General Membership Minutes 29-August-2022

Villages Hiking Club-General Meeting
Monday, August 29, 2022, 7:30pm, Foothill

  1. Call to Order Bob called the August general meeting to order at 7:30pm. Board
    Members in attendance were: Bob Bogdanof-President; Bernice Capitano-VP Social; Jim
    Beyer-Membership & Website; and Gordon Carbonetti-Treasurer. Board Members not
    in attendance: Cheryl Allmen-Secretary was on vacation and Gary Lohr-VP of Trails was
    attending to out-of-state family issues.
  2. Reports
    Membership. Jim indicated the Hiking Club now has 318 members with the addition of
    the following 6 new members: Norma Taylor, Chung Lui, Dana / Linda Arbaugh and
    Gary / Dawn Greenberg. He announced the club website continues to do well and often
    updates the calendars of the various hikes.
    Secretary. Filling in for Cheryl Allmen who drafted the June 27, 2022 minutes of the last
    General Meeting, Gordon requested a motion to approve the June minutes that are on
    the back table for viewing and also on the Club website. Minutes were approved after
    the motion was made and seconded.
    Treasurer. Gordon stated that since there was no July General Meeting, there are 4
    financial reports, 2 for July and 2 for August, 2022. Both Hills Project monthly reports
    were identical, totaling $2,215.89. The June General Fund Report ended up: $4,085.89
    The July report totaled $4,423.95. Motion to approve all 4 reports was seconded and
    approved by the membership.
    Trails. Substituting for Gary the VP of Trails, Jim shared that the Hiking Club website
    lists all the scheduled hikes and hiking updates. Current announcements about the
    upcoming hikes and General Meetings including speaker presentations is also included
    in the Villager. One additional hike at Senior Happy Hollows Day will be led by Kathy
    Tanaka on Thursday, September 22, 2022 was announced.
    Bob reminded the membership to notice the Villagers updates related to walking on
    the golf course which is usually available for all Villages walkers on Mondays before 1pm
    and most other days of the week around sunrise and sunset. Times are modified when
    golf tournaments are scheduled. So, be sure to always check the Villager for changing
    hours updates and also, always use the golf course paths. Fortunately the Golf
    Committee ignored the individual who was requesting only golfers on the golf course
    paths and no walkers allowed. The committee opted out and we walkers and hikers are
    allowed on the golf paths according to the listed hours.

Social. Bernice expressed appreciation to Susan Brown for the evening’s refreshments
as well as the volunteers who brought the cookies. She also thanked Wendy Ledamun
who coordinated the July Hiking Cub Picnic during her time away as well as many other
volunteers who supported the picnic and cleaned up afterwards . The event was well
liked and everyone had a good time.
She also announced to be sure to check out the article in the next Villager which
requests more volunteers to help out at each of our social events. As a reminder, she
asked the members to open their Hiking Club email blasts and to look at the website
and its calendar of upcoming events and socials. In October it’s the Cambria Outing. In
November there will be a Game Night and December 8 th is our annual Holiday Party
followed by the Holiday Lights Walk Tour scheduled for December 22, 2022 where it’s so
much fun to walk around the Villages, see the lights and decorations followed by
refreshments afterwards.
President’s Report. Bob read the note from Annette Mach who was so looking forward
to giving her presentation on the “History of the Villages”. Unfortunately she had
eyesight problems and was apologizing to the membership that she had to cancel. Dan
Kato stepped in and is offering another presentation and Bernice indicated she would
send a get well card to Annette wishing her a good recovery.
Next, Bob indicated the following future presentations: Matt Kelly, VP of Lionheart
Safety on “ First Aid for Walking and Hiking” at the September 26 th meeting and Al
Girolami on “Iwo Jima” at the October 31 meeting.
He also mentioned that Marjorie Siegel is interested in birding and has indicated her
willingness to lead a hike with others who are also interested in birding.
At 8:04pm, Bob indicated we’d have a 15 minute break after which Dan Kato will give a
presentation on “Winter Camping with Warm Puppies”.
Meeting was adjourned at approximately 9pm after the most informative and enjoyable
presentation by Dan Kato.
Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl Allmen
Cheryl Allmen Secretary

Attachments, Fiscal Reports

Attachments – General Account and Hill Lands Project Fund Financial Reports:

The Villages Hiking Club
Hill Lands Project Fund – Financial Report
July 2022
July 1, 2022 Beginning Book Balance: $ 2,215.89
Income:                                                                   $           –
Total Income:                                                          $           –
Expenses:                                                               $           –
Total Expenses:                                                      $           –
July 31, 2022 Ending Book Balance:                 $ 2,215.89
Submitted by:
Gordon Carbonetti

Hiking Club – The Villages Golf & Country Club
General Fund – Financial Report
July 2022
July 1, 2022   Beginning Book Balance: $ 4,085.89
Two New Member Dues $ 14.00
Chico Outing Dinner Proceeds from VGCC $ 1,584.00

Total Income: $   1,598.00
VMA Donation for Cookie Hunley$        ($ 50.00)
Summer BBQ Expenses ($ 1,197.94)

Total Expenses: ($  1,247.94)
July 31, 2022   Ending Book Balance $ 4,423.95
Submitted by:
Gordon Carbonetti