General Meeting Minutes 27-Nov-2023

Hiking Club General Meeting Minutes
November 27, 2023, Foothill

Call to Order Meeting was called to order at 7:33pm by President Bob Bogdanoff. Attending
Board Members and leaders included: President ā€“ Bob Bogdanoff;Ā VPs Social ā€“Linda Albaugh in
support of Bibi Bruce); VP Hiking & Trails ā€“ John Petrin and Secretary-Cheryl Allmen. Absent:
VP Membership & Website ā€“ Jim Beyer;Ā Treasurer ā€“ Gordon Carbonetti; and Bibi Bruce-VP
Social. Attendance totaled 41 individuals.
Reportā€“Secretary ā€“ Cheryl expressed gratitude for all the volunteers, hike leaders and the
Board members for all their support of the Club over the past year since some Villages clubs
hadnā€™t survived during the paramedic. However, the Hiking Club has had great hikes and
programs and is thriving. Next, she indicated the previous 10/30/23 Hiking Club General meeting
minutes and 11/16/23 Board meeting minutes is on the Clubā€™s website as well as copies on the
back table for review. A motion was made by Lucy McProud and seconded by Deb Siedband.
Motion approved.
VP Membership & Website ā€“ Bob in support of Jim announced that our club membership now
totals 338 individuals with the following addition of new members: Sheila Robinson, Steve
Guggman, Lorellie Garcia, Joel Pollack and David Kroger. He indicated that Jim is planning on
sending out an email to the membership advising them of the $7 for 2024 club membership dues
He also mentioned the Website continues to operate well.
Treasurer ā€“ Bob substituting for Gordon shared that the October 2023 statements indicate that
the Hill Account remains static: $2715.89. The General Account started with $4667.42 ended
with a balance of $3158.33 after new member registrations, payment for recent Pt Reyes dinner
and $50 donation for memory of Peter Holmes. Board members were reminded to submit any of
their receipts before the end of 2023.
VP Hiking & Trails ā€“ John expressed thanks to all the members who have arranged hikes, lead
hikes and helped support our spring and fall adventures and he had enjoyed being the VP of
Hiking and Trails over the last year. He shared that Guy, Sy, and Katie will continue supporting
Gordon during 2024. Saturday & Wednesday Hill hikes continue with Bob and Gordon and soon
Russ will be back coordinating these hikes. He announced that all Wednesday hikes are planned
except December 27 th which has been cancelled due to the holiday. The Wednesday and
Saturday hill hikes are continuing as well along with the upcoming January 1 st New Yearā€™s Day
hike, 8;30-2:30 meeting at Foothill. The 2024 Spring outing is being researched…possibility being
considered is Old Sacramento recommended by Pam Thompson. Al Girolami reminded the
membership of this Wednesdayā€™s Magnificent 7ā€™s hike to Calero Park meeting at Cribari at
New Business-Club Leaders:
Hill Signs Preservation. In anticipation of cow grazing on the Hill Lands, Jim Ware shared how
he, as the clubā€™s sign liaison, along with the Villages maintenance team will work together to
stiffen our hill signs in anticipation of cow back scratching.

Hill Lands Grazing Project. Michelle Breslin, Clubā€™s liaison to this project, announced that 50
cows and l bull (totaling 51 cattle will be added to the hill area for a season around December
15 th . She expects an official report from the Villages in the near future.
VP Social ā€“ Linda reminded members to make their reservations for the Club Holiday Party,
scheduled for Thursday, 12/14/23, from 5:30 ā€“ 8:30pm in the Cribari Auditorium which will include
entertainment, singers, music and dancing. She thanked Jim for emailing the announcement so
quickly and indicated an announcement will be in the Villages newspaper soon. Holiday Lights
Walk scheduled for Friday, December 22 nd from 6:00-9:00pm. All will be meeting at and returning
to the Vineyard with cocoa and yummy refreshments available afterwards. Itā€™s a family event with
children and grandchildren joining in on the fun.
President ā€“ Bob shared the list of 2024 Hiking Club Officers that were nominated at the October
27, 2023 General meeting for this evening November 27, 2023 elections. The following leaders
were elected by the members in attendance which includes President ā€“ Bob Bogdanoff; VPs
Social ā€“ Bibi Bruce & Linda Arbaugh; VP Membership & Website ā€“ Jim Beyer; Treasurer ā€“ Bert
Tang; Secretary ā€“ Cheryl Allmen; and, VP Hiking & Trails ā€“ Gordon Carbonetti. At the recent
New Resident Orientation, Lucy and Bob, enrolled several new members. He also indicated he
will send out the 2024 survey to the Board members around the December holidays, asking for
input with the goal of sending the final survey out to the membership afterwards in January.
Next Meetings: General Meetings:Ā  Monday January 29, 2024, 7pm (new start time) -Foothill
Center, Live to 100 – Jane Ruona; Monday February 26, 2024, 7pm Foothill Center, Andrea
MacKenzie, GM, MĆ”yyan ā€˜OoyĆ”kma ā€“ Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve; and Monday March 25,
7pm Foothill Center, Nancy Hooton, Helicopter Hiking.
Board Meeting: Thursday, January 25, 2024 9:30am-10:30am,Ā Forum, Cribari.
After the 15minute break for refreshments and conversations amongst the attendees, President
Bob gave an outstanding presentation on Big Bend National Park and answered the audienceā€™s
questions regarding his family road trip.
The meeting was adjourned by 9pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl Allmen, Secretary