Board Meeting Minutes 12-September-2023

Villages Hiking Club Board Minutes
September 12, 2023 Gordon’s home

Call to Order Because of Bob’s absence from the Villages for the next two weeks, an earlier in-the-
month meeting was scheduled and called to order at 9:38am at the home of Gordon Carbonetti.
Attending Board Members included: President – Bob Bogdanof;  VP Social – Bibi Bruce; VP Membership
& Website – Jim Beyer; Treasurer – Gordon Carbonetti; Secretary – Cheryl Allmen; and, VP Hiking & Trails – John Petri.   Absent: Carmel Smith
Secretary – Cheryl presented the minutes of the Thursday August 24 th Board Meeting, thanking Gordon
for its cell recording, as well as the minutes for the Monday, August 28 th General Hiking Club Meeting.
Gordon moved and Jim seconded the motion to accept the minutes. Motion carried.
Treasurer – Gordon announced the balances of the Club’s August 2023 fiscal statements: the Hill Lands
Project Fund remains the same: $2,715.89. The General Fund balance is $12,195.39 and bank
statement is $12,466.01. Related to the General Fund he mentioned the additional funds are from the
members’ October lodging expenses and that after all the Pt Reyes payments are made to the motel,
restaurant and reception expenses etc., he estimates the remaining budget balance will be approximately $3,000. Cheryl motioned to accept the fiscal reports, Bob seconded it. Motion passed.
VP Membership & Website – Jim shared the present membership is 333 members. Four new members
include: Joanne Fraser, Larry Henig, Dave Loomis and Dan Hanle. Our website continues to function
VP Hiking & Trails – John updated the Board on the Pt Reyes trip: the motel accommodations look fine; restaurant has a beautiful setting; the reception food/arrangements need to be ready by 4pm and if
members wish to remain after it’s closing at 6:30pm, the beautiful roof top will be available. Those
wishing to join the Tuesday 1:30pm welcome hike that ends with a view of the evidence left from the 1906 earthquake near the San Andreas Fault will meet at the nearby Visitors Center which is open also for
those wishing to check it out. His team have already checked out the Rambler Lite, Rambler 4 mile and
the approximate 10mile Long Hike and finds the landscape, elevation and local animals will make them
great hikes for the members. He estimates the drive from the Villages to Pt Reyes to be approximately 2
½ hours and indicated he will bring brochures and more informational handouts available for pick up at
the next Monday Vineyard General Meeting table.
VP Social – Bibi reviewed the Thursday, September 21st, End of Summer Pot Luck which includes a
BYOB, at Gazebo, between 4:30 – 6:00 pm, and indicated current rsvp’s total approximately 20 members
so far who have indicated what dish they are bringing. Her committee will also be providing main course
dishes to ensure there are plenty of servings available should we have drop ins. A variety of games and
music by Ed Knott will enhance the potluck along with the Sangria she’s providing. Ling is willing to give
a 4 minute demonstration of Tai Chi as well. Jim will send out a reminder closer to the 21st.

President – Bob asked for a potential back up meeting leader (Gordon) for the Monday, September 25th
General meeting in case there is a delayed return from his vacation trip. Gordon and Cheryl agreed to
pick up the Vineyard key and the microphone from Bldg. B after the morning Golf Course hike. His report
on the Club/Committee Expo held on Saturday September 9th indicated 4 new club members. Jim offered to join in on the next September 20th New Orientation, promoting the Hiking Club membership along with the Library.
Related to the November 27th election of the 2024 Hiking Club Officers, Gordon, Jim, Bibi (with a co-
leader) and Cheryl indicated they were willing to remain on the Board. A discussion continued about
potential candidates who might be interested in running for the available openings for President and VP of Hiking and Trails.
General Meeting Speakers include: September -Theresa Ostrander; October– Pine Ridge Association –
Henry Coe State Park, Al Henning; November – Gary Holmquist (if verified) and January-Jane Ruona.
Next Meetings-General Meeting-  Monday, September 25th, 7:30 Vineyard, Theresa Ostrander,
Villages GM. Board Meeting:-Thursday, October 26th, 9:30a-10:30p, Forum Room in Cribari
Meeting Adjourn ending at 10:55am with Gordon and Jim remaining to check out some current records.

Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl Allmen
Cheryl Allmen, Secretary