General Membership Meeting 28-Sept-2020

General Membership Meeting, September 28, 2020

  1. Called to Order:

7:32pm by Al Girolami.  The business meeting was preceded by a presentation by Eric Schmidt, President of the Portola and Castle Rock Foundation. He spoke about hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, and gave tips on how to prepare for this trip and what to expect.

  1. Attending:

Executive Board Members Present

:  President: Al Girolami; VP Hiking & Trails: Faye Swanson; VP Social: Michelle Breslin; Treasurer: Sandy Petrin; VP Membership & Communications: Jim Beyer; Acting Secretary: Deb Siedband

Absent: Secretary: Cheryl Allmen

General Attendance:    30

  1. Reports:

President’s Report:

Al welcomed all in attendance, and gave an update on Secretary, Cheryl Allmen’s condition.  She is out of the hospital and is in room 3005 at Kaiser Foundation Rehabilitation Center at 975 Sereno Dr., Vallejo, CA 94589

Al asked anyone interested in being Secretary next year to contact him. Cheryl had previously indicated she would not be returning for a second year.  A slate of officers for 2021 is being completed and will be available to present to Membership at the October meeting

Al updated us on the 3 proposals we have before the VGCC Board

1.) Project to realign the Step Trail.  King Grading has told us it can be done for around $3,000.  Julia Meadows emailed a response to Al on Sept. 8 indicating our 3rd request is still awaiting review

2.) Installation of a mailbox with sign-in log at the cull de sac at the top of Valle Vista to gauge the number of people starting hikes from that point

3.) Install 3’ x 5’ signs with Trail maps similar to those used at ski resorts to indicate “You are here.”  The locations for these signs would be the circle at Valle Vista, the Upper Garden and the entrance to the Trails near the Stables.   Villages countered with a suggestion they be 2’ x 3’ instead.  We are agreeable, but it is still under review.  Michelle is looking into the cost, etc.  We have put up QR codes, containing the map of the entire Trail system in the interim, which can be downloaded to cell phones

New Business

Wate Bakker and Jim Koski recently brought to the attention of the Board a suggestion from Villager Bill Johnston that we reintroduce cattle grazing as a fire reduction measure in our Hill Lands.  Bill worked, as a young man, on several area ranches.  He knows ranchers and would be willing to help us in our  communications with the VGCC Board.  The rancher would be responsible for restoring springs, repairing troughs, etc.  The Hiking Club Board voted to endorse this project, and would like to introduce it to Members.  We will start with a simple email survey question to gauge interest.  Wate will present a letter to send to the VGCC Board, once we have the results of the survey

Secretary’s Report:

Wate Bakker made a motion that was seconded by Michelle Breslin to approve the July minutes.  Minutes were approved

V.P. Hiking and Trails:

Faye Swanson reported that official Club hikes are still prohibited due to Covid restrictions.  There have been some unofficial hikes to nearby parks where interested parties meet at the park for socially distanced walks

Hike leaders are always being sought, and we look forward to returning to hiking when it is ok to do so

The Spring outing to Chico that had been arranged will be offered as next Spring’s trip…if Covid restrictions are lifted by then

Treasurer’s Report:

Sandy Petrin reports the Beginning Book Balance for July was $6,413.84.  With income of $7 from a new membership, the Ending Book Balance was $6,420.84.  The Beginning Book Balance for August was $6,420.84. There were no expenses and no income.  Ending Book Balance was $6,420.84

The Hill Lands account remains at $2.301.82

Copies of the Treasurer’s Report are included as attachments

V.P. Social:

Michelle looks forward to the day when Socials can resume.

We have submitted our calendar request dates for meetings and social events to Villages for 2021.

V.P. Membership:

Jim Beyer reports we are down by 2 members to 289.

​Al urges us all to download & carry the form for membership, so that we can encourage newcomers we meet when hiking our Hill Lands to join the Club. We reminded members that pursuant to our standing rules, there is no membership fee for people who join the Club from October 1 through December 31

4.) Adjourned General Meeting: 9:00 pm.
5.) Next Meeting:

October 26, 2020. via Zoom.  Our Guest Speaker will be Marc Medeiros of Peninsula Open Space Trust.


Respectfully submitted,

Debbie Siedband, acting Secretary










BEGINNING BOOK BALANCE ON AUG. 31, 2020                                                             $ 6,420.84

INCOME:                                                                                                                                  $        0.00

BALANCE:                                                           $6,420.84


EXPENSES:  Safeway Flowers for Cheryl Allmen                                                 $   36.04

TOTAL EXPENSES:                                                                                                             $        36.04


ENDING BOOK BALANCE AS OF AUG. 31, 2020                                                         $   6,384.80


Note:  Bank Balance is $6,434.80 with check #1654 ($50.00 Vasona Creek Health

Care) yet to be cashed.

Submitted by,

Sandy Petrin





ENDING BOOK BALANCE AS OF Aug. 31, 2019                                                        $     2,301.82


NOTE: Related to these Funds, the Evergreen Villages Foundation (EVF) also had

$5,750 specifically allocated for “Hiking Club Trails” which represented donations by

individuals (Hiking Club members, Villagers, and even a non resident donor) due to

a Fund Raiser a few years ago for reconstruction of the Step Trail, installation of

additional picnic tables, and replacing the trail sign system. These funds, plus at least

$4,000 of other EVF funds have been allocated towards the nearly completed Trail

Signage Project with the remaining cost to be paid by the Villages Club. EVF also has

presently approved  $1,300 for improving the trail from Rawhide to the Upper


Submitted by,

Sandy Petrin,



Villages Hiking Club 2020 Donation List


Bay Area Ridge Trail Council                                                                                                          $100.00

California State Parks Foundation                                                                                                 $100.00

Greenbelt Alliance                                                                                                                         $200.00

Peninsula Open Space Trust                                                                                                          $200.00

Portola and Castle Rock Foundation                                                                                            $100.00

Santa Clara County Open Space Authority                                                                                  $100.00

Santa Clara County Parks and Rec. Dept.                                                                                   $100.00

Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society                                                                                          $100.00

Sempervirens Fund                                                                                                                     $100.00

The Pine Ridge Association                                                                                                       $100.00

TOTAL                                                                                                                                    $1,200.00