General Meeting Minutes 25-Oct-2021

 General Membership Meeting Minutes 25-Oct-2021


  1. Called to Order: 7:30pm by President Al Girolami in the Patio Room at Cribari


  1. Attending Board Members:

President – Al Girolami                                   VP Social – Michelle Breslin

VP Membership & Website – Jim Beyer         Treasurer – Sandy Petrin

Secretary – Gordon Carbonetti                       Total Other Attendees – 33

Excused Absence – Dan Kato VP Hiking & Trails (volunteer temp)


  1. Reports

President’ Message – AL GIROLAMI

  • Re-routing Trails Upper Meadow area and Garden Steps – We expect the work to start in the Spring 2022.  There is a possibility equipment can be brought in sooner than the Spring when the ground is softer, but we’ll have to see.
  • Cattle Grazing – Many experts say cattle grazing reduces fire danger in the hills.  Michelle Breslin is leading the HC grazing effort with assistance from Dan Kato and Bill Johnston. As the previous Villages Board rejected this idea two years ago, the idea is to re-energize this with the new Villages Board.  One proposal is considering grazing only for a few months of the year (perhaps during the slow hiking months) over a 5-year trial period.
  • Use of the Internet – All Board and General Membership meeting minutes, financial reports and other pertinent information are uploaded to the HC website.  Hard copies covering the previous month’s meeting are provided for review at the General Membership Meetings at the back of the room.
  • 2022 Budget, Donations at Yearend 2022 – The Board approved a slight change in the HC donations for 2022 compared to those approved for 2021.  A $100 donation was added to Big Basin due to their significant wildfire damage sustained recently, and a $100 reduction to the Greenbelt Alliance donation (now $100 after the change) with the resulting net total donation of $1200 unchanged.
  • Picnic Table at the NE corner of the Hill Lands – Al said the table will be ordered shortly by the VGCC.  The HC will pay for the table (approx. $1200), but the VGCC will install.
  • Need Volunteers – Al again asked for volunteers to take on the open Board positions – President, VP Social and VP Hiking & Trails.


  • Gordon presented the minutes for the September 27, 2021, General Membership Meeting.  A motion to approve the minutes was made by Deb Siedband with a second by Michelle Breslin, and the motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer – SANDY PETRIN


September 2021 Hiking Club General Fund


Beginning balance as of August 31, 2021                                                 $3,606.22


Income – Membership Dues (Terri Gavens, Kime Kim Tiger, Ling Yu)         $21.00

Income – Villages GCC (Summer Picnic proceeds)                                  $1,509.00


Expenses –

-Sept 22 ATM Withdrawal – Purchase gift cards for John Breslin and Alicia Finger for volunteering assistance with the Summer Picnic.                 ($100.00)


-Sept 22 – Bank charge for 3 books of new checks                                 ($34.00)


Ending balance as of September 30, 2021                                                 $5,002.22

Note: Bank Balance is $6,002.22 as Ck#1679 ($1,000) is outstanding

September 2021 Hiking Club Hill Lands Project Fund

Beginning balance as of August 31, 2021                                                 $2,801.82

No Income and Expenses                                                                                $0.00

Ending Balance as of September 30, 2021                                               $2,801.82


  • The preceding Financial Report was approved by a motion made by Johanna Bakkar, and seconded by Bonnie Preston, and it passed unanimously.

Sunshine Committee – The HC made $50 donations to the Evergreen Village Foundation (in memory of Bob Hunley) and to the National Parks Conservation Association (in honor of Faye Swanson), both as requested by each family. Terri Vivoli sent one of her hand-crafted cards with HC condolences to the family of Bob Hunley.


VP Membership & Website – JIM BEYER

  • Jim reported we have three new members (Joy Rem, John and Mary Bork) and the total current membership now stands at 306
  • Jim said he is leading the effort to publicize information for all the hikes and events in the Villager, and to the members via emails.
  • There will be a memorial hike (to the picnic area above the Upper Gardens) for Faye on Saturday, October 30, 2021, at 9a. There will also be a remembrance event for Faye at Foothill at 2p with cookies (provided by family) and coffee, with words from the family and other Villagers. Jim encouraged anyone to share their memories of Faye during this event.
  • Jim reminded all that the HC started in 1977, and if no one steps forward to be President for 2022, the HC will have to shut down per Villages rules.




  • Michelle said the Pismo Beach Outing turned out very well.
  • She just emailed out to all, information about Santa Teresa County Park Trail Day. It’s not a HC-sponsored event, but usually fun nonetheless.
  • Game Night will be added to the schedule on November 11, 2021 at Vineyard at 6p or 7p.  This event never made the planned 2021 schedule, but Michelle was able to add it. Her idea is to make it a simple evening event providing some snacks, desserts, and hot cider. Please bring board games and masks. There will also be a National Park Trivia Game at the end.
  • Hidden Paths Walk, Holiday Party, and Holliday Lights Walk and will be planned next.



  1. Next Meetings
  • November General Membership – Monday, November 29, 2021, at 7:30pm in the Foothill Center (please bring your mask). Program: Sempervirens (Sara Barth)
  • January General Membership – Monday, January 31, 2022, at 7:30pm in the Foothill Center (please bring your mask). Program: TBD.
  • January Board Meeting – Thursday, January 27, 2022, at 9:30am, in the Forum Room in Cribari.


  1. Meeting Adjourned, Cookies and Program – The business meeting adjourned at 7:55p.  After a short break with cookies provided by Manoli Kelly, Cheryl Allmen and Susan Brown, Al Girolami introduce John Trudeau who gave a very informative presentation on his hiking exploits in the Eastern Sierra of California.


Respectfully submitted,


Gordon Carbonetti – Secretary