Board Meeting Minutes 26-Mar-2020


March 26, 2020 via Skype

Meeting was called to order via Skype and conference call at 9:32am by President Girolami. Those present:  President, Al Girolami;  VP Trails, Faye Swanson; VP Social, Michelle Breslin; VP Membership & Webmaster, Jim Beyer;  Secretary, Cheryl Allmen, and by invitation, Trail Maintenance Chair, Dan Kato. Absent:  Treasurer Rose Eagan, who recently resigned due to health issues. 

Secretary’s Report   – Cheryl Allmen:  The February 20, 2020 Board minutes were corrected to reflect the correct spelling (Muniz).   Cheryl moved and Jim seconded approval of the corrected minutes. Corrected minutes approved. A second motion was made by Cheryl and seconded by Jim to approve the March 16, 2020 Special Board Meeting minutes prepared by Al with some minor grammatical corrections. Motion passed.

Sunshine:   Cheryl reported that our Sunshine Chairperson, Terri Vivoli, sent cards to the following Club members:   Rose Eagan and Bernie Loth (health recuperation) and Kellen Perry (partner loss.)  Although the Club’s standing rules include the option of sending flowers or plants for serious illnesses, the Board decided this was an unnecessary expense at this time and not currently feasible, given the closure of nonessential businesses due to the virus quarantine.   Since the Club treasurer has been recuperating and unable to forward the check (in memory of Kellen’s partner and club member-Christopher Logan Edwards) which was approved by the Board during the February Board meeting, a motion was made by Faye and seconded by Michele to authorize Al, as acting treasurer, to forward the check of $50 to the Paralyzed Veterans of America, the family’s choice of charity. Motion passed. Treasurer’s Report – Al met with Rose earlier this week and shared that she resigned as treasurer to focus on her recovery from surgery.  Al requested recommendations for a replacement for this position and will pursue identifying potential prospects.  He also corrected and updated the report originally submitted by Rose’s husband, for consistency in reporting related to mid-month and end-of-month balances.  Attachment 1 includes the updated Treasurer’s Report stating a 2/29 balance of $ 4973.15. Al will ensure those funds submitted for the cancelled April outing are reported as income and funds are returned to members.

Membership Report – Jim Beyer reported adding one new member last month, total-92 members.

VP Trail Report– Faye Swanson indicated all authorized hikes are cancelled until the virus quarantine is lifted.  Michele advised the Board that poison oak has been observed on the Buffalo trail. Faye agreed to report this to Maintenance. The Board reaffirmed that all Hiking Club publicity is to be forwarded to Faye and only Jim,Michelle and Faye are authorized to send out publicity on behalf of the Club.

VP Social Report – Michelle Breslin reported that despite multiple publicity attempts by Karan Foss, anticipated attendance for the March 12, 2020 Potluck & Game Night  was low and later cancelled by VGCC in support of the virus quarantine.  She also indicated there were many delicious soups served at the  January Soup Social  and due to their popularity, we might consider creating a cookbook next time.

No expenses were incurred for the social.​


Hill Lands Standing Committee Report – Dan Kato shared that consistent with Villages’ virus quarantine regulations, the trail maintenance day was cancelled and will be rescheduled later when the quarantine is lifted, and in the worst case, fall. He also suggested we consider scheduling both spring and fall maintenance days in the future and announced that the Club has been given permission to use Garden Club tools.  Related to equipment, Dan will forward a $236 receipt for reimbursement to Al for trail maintenance tools he purchased for the Club. The Board agreed to keep an inventory of equipment and a check out system to record Club members interested in borrowing equipment or loaning them to organizations. In either case, the Club member will be responsible for return of equipment. Faye will check with Wendy Ledamum to determine if an inventory list exists.  Our letter to Jan Champion (Attachment 2 ) was sent out and Dan will follow up once normal business resumes. Dan emphasized the action priorities of the letter 1.  setting up a trail plan, 2.  requesting support to obtain a quote for this plan,  3.  insuring the Hiking club provides our input into this plan via the Trail Committee and 4.supporting the garden steps upgrade as an immediate step.

Spring/Fall Outings  –Faye cancelled our April 2020 Chico Outing event reservations, all group and individual rooms booked and glass blowing associated with the cancellation of the event because of theshelter-in-place requirement.  She anticipates scheduling this event next Spring.   Lacking a comprehensive list of attendees this time, Faye will reach out to Sy to research what has been done in the past to secure a complete list of participants planning to attend such outings which will most likely include coordinating efforts with those who pick up checks since some Club members made reservations but didn’t complete and return a reservation form to her.  She next shared that Wade had volunteered to coordinate a Fall outing to Morro Bay but deferred to the Petrin’s who agreed to plan a trip to Avila and Pismo Beach.  Faye will remain in contact with the Petrin’s, indicating that since Sandy grew up in that area and they are frequent visitors there, they have knowledge of affordable times, rates, and  restaurants etc.


Coronavirus issues – Al indicated that all the club events have been cancelled for all of April.  VGCC has yet to cancel May events. Policy on loaning inventory (including tools, equipment and games) – Al reminded the Board that 4 officers have keys to our inventory shed.  Michele agreed to create a sign in and out sheet for borrowing/loaning of Club inventory.

Damaged Trail Signs status – Al indicated the signs are still damaged and there was evidence of cow hair visible on the signs.  John Trudeau has seen the order for their replacement and will pursue some of the missing signs.  Al will recommend that John follow up to ensure that the rancher is pursued for reimbursement to the Villages Management. Trail Map distributions – Al shared that the garden and stables’ boxes usually containing trail maps are empty. Maps are available online from the Club and Villages websites and from Bldg. B (FYI, Villages’ publication cost for these maps is 65 cents).   Michele shared she accesses the maps on line, gets good cell reception while hiking the trails and recommends adding the web address to the box signage.  Once Bldg. B reopens, Al will ensure maps are added to the boxes and recommends notifying John if map supplies are depleted. Faye volunteered to determine a system for adding the website to the boxes.  Hill Lands Visitor Log assignment for Peter Holmes – Al indicated Peter will continue to maintain/refill the logs and has not incurred any cost to date.  Participation so far this year at the Stable #1507=1595 visitors with 1074 signing in at the top.  Last year’s total-4276 sign in’s.  Past 3 year’s breakdown:  2018-4118;   2017-4011; and 2016-4740 hikers.

Future Programs/Meetings – Al has a reservoir of speakers lined up and will maintain a list of programs for our future General Club meetings.  The March 30th  and April 27th  General Club meetings have been cancelled by the VGCC and there is no May meeting calendared.  Deploying the June 29 th  General Club meeting at 7:30pm, Foothill is dependent upon the status of the quarantine.

Next Board Meeting– If needed, the next Board meeting is scheduled for April 23, 2020 at 9:30am most likely held via Skype.

Adjournment- A motion for the meeting conclusion was made by Michele and seconded by FayeMotion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 10:43am.

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Allmen

Cheryl Allmen

Hiking Club Secretary

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