General Membership Minutes 31-Jan-2022

Villages Hiking Club General Meeting Minutes 

  Thursday, January 31, 2022.  7:30pm, Foothill

  1. Call to Order/Announcements Bob Bogdanoff, newly-elected Club President, called the first 2022 Villages Hiking General Meeting to order at 7:32pm.  He acknowledged and thanked the 2021 Board Members for their dedicated service to the Club during the previous year.  Next, he introduced the newly-elected 2022 Board Members:  Himself, President – Bob Bogdanoff.   Vice President (VP) Social – Bernice Capitano.  VP Membership & Website – Jim Beyer.   Treasurer – Gordon Carbonetti.  And, Secretary – Cheryl Allmen.   He also acknowledged the VP of Hiking & Trails – Gary Lohr who was absent and plans to join us at our next general meetings. Membership attendance was 24 individuals.   


  1. Reports

a. Secretary – 2022 Secretary, Cheryl Allmen, indicated that a copy of the January 27, 2022 Hiking Club Board Meeting Minutes was available on the back table for review.  Previous 2021 Secretary, Gordon Carbonetti, also announced that copies of the November 2021 general meeting minutes were also available for review on the back table.    Additionally, a motion for acceptance of the November 2021 General Hiking Club Meeting Minutes, (last meeting of 2021) was made, seconded and passed by the members.


b. Treasurer – Gordon Carbonetti shared slides of the 4 financial reports and further explained each of the November and December, 2021 reports using the whiteboard and shared that copies were also on the back table for further review.  Current balances are $3,277.22 of the November 2021 Hiking Club report;   $1,715.89; 3,431.59 of the December 2021 Financial Reports; and $2,80l.82, Hill Lands Project Fund for both November and December 2021 reports. . It was moved and seconded to accept all 4 reports.  Motion was passed by the members. Lastly, he shared a list of the Club’s donations to 12 (park, outdoors and hiking related) organizations. 


c. VP Membership & Website – Jim Beyer shared that as a function of the annual billing process, 10 members dropped and reimbursements were made to those requesting to be dropped.   One new member, Hilary Nethers, was announced for a total membership of 301 members.  He also announced that he has updated the club’s application form and has new copies available in Cribari folder display and on the Hiking Club website.  

Related to the club’s website, Jim also shared that to date, he has already worked over 60 hours so far using WordPress to develop a potential replacement for our website making it more robust and showcased numerous examples to illustrate the enhancements including membership, minutes, photo albums from previous years, etc.  He indicated that several other Villages clubs are using WordPress for their website and share the cost. The Board agreed to allocate $120/per this first year to support this WordPress website cost.   

d. VP Hiking & Trails – Substituting for Gary Lohr, Bob shared the upcoming February hiking schedule describing the different types of hiking available including the numerous Villlages hills hiking trails, rambler, lite rambler, and longer hikes. Bonnie Preston indicated the rambler lite hikes have had 8-15 hikers and Cheryl Allmen shared that this week’s Monday am golf course hikers totaled 11 individuals appreciating the hike through the golf course various sections in the cool, foggy weather.   Susan Brown announced she’ll be leading the February 16th rambler hike going toward New Seasons with the opportunity to purchase coffee, other beverages and enjoy early am treats before returning to the Villages. 


e. VP Social – Bernice Capitano announced that although because of Covid regulations, the January soup social was canceled, we could look forward to our next club social, Game Night & Snacks, scheduled for March 10, 2022 which will feature non-alcoholic beverages and snacks set up by the Social group.   Members are asked to bring their favorite games to share.  Planned publicity will include two weeks advertising in The Villager newspaper plus announcements on our website.  She asked for volunteers to set up supplies for coffee and tea for meetings and also help with upcoming socials throughout the year. Susan Brown thanked Sandy & John Petrin and Gisela Pearson for supplying the evening’s cookies for our break.


f. President – Bob Bogdanoff indicated that there are many ways to find your niche via the Villages Hiking Club activities and hikes such as enjoying the newly installed table and bench added to our Villages mountain trail, checking out the new grading along the Meadow trail, and enjoying the many walkable paths especially on the north side of our trails, and looking forward to our overnight Spring 2022 Hiking Trip to Chico being planned.   

He announced we had purchased our own projector ($200) to enhance our presentations/meetings and has submitted recent articles to our weekly The Villager newspaper highlighting the addition of hiking table and bench additions to our trails.  Bob also announced speakers planned for upcoming general club meetings:  February-Panel on Road Scholars Hikes/Trips; March-Russ Glines – Animals in The Villages Hill Lands; April- Jim Koski (professional photographer) – 6 Month RV Road Trip Across SW America. 

Lastly he indicated that the Board will be meeting to review the submittals to our recent survey and highlighted a few details including comments from members including volunteering topics for presentations, appreciating the recent presentation on Mushrooms, enjoying the fall offsite hikes at Pismo Beach area, suggesting presentations on rescue dogs, hikes scheduled on additional days such as Tuesday and Thursdays, and hiking to view beautiful wildflowers our County. He indicated the Board will review the content from the survey results and report more of a summary of the recommendations that will enhance the Club’s offerings in the future. 


The business portion of the meeting was adjourned by our President around 8:15pm and refreshments were enjoyed by the members during the break.  


  1. Presentation. A wonderful and very informative presentation by Michelle Breslin  followed on the Grazing Proposal for our Villages Hills Area during which she highlighted fire prevention possibilities, past history of the area including the elk and antelope populating the local hills, animals such as cattle and goat grazing potential for our hills, soil and moisture options, possible neighboring ranch owner partnerships/agreements and maintaining the safety of our residences and the best condition, safety and enjoyment of our 547 acres of Villages property.  


  1. Closure. The meeting concluded at approximately 9:15pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Cheryl Allmen

Cheryl Allmen, Secretary 


General Membership Meeting 27-Jan-2020

Villages Hiking Club General Membership Meeting,
January 27, 2020

  1. Called to Order: 7:30pm at Foothill Center
  2. Attending:
    Executive Board Members Present: President: Al Girolami; VP Hiking &
    Trails: Faye Swanson; VP Social: Michelle Breslin; Treasurer: Rose Eagan;
    VP Membership & Communications: Jim Beyer; Acting Secretary: Deb
    Absent: Secretary: Cheryl Allmen
    General Attendance: 45
  3. Reports:
    President’s Report: Al welcomed all in attendance and introduced the new
    2020 Board members.
    Al announced a decision by the Board to take the month of July off with respect to a Hiking Club General Membership Meeting. The July Social will
    still be held, and hikes will continue through the summer.
    Paper copies of the current Treasurer’s Report and the last General Meeting
    minutes will be displayed at the back of the room at General meetings this
    A letter has been crafted to send to VGCC to reply to their “NO” vote on the
    Hiking Club’s Hill Lands Maintenance proposal. Our requests are more focused and specific.
    Al reported that Dan Kato will be the 2020 Chairman of our Hill Lands
    Maintenance Committee, and will represent the Club as liaison in discussions with VGCC.
    Other committee chairs include Terri Vivoli for Sunshine, Susan Brown for
    Snacks, and Russ Glines for Beverages.
    John Trudeau reported on the status of the Sign Project. The signs are finished, with 3 that need to be redone (due to manufacturer error). He thanked
    Al and Russ for their assistance. .
    Secretary’s Report: Minutes from the last meeting (November, 2019)
    were approved.

V.P. Hiking and Trails: Faye reported that this year’s Trail Maintenance
Day is scheduled for March 28. Details will follow as more information becomes available.
Hike leaders are always being sought. We can train & mentor people interested in leading. The possibility of sending additional emails with hike descriptions as a way to foster greater participation was discussed.
Treasurer’s Report:

BALANCE $4,232.58
12-10 Debit Card (Sprouts –Xmas Party) $64.04
12-11 “ “ (Luckys) – “ “ ) $95.52
12-12 “ “ (Costco – “ “ ) $1,071.25
12-12 “ “ (Target- “ “ ) $29.40
12-13 “ “ (New Leaf “ “ ) $23.90
12-17 Check 1642 (Bainbridge Hol Walk) $15.27

TOTAL EXPENSES * $1,299.38


Submitted by,
Al Girolami, Treasurer (2019)
* Not included is expected payment for Carmel Outing expenses of $326.15
and income of $50 of a yet to be deposited check from the Outing.
Also, income from Accounting for the Holiday Party is expected to be $2268.
Note: Bank Balance is $2,933.20 with no checks or debit changes outstanding.
INCOME: none
NOTE: Related to these Funds, the Evergreen Villages Foundation (EVF) also had $5,750 specifically allocated for “Hiking Club Trails” which represented donations by individuals (Hiking
Club members, Villagers, and even a non resident donor) due to a Fund Raiser a few years ago
for reconstruction of the Step Trail, installation of additional picnic tables, and replacing the trail
sign system. These funds, plus at least $4,000 of other EVF funds have been allocated towards
the nearly completed Trail Signage Project with the remaining cost to be paid by the Villages
Club. At years end, the work is almost complete with only a few signs left to be installed.
EVF also has recently approved $1,300 for improving the trail from Rawhide to the Upper Gardens.
V.P. Social: Michelle reported on the success of Trivia Night, and the Holiday Party. The annual Soup Supper & White Elephant Gift Exchange was
well attended (63 participants). Next year we will plan to have written
recipes next to each soup entry. Our next Social will be Game Night in
March. Kathryn Nymoen will be managing that. Details to follow.

Membership: Jim reports 294 members, as of today and has just received
one additional application, bringing the total to 295. Jim read his annual
breakdown of number of years that people have been members of the club.
0-1 yr 24 people
1-2 yrs 39
2-5 yrs 85
10 yrs 53
20 yrs 16

  1. Adjourned General Meeting: 7:45 for refreshments. Ret. LT. John Nores of
    the Dept. of Fish & Wildlife Marijuana Enforcement Team gave a presentation
    on the presence of illegal grow sites throughout our area, and efforts to locate
    and clear them, and prosecute those responsible.
  2. Next Meeting:
    February 24, 2020
    Respectfully submitted,
    Debbie Siedband, acting Secretary

General Membership Meeting 24-Feb-2020

                                                              VILLAGES HIKING CLUB

                                                            General Meeting Minutes


  1. Call to Order:  7:32 pm at Foothill Center.


  1. Executive Board Members Present: President Al Girolami, VP Trails Faye Swanson, VP Social Michelle Breslin, VP Members & Webmaster Jim Beyer,

Secretary Cheryl Allmen.                Absent:  Treasurer Rose Eagan.

General Attendance:  31


  1. President’s Report– Al Girolami welcomed all in attendance and introduced

the speaker for the evening, Eric Schmidt, President of the Portola Castle Rock Foundation.  Al next summarized the Board’s current actions:

  1. A letter from the Board to VGCC President Jan Thompson requesting future Trail work will be finalized and sent to him within the week.  The letter requests that the Board reconsider approving the $25,000 worth of maintenance previously voted on three years ago by the Club.  If this is not feasible, the Club requests proceeding in phases starting with the priority of upgrading the Garden Steps.


  1. Establishment of the Hill Lands Trail Maintenance Committee as a standing committee with the one year appointment of Dan Kato as the Chairperson, reporting to Faye Swanson, VP-Trails. His primary responsibilities will include:  organizing the Club’s annual March trail maintenance day; suggesting additional trail maintenance that becomes necessary throughout the year; and, communicating and coordinating with Villages Facilities to ensure the safety, usability and maintenance of the trails.

He also reminded the Club that the next Trail Maintenance Day is scheduled for      Saturday, March 28, 2020 beginning at 8:30am at the Foothill Center and to help by signing the signup sheet in the back of the room.  Also in the entrance in the back of the room for viewing are the Minutes of the previous general meeting and copies of the January Financials. He mentioned that Teri Vivoli, the new Sunshine Chairperson had sent cards to Treasurer Rose Eagan who had hip surgery and to Kellen Perry whose partner Christopher Logan Edwards (also a Club member) had recently passed away.  And, per our Club’s standing rules, he requested the Treasurer to forward a $50 donation in memory of Christopher to the Paralyzed Veterans of America.  Sy Gelman announced he is happy to continue to represent the Hiking Club at the Villages Orientations—such a great way to introduce new members to the Club!


Secretary’s Report – Cheryl Allmen thanked Debbie Siedband for taking the minutes of the last meeting.  Bonnie Preston with a second from Michelle Breslin moved that the January 27, 2020 General Meeting Minutes be approved.  Motion carried. 



Treasurers Report – substitute for Rose Eagan-Al Girolami

Due to Rose’s hospitalization, President Al invited members to review the report at the back of the room, indicating that in addition to the report, the current balance is now over $5,200.


VP Trails Report-Faye Swanson indicated that the Board approved the addition of a Rambler Lite group, an extension of the current Rambler group.  This group will meet the needs of hikers who wish a shorter, more leisurely distance of 2-3 miles. Bonnie Preston will head up the group and will provide Faye with the schedule and publicity for The Villager.  Copies of this proposal were in the back of the room for pickup.

Faye reminded members to sign up for the Trail Maintenance Day in the back of the room and then announced the details of the Club’s Spring Outing in Chico to be held April 21-23.  Approximate costs to be $119/double occupancy at the Oxford Suites per night with a dinner $40 tax/tip which includes 5 entre options. Cutoff date for room reservations is March 21st. There will be a variety of hikes at various levels to choose from including Higher Bidwell Park for regular hikers and Lower Bidwell Park for Ramblers, the latter of which runs through the middle of Chico.  More details will be sent out soon.  Lastly Faye announced that she plans to arrange a Coyote Ridge Hike located in South San Jose on Sunday March 15 to see the beautiful wildflowers at the peak of the season.   More details on signups will be available soon.


Membership Report – Jim Beyer announced the Club is now 297 members strong including three new members:  JianKang Zhang, Luong Hung and Teresa Hung.


VP Social – Michelle Breslin invited the members to attend the upcoming

March 12th Game Night which will begin with a potluck dinner followed by games brought by members.  Karan Foss will oversee and coordinate the event as Michelle will be out of town. Michelle indicated an email has been sent to the membership outlining more details and what dish to bring.


Hill Lands Signs Update – John Trudeau shared a slide presentation showcasing the progress of the new trail signs project, indicating that the installation is now 99.5% complete.  Unfortunately, due to a bordering fence gap, several signs were bent and damaged by cattle recently.  Fortunately the posts remained solid in the ground and held up well.  The tasks remaining are to ensure the fence break is repaired and secure, to mount and align several broken and missing signs and to connect with the rancher and cattle owner to possibly seek restitution.  He concluded with a chuckle: “keep the cattle out and we’re in good shape!”

Refreshments – Susan Brown thanked Russ Glines and John and Sandi Petrin for the evening’s beverages and cookies.


Program – Eric Schmidt presented an interesting and most informative slide show outlining the perks and beauty of hiking in the Portola Redwoods and Castle Rock Parks, both of which are approximately a 60 mile drive from the Villages.


Next Meeting – March 30, 2020 with Speaker Kiyomi Honda Yamamoto,

South Bay Regional Director of Greenbelt Alliance


The meeting adjourned at 8pm followed by refreshments, comradery and the evening’s presentation.


Respectfully submitted,


Cheryl Allmen



Notation:   Copies of the 1-27-20 Minutes and Treasurer’s Report were available for viewing at the Hiking Club General Meeting and a hard copy is kept by the Secretary with the Board minutes.

General Membership Meeting 11-Nov-2021

General Membership Minutes 11-Nov-2021


Villages Hiking Club – General Membership Meeting Minutes 29-Nov-2021


  1. Called to Order: 7:35pm by President Al Girolami at Foothill Center


  1. Attending Board Members:

President – Al Girolami                                   VP Social – Michelle Breslin

VP Membership & Website – Jim Beyer         Treasurer – Sandy Petrin

Secretary – Gordon Carbonetti                       Total Other Attendees – 23

Excused Absence – Dan Kato VP Hiking & Trails (volunteer temp)


  1. Reports

President’s Message – AL GIROLAMI

  • Al gave “Thanks” to the following Hiking Club volunteers for a variety of jobs well-done in 2021:

o   Current Board members

o   Russ Glines for leading the Sat & Wed Hill Hikes and providing coffee for meetings and other events.

o   Sy Gelman for leading Rambler hikes

o   Bonnie Preston for leading Rambler-Lite hikes

o   Terri Vivoli and Cheryl Allmen for leading Monday morning Golf Course walks, and again to Terri Vivoli, as part of the Sunshine Committee, for her hand-crafted, one-of-a-kind cards sent to members

o   Dan Kato for his chairmanship of the Hill Lands Standing Committee, and for stepping into the VP Trails role

o   Susan Brown for providing goodies at the general meetings

o   Peter Holmes for tracking and compiling the trail usage statistics

o   John Trudeau for use of his PA system for the general meetings

  • Al reminded the membership the club runs on volunteers. With annual dues of only $7 annual per member, support efforts from other members for all Hiking Club activities is important and welcomed.
  • He also gave thanks to the new Board members for volunteering their time and efforts for 2022.


  • Gordon presented the minutes for the October 25, 2021, General Membership Meeting.  A motion to approve the minutes was made by Deb Siedband with a second by Mary Stradner, and the motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer – SANDY PETRIN


October 2021 Hiking Club General Fund

Beginning balance as of September 30, 2021                                           $5,002.22


Income – Oct 21 Cash Donation from the long-hikers for Champagne at the Cracked Crab in honor of Faye Swanson                                                             $160.00


Expenses –

-Oct   6 Chk#1681 – Cracked Crab (dinner at Pismo Outing).            ($1,785.00)

-Oct 20 Chk#1682 – Evergreen Villages Foundation (in memory of Bob Hunley)


-Oct 20 Chk#1683 – National Parks Conservation Association (in honor of Faye Swanson)                                                                                                 ($50.00)

Ending balance as of October 31, 2021                                                    $3,277.22

Note: Bank Balance is $3,327.22 as Ck#1683 ($50.00) is outstanding


October 2021 Hiking Club Hill Lands Project Fund

Beginning balance as of September 30, 2021                                          $2,801.82

No Income and Expenses                                                                                $0.00

Ending Balance as of October 31, 2021                                                   $2,801.82


2021/2022 Donations Lists – For end-of-year donations in 2021, the Board decided to recommend adding a $100.00 donation to Big Basin (Mountain Parks Foundation – Big Basin Recovery Fund) for damage sustained in the fires of Summer 2021 and reducing the donation to Greenbelt Alliance (by $100.00) to $100.00.  The total of all year-end donations of $1,200.00 remains unchanged from previous years. The Board also recommended to carry over the same donations to 2022. The list of Donations planned in 2022 is attached to these minutes.

2022 Budget – The 2022 Hiking Club Budget remains the same as the 2021 budget except for the addition of a planned $500 contribution in 2022 to the Hill Lands Account. A copy of the 2022 budget is attached to these minutes.

  • The preceding Financial Reports was approved by a motion made by Michelle Breslin, and seconded by Johanna Bakker, and it passed unanimously.

Sunshine Committee – A nice thank-you card was received from Cookie Hunley for the condolence card (hand made by Terri Vivoli) the HC sent to her for the passing of her husband Bob Hunley. Sandy read a couple


VP Membership & Website – JIM BEYER

  • Jim reported we have two new members (Stephanie Bogdanoff and Richard Schram) and the total current membership now stands at 308
  • Jim also added the Hill Lands Grazing Report to the Hiking Club website for review.

VP Trails – AL GIROLAMI for Dan Kato (acting)

  • Al said there should now be a hike for everyone.  Hiking information is getting out to the membership by emails and via the weekly Villager newspaper.
  • The re-orientation of the Garden Steps project should be done in Spring 2022, and this will improve hiker safety and will also be good for horses.
  • The project to improve and re-orient the Upper Meadow Trail should also be completed in Spring 2022.
  • Finally, Al reported the large picnic table for the NE corner of the Hill Lands has been purchased and delivered.  VGCC will install the table shortly just SW of the new mailbox at Trail Post #50.  Cost of the table to the hiking club is approximately $1200 (to be paid from the Hill Lands account) with no charge for installation.



  • Michelle reported Game Night was held November 11, 2021, at Vineyard with about 15 attendees and with several desserts and hot beverages. Two very spirited games of “Sequence” took place followed by a challenging trivia test about National Parks.  A good time was had by all.
  • The annual Holiday Party will be held December 9, 2021 at the Cribari Auditorium. Current plans are for a lasagna/pasta dinner with salad and bread with the possibility of members bringing desserts to share.  Estimated cost is $25 per attendee.
  • Al Girolami reminded all about the annual New Year’s Day Hill Hike, which had a turnout at the top last year of about 40 people.
  • The Holiday Lights Walk will be scheduled for an evening in Mid-Dec, so stay tuned for further information.



  1. Slate of Officers for the 2022 Hiking Club Board

Slate of Officers – Al Girolami introduced each of the below members and their respective offices, and had them say a few words. Al also reminded all the members that many of these officers could use other volunteers to help with each and every Hiking Club activity and event, especially social events.

President – Bob Bogdanoff

Vice President for Hiking & Trails – Gary Lohr

Vice President for Socials – Bernice Capitano

Vice President for Membership and Communications – Jim Beyer

Treasurer – Gordon Carbonetti

Secretary – Cheryl Allmen

After the presentation of the slate of officers and Al’s request for any other interested parties, no other member stepped up to run against the above slate. So, there was a motion made by Sy Gelman to approve the above slate with a second by Kimberly Sandstrom, and the motion passed unanimously. Therefore, the slate of officers stated above was approved unanimously by the general membership and were congratulated by Al Girolami.


  1. Next Meetings
  • January General Membership – Monday, January 31, 2022, at 7:30pm in the Foothill Center (please bring your mask). Program: Michelle Breslin speaking about Grazing in The Villages Hill Lands.
  • January Board Meeting – Thursday, January 27, 2022, at 9:30am, in the Forum Room in Cribari.
  • February General Membership – Monday, February 28, 2022, at 7:30pm in the Foothill Center (please bring your mask). Program: TBA.
  • February Board Meeting – Thursday, February 24, 2022, at 9:30am, in the Forum Room in Cribari.


  1. Meeting Adjourned, Cookies and Program – The business meeting adjourned at 8:15p.  After a short break with cookies provided by Richard Schram and others, Al Girolami introduced Sara Barth, Executive Director of the Sempervirens Fund who gave a very informative talk on efforts to protect the California Redwood Trees in and around the Santa Cruz Mountains.


Respectfully submitted,


Gordon Carbonetti – Secretary

General Meeting Minutes 25-Oct-2021

 General Membership Meeting Minutes 25-Oct-2021


  1. Called to Order: 7:30pm by President Al Girolami in the Patio Room at Cribari


  1. Attending Board Members:

President – Al Girolami                                   VP Social – Michelle Breslin

VP Membership & Website – Jim Beyer         Treasurer – Sandy Petrin

Secretary – Gordon Carbonetti                       Total Other Attendees – 33

Excused Absence – Dan Kato VP Hiking & Trails (volunteer temp)


  1. Reports

President’ Message – AL GIROLAMI

  • Re-routing Trails Upper Meadow area and Garden Steps – We expect the work to start in the Spring 2022.  There is a possibility equipment can be brought in sooner than the Spring when the ground is softer, but we’ll have to see.
  • Cattle Grazing – Many experts say cattle grazing reduces fire danger in the hills.  Michelle Breslin is leading the HC grazing effort with assistance from Dan Kato and Bill Johnston. As the previous Villages Board rejected this idea two years ago, the idea is to re-energize this with the new Villages Board.  One proposal is considering grazing only for a few months of the year (perhaps during the slow hiking months) over a 5-year trial period.
  • Use of the Internet – All Board and General Membership meeting minutes, financial reports and other pertinent information are uploaded to the HC website.  Hard copies covering the previous month’s meeting are provided for review at the General Membership Meetings at the back of the room.
  • 2022 Budget, Donations at Yearend 2022 – The Board approved a slight change in the HC donations for 2022 compared to those approved for 2021.  A $100 donation was added to Big Basin due to their significant wildfire damage sustained recently, and a $100 reduction to the Greenbelt Alliance donation (now $100 after the change) with the resulting net total donation of $1200 unchanged.
  • Picnic Table at the NE corner of the Hill Lands – Al said the table will be ordered shortly by the VGCC.  The HC will pay for the table (approx. $1200), but the VGCC will install.
  • Need Volunteers – Al again asked for volunteers to take on the open Board positions – President, VP Social and VP Hiking & Trails.


  • Gordon presented the minutes for the September 27, 2021, General Membership Meeting.  A motion to approve the minutes was made by Deb Siedband with a second by Michelle Breslin, and the motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer – SANDY PETRIN


September 2021 Hiking Club General Fund


Beginning balance as of August 31, 2021                                                 $3,606.22


Income – Membership Dues (Terri Gavens, Kime Kim Tiger, Ling Yu)         $21.00

Income – Villages GCC (Summer Picnic proceeds)                                  $1,509.00


Expenses –

-Sept 22 ATM Withdrawal – Purchase gift cards for John Breslin and Alicia Finger for volunteering assistance with the Summer Picnic.                 ($100.00)


-Sept 22 – Bank charge for 3 books of new checks                                 ($34.00)


Ending balance as of September 30, 2021                                                 $5,002.22

Note: Bank Balance is $6,002.22 as Ck#1679 ($1,000) is outstanding

September 2021 Hiking Club Hill Lands Project Fund

Beginning balance as of August 31, 2021                                                 $2,801.82

No Income and Expenses                                                                                $0.00

Ending Balance as of September 30, 2021                                               $2,801.82


  • The preceding Financial Report was approved by a motion made by Johanna Bakkar, and seconded by Bonnie Preston, and it passed unanimously.

Sunshine Committee – The HC made $50 donations to the Evergreen Village Foundation (in memory of Bob Hunley) and to the National Parks Conservation Association (in honor of Faye Swanson), both as requested by each family. Terri Vivoli sent one of her hand-crafted cards with HC condolences to the family of Bob Hunley.


VP Membership & Website – JIM BEYER

  • Jim reported we have three new members (Joy Rem, John and Mary Bork) and the total current membership now stands at 306
  • Jim said he is leading the effort to publicize information for all the hikes and events in the Villager, and to the members via emails.
  • There will be a memorial hike (to the picnic area above the Upper Gardens) for Faye on Saturday, October 30, 2021, at 9a. There will also be a remembrance event for Faye at Foothill at 2p with cookies (provided by family) and coffee, with words from the family and other Villagers. Jim encouraged anyone to share their memories of Faye during this event.
  • Jim reminded all that the HC started in 1977, and if no one steps forward to be President for 2022, the HC will have to shut down per Villages rules.




  • Michelle said the Pismo Beach Outing turned out very well.
  • She just emailed out to all, information about Santa Teresa County Park Trail Day. It’s not a HC-sponsored event, but usually fun nonetheless.
  • Game Night will be added to the schedule on November 11, 2021 at Vineyard at 6p or 7p.  This event never made the planned 2021 schedule, but Michelle was able to add it. Her idea is to make it a simple evening event providing some snacks, desserts, and hot cider. Please bring board games and masks. There will also be a National Park Trivia Game at the end.
  • Hidden Paths Walk, Holiday Party, and Holliday Lights Walk and will be planned next.



  1. Next Meetings
  • November General Membership – Monday, November 29, 2021, at 7:30pm in the Foothill Center (please bring your mask). Program: Sempervirens (Sara Barth)
  • January General Membership – Monday, January 31, 2022, at 7:30pm in the Foothill Center (please bring your mask). Program: TBD.
  • January Board Meeting – Thursday, January 27, 2022, at 9:30am, in the Forum Room in Cribari.


  1. Meeting Adjourned, Cookies and Program – The business meeting adjourned at 7:55p.  After a short break with cookies provided by Manoli Kelly, Cheryl Allmen and Susan Brown, Al Girolami introduce John Trudeau who gave a very informative presentation on his hiking exploits in the Eastern Sierra of California.


Respectfully submitted,


Gordon Carbonetti – Secretary

General Membership Meeting – July 27, 2020

General Membership Meeting July 27, 2020

 Villages Hiking Club General Meeting Minutes

July 27, 2020, 4pm, via Zoom

The presentation, “Hiking in the Bay Area,” delivered by Kelly English and her colleague, Adam (both formerly with Backroads), preceded the general meeting and featured recommendations for preparation for hiking, food/clothing tips, items to include in the car while hiking and highlights of some interesting local hikes.  At the conclusion of their presentation, President Al Girolami began our first Zoom general meeting explaining the purpose of it was to bring the membership up-to-date on the progress the Board has made resulting from their last three board meetings.   All General Hiking Club meetings have been cancelled by the Villages since the start of the COVID-19 shelter-in-place protocols were put in place preventing greater-than-ten in-person meetings.

Board Members Present : Al Girolami, VP Trails Faye Swanson, VP Social Michelle Breslin, VP members & Webmaster Jim Beyer, Secretary Cheryl Allmen and Sandy Petrin.  Members present, 29.President’s Report:  Al summarized the following key action items submitted to the Villages Board for consideration at their upcoming August meeting:  1.  Improve the safety of the Garden Steps-Al along with Faye Swanson and Dan Kato met with representatives from King Grading and secured an estimate  of approximately $3,000 to complete the project which was included in the original $25,000 previously  allocated for trail projects by the Village’s Board.   2.  Add a mail box (which has been already donated) and sign in at the lower entrance to the Upper Garden to increase visibility to this trail and to encourage parking at the lower level.  And, 3.  Add 3’ x 5’ signs similar to those visible at ski resorts to identify “You are here” on the trail.  He concluded with encouraging members to join the August Villages Board meeting via Zoom to further emphasize the Club’s support of these priorities.

Hiking Trails- Faye Swanson. Faye indicated the following two Villages’ “unsanctioned hikes” are options available to members:  1.  Russ Glines, who is very knowledgeable and often spots interesting wildlife along the trail routes, hikes our mountain trails every Saturday and Wednesday.  He invites individuals to join him, adhering to the 6’ distancing and masking requirements.  Interested members are to meet at 8:30am at Foothill.  2. Twice a month unsanctioned Wednesday off –campus hikes are announced to our membership via email.

The next unsanctioned hike is scheduled for July 29, 2020 and involves driving independently per COVID-19 guidelines and meeting at Santa Teresa Park at 9am.  Lastly, she announced that eventually she hopes to schedule Saturday and Wednesday hikes again on a regular basis once the COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted.

Membership, Jim Beyer.   Our Club membership remains at 292 members.  The Club welcomes our newest members:   Bob Bogdanoff, Karen Hillis  and Bob McPeek. Three members have dropped due to their passing or relocating.  Al encouraged members to carry a downloaded copy of our Club Membership Application with them to give to non-members who might be interested in joining.

Treasurer’s Report, Sandy Petrin .  Our beginning balance was $6,535.06.  $50 Memorial checks were sent on behalf of former members, Terry Malloy and Lee Wade, to their organization of choice and a $35.00 check was delivered to reimburse Peter Holmes for duplication expenditures for the mailbox logs.

Final balance:  $6,413.84.  Hills Land account balance remains at $2,301.82.

Secretary, Cheryl Allmen.   Cheryl shared that Terry Vivoli, who oversees our Sunshine efforts, has been actively sending home-crafted cards to members who would benefit from some cheer.   Cheryl moved that the reading of the minutes of the last in-person general meeting of February 24, 2020 be waived and available for review upon request from the Secretary’s records. Michelle Breslin seconded.  Motion passed.

Social, Michelle Breslin.  Al thanked Michelle for arranging for today’s talk and sharing the creative hiking cocktail recipes.  Michelle announced 33 members attended the speaker’s presentation and 29remained for the general meeting The general meeting ended at 5pm with a passed motion made by Rich Bainbridge and seconded by John Petrin for concluding the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Allmen

Cheryl Allmen, Secretary

Attachments:  Financial Report. Hill Lands Fund Report.

General Membership Meeting 28-Sept-2020

General Membership Meeting, September 28, 2020

  1. Called to Order:

7:32pm by Al Girolami.  The business meeting was preceded by a presentation by Eric Schmidt, President of the Portola and Castle Rock Foundation. He spoke about hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, and gave tips on how to prepare for this trip and what to expect.

  1. Attending:

Executive Board Members Present

:  President: Al Girolami; VP Hiking & Trails: Faye Swanson; VP Social: Michelle Breslin; Treasurer: Sandy Petrin; VP Membership & Communications: Jim Beyer; Acting Secretary: Deb Siedband

Absent: Secretary: Cheryl Allmen

General Attendance:    30

  1. Reports:

President’s Report:

Al welcomed all in attendance, and gave an update on Secretary, Cheryl Allmen’s condition.  She is out of the hospital and is in room 3005 at Kaiser Foundation Rehabilitation Center at 975 Sereno Dr., Vallejo, CA 94589

Al asked anyone interested in being Secretary next year to contact him. Cheryl had previously indicated she would not be returning for a second year.  A slate of officers for 2021 is being completed and will be available to present to Membership at the October meeting

Al updated us on the 3 proposals we have before the VGCC Board

1.) Project to realign the Step Trail.  King Grading has told us it can be done for around $3,000.  Julia Meadows emailed a response to Al on Sept. 8 indicating our 3rd request is still awaiting review

2.) Installation of a mailbox with sign-in log at the cull de sac at the top of Valle Vista to gauge the number of people starting hikes from that point

3.) Install 3’ x 5’ signs with Trail maps similar to those used at ski resorts to indicate “You are here.”  The locations for these signs would be the circle at Valle Vista, the Upper Garden and the entrance to the Trails near the Stables.   Villages countered with a suggestion they be 2’ x 3’ instead.  We are agreeable, but it is still under review.  Michelle is looking into the cost, etc.  We have put up QR codes, containing the map of the entire Trail system in the interim, which can be downloaded to cell phones

New Business

Wate Bakker and Jim Koski recently brought to the attention of the Board a suggestion from Villager Bill Johnston that we reintroduce cattle grazing as a fire reduction measure in our Hill Lands.  Bill worked, as a young man, on several area ranches.  He knows ranchers and would be willing to help us in our  communications with the VGCC Board.  The rancher would be responsible for restoring springs, repairing troughs, etc.  The Hiking Club Board voted to endorse this project, and would like to introduce it to Members.  We will start with a simple email survey question to gauge interest.  Wate will present a letter to send to the VGCC Board, once we have the results of the survey

Secretary’s Report:

Wate Bakker made a motion that was seconded by Michelle Breslin to approve the July minutes.  Minutes were approved

V.P. Hiking and Trails:

Faye Swanson reported that official Club hikes are still prohibited due to Covid restrictions.  There have been some unofficial hikes to nearby parks where interested parties meet at the park for socially distanced walks

Hike leaders are always being sought, and we look forward to returning to hiking when it is ok to do so

The Spring outing to Chico that had been arranged will be offered as next Spring’s trip…if Covid restrictions are lifted by then

Treasurer’s Report:

Sandy Petrin reports the Beginning Book Balance for July was $6,413.84.  With income of $7 from a new membership, the Ending Book Balance was $6,420.84.  The Beginning Book Balance for August was $6,420.84. There were no expenses and no income.  Ending Book Balance was $6,420.84

The Hill Lands account remains at $2.301.82

Copies of the Treasurer’s Report are included as attachments

V.P. Social:

Michelle looks forward to the day when Socials can resume.

We have submitted our calendar request dates for meetings and social events to Villages for 2021.

V.P. Membership:

Jim Beyer reports we are down by 2 members to 289.

​Al urges us all to download & carry the form for membership, so that we can encourage newcomers we meet when hiking our Hill Lands to join the Club. We reminded members that pursuant to our standing rules, there is no membership fee for people who join the Club from October 1 through December 31

4.) Adjourned General Meeting: 9:00 pm.
5.) Next Meeting:

October 26, 2020. via Zoom.  Our Guest Speaker will be Marc Medeiros of Peninsula Open Space Trust.


Respectfully submitted,

Debbie Siedband, acting Secretary










BEGINNING BOOK BALANCE ON AUG. 31, 2020                                                             $ 6,420.84

INCOME:                                                                                                                                  $        0.00

BALANCE:                                                           $6,420.84


EXPENSES:  Safeway Flowers for Cheryl Allmen                                                 $   36.04

TOTAL EXPENSES:                                                                                                             $        36.04


ENDING BOOK BALANCE AS OF AUG. 31, 2020                                                         $   6,384.80


Note:  Bank Balance is $6,434.80 with check #1654 ($50.00 Vasona Creek Health

Care) yet to be cashed.

Submitted by,

Sandy Petrin





ENDING BOOK BALANCE AS OF Aug. 31, 2019                                                        $     2,301.82


NOTE: Related to these Funds, the Evergreen Villages Foundation (EVF) also had

$5,750 specifically allocated for “Hiking Club Trails” which represented donations by

individuals (Hiking Club members, Villagers, and even a non resident donor) due to

a Fund Raiser a few years ago for reconstruction of the Step Trail, installation of

additional picnic tables, and replacing the trail sign system. These funds, plus at least

$4,000 of other EVF funds have been allocated towards the nearly completed Trail

Signage Project with the remaining cost to be paid by the Villages Club. EVF also has

presently approved  $1,300 for improving the trail from Rawhide to the Upper


Submitted by,

Sandy Petrin,



Villages Hiking Club 2020 Donation List


Bay Area Ridge Trail Council                                                                                                          $100.00

California State Parks Foundation                                                                                                 $100.00

Greenbelt Alliance                                                                                                                         $200.00

Peninsula Open Space Trust                                                                                                          $200.00

Portola and Castle Rock Foundation                                                                                            $100.00

Santa Clara County Open Space Authority                                                                                  $100.00

Santa Clara County Parks and Rec. Dept.                                                                                   $100.00

Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society                                                                                          $100.00

Sempervirens Fund                                                                                                                     $100.00

The Pine Ridge Association                                                                                                       $100.00

TOTAL                                                                                                                                    $1,200.00

Membership Meeting Minutes – September 27, 2021

 Villages Hiking Club – General Membership Meeting Minutes 27-Sept-2021

Called to Order: 7:35pm by President Al Girolami at Foothill Center

Al began the meeting with a moment of silence for the passing of Faye Swanson – VP Trails.

Attending Board Members:

President – Al Girolami                                   VP Social – Michelle Breslin

VP Membership & Website – Jim Beyer         Treasurer – Sandy Petrin

VP Hiking & Trails – Open

Excused absence: Secretary – Gordon Carbonetti

Also attending – Deb Siedband as Secretary


Hill Lands Update – AL GIROLAMI

The Villages Board has approved projects to eliminate and redirect the Garden Steps trail, and to create additional work on the Meadow trail.

The Hiking Club (HC) has offered to put $1,000 toward the purchase of a new picnic table at the top of Meadow.  The Villages stated they would prefer to buy it themselves and have the HC contribute after purchase.

The HC did install a mailbox at the top of Meadow (at the NE corner of the Hill Lands property), and another mailbox at the entrance to the Joe March Trail.

These improvements have, in part, been made or proposed to increase use of the Northern trails in the Hill Lands.  Al reminded all that parking is available in the cul de sac at the top of Valle Vista, which can move traffic away from the small lot at the Upper Gardens.

One additional project the HC would like to see realized is the placement of 3ft by 5ft signs at trailheads like the “you are here” signs typically seen at ski resorts.

Secretary – Deb Siedband

Deb asked for approval of the August 30, 2021 General Membership Meeting Minutes. Judy Gergurich made the motion with a second from Cheryl Allmen.  And the motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer – SANDY PETRIN

August 2021 Hiking Club General Fund

Beginning balance as of July 31, 2021                                                      $4,602.22

Income – Membership Dues (Benjamin Friedlander, Jill Barber,                   $21.00

Judith Owen)

Expenses –

Ck#1679 8/7 Cracked Crab (Pismo Beach Outing Dinner)                ($1,000.00)

Ck#16808/23 Maria Montiel (picnic Refund for over-charge)                  ($17.00)

Ending balance as of August 31, 2021.                                                      $3,602.22

Note: Bank Balance is $4,606.22 as Ck#1679 is outstanding

August 2021 Hiking Club Hill Lands Project Fund

Beginning balance as of July 31, 2021                                                     $2,801.82

No Income and Expenses                                                                                $0.00

Ending Balance as of August 31, 2021                                                     $2,801.82

After Sandy presented the above report, Wate Bakker moved to approve the Treasurer’s report with a second by Joanna Bakker, and the motion passed unanimously.

Sunshine Committee – Sandy reported one hand-made card by Terri Vivoli was sent to Vera Girolami who is recovering from a month-long illness. Additionally, one such card with condolences will be sent to Faye Swanson’s family.

VP Membership & Website – JIM BEYER

Jim reported the total current membership now stands at 304.  New members are Ling Yu and Kimme Kim-Tiger.

Jim introduced Bev Wharton who is the person with the longest HC membership dating back to 1980.  Bev gave Jim an article on Joe Marsh and five copies of the HC history.

Update on Faye Swanson’s Passing – Jim is working on a memorial to be held on a Saturday (date TBD) at Foothill Center.  He plans to have a slide show and is inviting attendees to speak about their remembrances of Faye. Jim passed along an offer made by Fay’s son to anyone with an interest in receiving any of Faye’s hiking gear/equipment.  Please contact Jim if you have interest.

VP Hiking & Trails – AL GIROLAMI

Al reminded all that the various hiking options Faye had been advertising are still ongoing.  This includes Russ Glines’ Wed and Sat Hill hikes, Terri and Cheryl’s Monday golf course walks, Rambler hikes, Rambler-Lite hikes, and off-site long hikes. As always, hike leader volunteers are needed.


Michelle reported out on a hike preview she recently completed at Cotoni-Coast Dairies National monument north of Santa Cruz.  The site, while only somewhat developed, remains a work-in-progress on an unpaved road.  The group she hiked with will do a hike with the HC privately at a time convenient to us.  Michelle suggests targeting a time in the Spring.

Upcoming socials include Game Night on November 11, 2021, and the Hidden Paths walk on November 27, 2021.  Details for both will follow at a later date.

Pismo Beach Trip Oct 5-6, 2021 Michelle advised the details for this outing have been finalized.  Carpooling is suggested. After a question by Al about the possibility of last-minute sign-ups, Sandy Petrin reported the reservation date for the Pismo Beach hotel had passed and that we relinquished any unbooked rooms, but there would be no harm in phoning the hotel to see if any rooms remained available.  Michelle said it would certainly be possible to reserve a meal at the Wednesday HC group dinner. Sandy and John Petrin have all Rambler-type hikes planned.  Michelle has just received Faye’s maps for Long Hikes in the Pismo Beach area.  Michelle and Deb will study the maps and select the hiking routes for the outing.  Michelle has information on some additional activities in the Pismo Beach area.  This includes the following: Kayaking, the San Luis Obispo (SLO) Thursday night Farmers’ Market and Entertainment, and Bruce Munro’s Sensorio light show in Paso Robles.  Michelle will provide links to these activities to those interested.

President Report, New Business – Al Girolami

Al said it is time to form a slate of potential HC Board candidates.  Positions currently open include President, VP Hiking & Trails, and VP Social.  Al and Dan Kato are seeking candidates for these open positions (or any Board position) and urge anyone interested to step up and volunteer.  The slate must be presented at the October 2021 General Membership Meeting for a membership vote.

Cheryl Allmen stood to urge others to join her in thanking the current Board for all their efforts over the past two years. She pointed out that despite the pandemic, this Board continued with Zoom meetings and with getting things done for the Hill Lands.

Susan Brown announced she was passing around a sign-up sheet for people to provide cookies at HC meetings through May 2022.

After the business meeting, Peter Holmes presented a very informative talk on Wild Mushrooms, which received much interest from the membership.

Next Meetings

October Board Meeting – Thursday, October 21, 2021, at 9:30am, in the Patio Room in Cribari.

October General Membership – Monday, October 25, 2021, at 7:30pm in the Foothill Center (please bring your mask). Program: Villager, John Trudeau will talk about hiking the Eastern Sierras.

November Board Meeting – Wednesday, November 24, 2021, at 9:30am in the Forum Room in Cribari.

November General Membership – Monday, November 29, 2021, at 7:30pm in the Foothill Center (please bring your mask). Program: TBD.

December – No meetings are scheduled

Meeting Adjourned – The meeting adjourned at 8:15pm after a motion by Cheryl Allmen and seconded by Mary Stradner.

Respectfully submitted with invaluable assistance from Deb Siedband,

Gordon Carbonetti – Secretary

Membership Meeting Minutes 25-Oct-2021


 General Membership Meeting Minutes 25-Oct-2021


1.    Called to Order: 7:30pm by President Al Girolami in the Patio Room at Cribari


2.    Attending Board Members:

President – Al Girolami                                   VP Social – Michelle Breslin

VP Membership & Website – Jim Beyer         Treasurer – Sandy Petrin

Secretary – Gordon Carbonetti                       Total Other Attendees – 33 

Excused Absence – Dan Kato VP Hiking & Trails (volunteer temp)


3.    Reports

President’ Message – AL GIROLAMI

·         Re-routing Trails Upper Meadow area and Garden Steps – We expect the work to start in the Spring 2022.  There is a possibility equipment can be brought in sooner than the Spring when the ground is softer, but we’ll have to see.

·         Cattle Grazing – Many experts say cattle grazing reduces fire danger in the hills.  Michelle Breslin is leading the HC grazing effort with assistance from Dan Kato and Bill Johnston. As the previous Villages Board rejected this idea two years ago, the idea is to re-energize this with the new Villages Board.  One proposal is considering grazing only for a few months of the year (perhaps during the slow hiking months) over a 5-year trial period.

·         Use of the Internet – All Board and General Membership meeting minutes, financial reports and other pertinent information are uploaded to the HC website.  Hard copies covering the previous month’s meeting are provided for review at the General Membership Meetings at the back of the room.

·         2022 Budget, Donations at Yearend 2022 – The Board approved a slight change in the HC donations for 2022 compared to those approved for 2021.  A $100 donation was added to Big Basin due to their significant wildfire damage sustained recently, and a $100 reduction to the Greenbelt Alliance donation (now $100 after the change) with the resulting net total donation of $1200 unchanged.

·         Picnic Table at the NE corner of the Hill Lands – Al said the table will be ordered shortly by the VGCC.  The HC will pay for the table (approx. $1200), but the VGCC will install.

·         Need Volunteers – Al again asked for volunteers to take on the open Board positions – President, VP Social and VP Hiking & Trails. 


·         Gordon presented the minutes for the September 27, 2021, General Membership Meeting.  A motion to approve the minutes was made by Deb Siedband with a second by Michelle Breslin, and the motion passed unanimously. 

TreasurerSANDY PETRIN                                                   


September 2021 Hiking Club General Fund


Beginning balance as of August 31, 2021                                                 $3,606.22


Income – Membership Dues (Terri Gavens, Kime Kim Tiger, Ling Yu)         $21.00

Income – Villages GCC (Summer Picnic proceeds)                                  $1,509.00


Expenses –

-Sept 22 ATM Withdrawal – Purchase gift cards for John Breslin and Alicia Finger for volunteering assistance with the Summer Picnic.                 ($100.00)


-Sept 22 – Bank charge for 3 books of new checks                                 ($34.00)


Ending balance as of September 30, 2021                                                 $5,002.22

Note: Bank Balance is $6,002.22 as Ck#1679 ($1,000) is outstanding


September 2021 Hiking Club Hill Lands Project Fund

Beginning balance as of August 31, 2021                                                 $2,801.82

No Income and Expenses                                                                                $0.00

Ending Balance as of September 30, 2021                                               $2,801.82


·         The preceding Financial Report was approved by a motion made by Johanna Bakkar, and seconded by Bonnie Preston, and it passed unanimously.     

Sunshine Committee – The HC made $50 donations to the Evergreen Village Foundation (in memory of Bob Hunley) and to the National Parks Conservation Association (in honor of Faye Swanson), both as requested by each family. Terri Vivoli sent one of her hand-crafted cards with HC condolences to the family of Bob Hunley.


VP Membership & Website – JIM BEYER

·         Jim reported we have three new members (Joy Rem, John and Mary Bork) and the total current membership now stands at 306

·         Jim said he is leading the effort to publicize information for all the hikes and events in the Villager, and to the members via emails.

·         There will be a memorial hike (to the picnic area above the Upper Gardens) for Faye on Saturday, October 30, 2021, at 9a. There will also be a remembrance event for Faye at Foothill at 2p with cookies (provided by family) and coffee, with words from the family and other Villagers. Jim encouraged anyone to share their memories of Faye during this event.  

·         Jim reminded all that the HC started in 1977, and if no one steps forward to be President for 2022, the HC will have to shut down per Villages rules.




·         Michelle said the Pismo Beach Outing turned out very well.   

·         She just emailed out to all, information about Santa Teresa County Park Trail Day. It’s not a HC-sponsored event, but usually fun nonetheless.

·         Game Night will be added to the schedule on November 11, 2021 at Vineyard at 6p or 7p.  This event never made the planned 2021 schedule, but Michelle was able to add it. Her idea is to make it a simple evening event providing some snacks, desserts, and hot cider. Please bring board games and masks. There will also be a National Park Trivia Game at the end.

·         Hidden Paths Walk, Holiday Party, and Holliday Lights Walk and will be planned next.



4.    Next Meetings

·         November General Membership – Monday, November 29, 2021, at 7:30pm in the Foothill Center (please bring your mask). Program: Sempervirens (Sara Barth)


·         January General Membership – Monday, January 31, 2022, at 7:30pm in the Foothill Center (please bring your mask). Program: TBD.

·         January Board Meeting – Thursday, January 27, 2022, at 9:30am, in the Forum Room in Cribari.


5.    Meeting Adjourned, Cookies and Program – The business meeting adjourned at 7:55p.  After a short break with cookies provided by Manoli Kelly, Cheryl Allmen and Susan Brown, Al Girolami introduce John Trudeau who gave a very informative presentation on his hiking exploits in the Eastern Sierra of California. 


Respectfully submitted,


Gordon Carbonetti – Secretary

Member Meeting Minutes

General Meeting Minutes 25-November-2024

General Meeting Minutes 30-October-2024

General Meeting Minutes 9-September- 2024

General meeting minutes 26-Aug-2024

General meeting minutes 24-June-2024

General Meeting Minutes 29-April-2024

General Meeting Minutes 25-Mar-2024

General Meeting Minutes 26-Feb-2024

General Meeting Minutes 29-Jan-2024

General Meeting Minutes 27-Nov-2023

General Meeting Minutes 9-Sepember-2023

General Meeting Minutes 28-August-2023

General Meeting Minutes 26-June-2023

General Meeting Minutes 24-April-2023

General Meeting Minutes 27-Mar-2023

General Meeting Minutes 27-Feb-2023

General Meeting Minutes 30-Jan-2023

General Meeting Minutes 11-28-2022

General Meeting Minutes 31-Oct-2022

General Meeting Minutes 26-Sept-2022

General Membership Minutes 29-August-2022

General Meeting Minutes 6-27-2022

General Meeting Minutes 28-Mar-2022

General meeting minutes 28-Feb-2022

General Membership Minutes 31-Jan-2022

General Membership Meeting 11-Nov-2021

General Membership Meeting 25-Oct-2021

General Membership Meeting 27-Sept-2021

General Membership Meeting 30-Aug-2021

General Membership Meeting 28- June-2021

General Membership Meeting – 26-April-2021

General Membership Meeting 29-March-2021

General Membership Meeting – 22-Feb-2021 

General Membership Meeting 25-Jan-2021

General Membership Meeting 30-Nov-2020 

General Membership Meeting 26-Oct-2020 

General Membership Meeting 28- Sept-2020

General Membership Meeting 27-July-2020

General Membership Meeting 24-Feb-2020

General Membership Meeting 27-Jan-2020