Membership Meeting Minutes – September 27, 2021

 Villages Hiking Club – General Membership Meeting Minutes 27-Sept-2021

Called to Order: 7:35pm by President Al Girolami at Foothill Center

Al began the meeting with a moment of silence for the passing of Faye Swanson – VP Trails.

Attending Board Members:

President – Al Girolami                                   VP Social – Michelle Breslin

VP Membership & Website – Jim Beyer         Treasurer – Sandy Petrin

VP Hiking & Trails – Open

Excused absence: Secretary – Gordon Carbonetti

Also attending – Deb Siedband as Secretary


Hill Lands Update – AL GIROLAMI

The Villages Board has approved projects to eliminate and redirect the Garden Steps trail, and to create additional work on the Meadow trail.

The Hiking Club (HC) has offered to put $1,000 toward the purchase of a new picnic table at the top of Meadow.  The Villages stated they would prefer to buy it themselves and have the HC contribute after purchase.

The HC did install a mailbox at the top of Meadow (at the NE corner of the Hill Lands property), and another mailbox at the entrance to the Joe March Trail.

These improvements have, in part, been made or proposed to increase use of the Northern trails in the Hill Lands.  Al reminded all that parking is available in the cul de sac at the top of Valle Vista, which can move traffic away from the small lot at the Upper Gardens.

One additional project the HC would like to see realized is the placement of 3ft by 5ft signs at trailheads like the “you are here” signs typically seen at ski resorts.

Secretary – Deb Siedband

Deb asked for approval of the August 30, 2021 General Membership Meeting Minutes. Judy Gergurich made the motion with a second from Cheryl Allmen.  And the motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer – SANDY PETRIN

August 2021 Hiking Club General Fund

Beginning balance as of July 31, 2021                                                      $4,602.22

Income – Membership Dues (Benjamin Friedlander, Jill Barber,                   $21.00

Judith Owen)

Expenses –

Ck#1679 8/7 Cracked Crab (Pismo Beach Outing Dinner)                ($1,000.00)

Ck#16808/23 Maria Montiel (picnic Refund for over-charge)                  ($17.00)

Ending balance as of August 31, 2021.                                                      $3,602.22

Note: Bank Balance is $4,606.22 as Ck#1679 is outstanding

August 2021 Hiking Club Hill Lands Project Fund

Beginning balance as of July 31, 2021                                                     $2,801.82

No Income and Expenses                                                                                $0.00

Ending Balance as of August 31, 2021                                                     $2,801.82

After Sandy presented the above report, Wate Bakker moved to approve the Treasurer’s report with a second by Joanna Bakker, and the motion passed unanimously.

Sunshine Committee – Sandy reported one hand-made card by Terri Vivoli was sent to Vera Girolami who is recovering from a month-long illness. Additionally, one such card with condolences will be sent to Faye Swanson’s family.

VP Membership & Website – JIM BEYER

Jim reported the total current membership now stands at 304.  New members are Ling Yu and Kimme Kim-Tiger.

Jim introduced Bev Wharton who is the person with the longest HC membership dating back to 1980.  Bev gave Jim an article on Joe Marsh and five copies of the HC history.

Update on Faye Swanson’s Passing – Jim is working on a memorial to be held on a Saturday (date TBD) at Foothill Center.  He plans to have a slide show and is inviting attendees to speak about their remembrances of Faye. Jim passed along an offer made by Fay’s son to anyone with an interest in receiving any of Faye’s hiking gear/equipment.  Please contact Jim if you have interest.

VP Hiking & Trails – AL GIROLAMI

Al reminded all that the various hiking options Faye had been advertising are still ongoing.  This includes Russ Glines’ Wed and Sat Hill hikes, Terri and Cheryl’s Monday golf course walks, Rambler hikes, Rambler-Lite hikes, and off-site long hikes. As always, hike leader volunteers are needed.


Michelle reported out on a hike preview she recently completed at Cotoni-Coast Dairies National monument north of Santa Cruz.  The site, while only somewhat developed, remains a work-in-progress on an unpaved road.  The group she hiked with will do a hike with the HC privately at a time convenient to us.  Michelle suggests targeting a time in the Spring.

Upcoming socials include Game Night on November 11, 2021, and the Hidden Paths walk on November 27, 2021.  Details for both will follow at a later date.

Pismo Beach Trip Oct 5-6, 2021 Michelle advised the details for this outing have been finalized.  Carpooling is suggested. After a question by Al about the possibility of last-minute sign-ups, Sandy Petrin reported the reservation date for the Pismo Beach hotel had passed and that we relinquished any unbooked rooms, but there would be no harm in phoning the hotel to see if any rooms remained available.  Michelle said it would certainly be possible to reserve a meal at the Wednesday HC group dinner. Sandy and John Petrin have all Rambler-type hikes planned.  Michelle has just received Faye’s maps for Long Hikes in the Pismo Beach area.  Michelle and Deb will study the maps and select the hiking routes for the outing.  Michelle has information on some additional activities in the Pismo Beach area.  This includes the following: Kayaking, the San Luis Obispo (SLO) Thursday night Farmers’ Market and Entertainment, and Bruce Munro’s Sensorio light show in Paso Robles.  Michelle will provide links to these activities to those interested.

President Report, New Business – Al Girolami

Al said it is time to form a slate of potential HC Board candidates.  Positions currently open include President, VP Hiking & Trails, and VP Social.  Al and Dan Kato are seeking candidates for these open positions (or any Board position) and urge anyone interested to step up and volunteer.  The slate must be presented at the October 2021 General Membership Meeting for a membership vote.

Cheryl Allmen stood to urge others to join her in thanking the current Board for all their efforts over the past two years. She pointed out that despite the pandemic, this Board continued with Zoom meetings and with getting things done for the Hill Lands.

Susan Brown announced she was passing around a sign-up sheet for people to provide cookies at HC meetings through May 2022.

After the business meeting, Peter Holmes presented a very informative talk on Wild Mushrooms, which received much interest from the membership.

Next Meetings

October Board Meeting – Thursday, October 21, 2021, at 9:30am, in the Patio Room in Cribari.

October General Membership – Monday, October 25, 2021, at 7:30pm in the Foothill Center (please bring your mask). Program: Villager, John Trudeau will talk about hiking the Eastern Sierras.

November Board Meeting – Wednesday, November 24, 2021, at 9:30am in the Forum Room in Cribari.

November General Membership – Monday, November 29, 2021, at 7:30pm in the Foothill Center (please bring your mask). Program: TBD.

December – No meetings are scheduled

Meeting Adjourned – The meeting adjourned at 8:15pm after a motion by Cheryl Allmen and seconded by Mary Stradner.

Respectfully submitted with invaluable assistance from Deb Siedband,

Gordon Carbonetti – Secretary