment for tonight’s meeting, and thanks go out to John for this effort.
Liz Giarratana will be the featured speaker after tonight’s general membership meeting and she will speak and present photos of her trip to the US East Coast to hike portions of the Appalachian Trail.
Next Meetings
Board Meeting – Thursday, September 23, 2021, at 9:30am, in the Forum (Cribari) meeting room.
General Membership – Monday, September 27, 2021, at 7:30pm in the Foothill Center (please bring your mask). Program: Villager, Peter Holmes will talk about his favorite hobby of finding wild mushrooms.
Meeting Adjourned – The formal meeting ended at 8:05p, to resume with the featured speaker following a snack break outside. Cookies were provided by Susan Brown.
Respectfully submitted,
Gordon Carbonetti – Secretary, with invaluable assistance provided by Deb Siedband