Villages Hiking Club – Board Meeting Minutes 26-Aug-2021
1. Called to Order: 9:00am by President Al Girolami
2. Attending Board Members:
President – Al Girolami
VP Social – Michelle Breslin
VP Membership & Website – Jim Beyer
Treasurer – Sandy Petrin
Also attending were Deb Siedband as Secretary, and Dan Kato as Hill Lands Committee Chair, (6 Total Attendees)
Excused Absence: Faye Swanson, Gordon Carbonetti
3. Reports
· Sandy Petrin made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 24, 2021, Board Meeting. Jim Beyer seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by the four Board members present.
June 2021 Hiking Club General Fund
Beginning balance as of May 31, 2021 $6,185.15
Income – Membership Dues (Linda Dumont, Laurence & Arlene Versaw, $42.00
Patricia Norton, Judith McAlister, Margaret Orandi-Knop)
Balance $6,227.15
Expense – Chk#1677 Faye Swanson (Two Convertible Tables) ($457.78)
Ending balance as of June 30, 2021 $5,769.37
Note – Book balance is $6,227.15 as Ck#1677 is outstanding.
June 2021 Hiking Club Hill Lands Project Fund
Beginning balance as of May 31, 2021 $2,801.82
No Income and Expenses $0.00
Ending Balance as of June 30, 2021 $2,801.82
July 2021 Hiking Club General Fund
Beginning balance as of June 30, 20201 $5,769.37
Income – Membership Dues (Marge McCandless, Martin Funcell, $28.00
Carmel Smith, Kelly)
Income – Donation (Kelly) $3.00
Balance $5,800.37
Expenses –
Ck#1675 Michelle Breslin (Picnic supplies) ($848.15)
Ck#1678 Steve Siacotos (Picnic Entertainer) ($350.00)
Ending balance as of July 31, 2021. $4,602.22
July 2021 Hiking Club Hill Lands Project Fund
Beginning balance as of June 30, 2021 $2,801.82
No Income and Expenses $0.00
Ending Balance as of July 31, 2021. $2,801.82
· The preceding Financial Report was approved by a motion made by Al, and seconded by Michelle, and it passed.
Sunshine Committee – Sandy reported hand-painted cards by Terri Vivoli are going to Vera Girolami and Nancy Mosher-Williams. Both had recent surgeries. Plus a farewell to Nancy and her husband who are moving away from the Villages.
VP Membership & Website
· Jim reported there were 8 new members added since June 2021, and current membership now totals 303.
President Report
· Al introduced discussion about possibly changing the HC Standing Rules to allow reimbursement of minor reasonable expenses incurred by hike leaders, as a request came in for hiking map copying fees. Jim Pointed out that changing such rules is a major effort requiring both Board and General Membership approvals.
· The President already has the power to authorize expenditures.
· Sandy and Michelle agreed we’ve been struggling to attract hike leaders, and leaders are required to provide maps and driving directions for hikes being led. Refusing such copying costs would likely negatively impact attracting hike leaders.
· Al pointed out there is already $1000 set aside by the HC to help a driver involved in an accident to offset insurance deductible costs.
· It was mentioned that others have billed the HC for small amounts for Hill Lands projects, so there is a precedent established.
· It was agreed that for now, Al can allow up to $10 for hike leader costs, and the full Board can re-visit this issue at a later date.
Hill Lands Special Projects Update – Dan Kato
· Cage Inventory – Dan and Faye completed the inventory of the HC cage in the Corporation Yard facility. Their inventory report/list is attached to these minutes. Every inventoried item has a unique ID# and new items will be assigned new ID numbers. Dan reported there is a list HC members can use to check items out and in. He also reminded us that you must make an actual appointment at the Corporation Yard one day in advance to check out an item. Dan recommended such inventory be accomplished annually.
· Dan also reported the HC has a Small Locker #3 in Cribari that contains two First Aid Kits. Faye has one of them now. Al says there is a separate list for hike leaders to check out these First Aid Kits
VP Social
· Michelle reported the HC Potluck Dinner will be held on Thursday, Sept 9th at 5:30p. While Michelle will be out of town for this event, she will leave check lists and instructions for whomever leads this event. (as a post-Board Meeting item it is understood Wendy Ledamun will lead this event).
· Covid protocols will be followed for this event. There will be either be official servers or people will have to don gloves to serve themselves. Hand sanitizer will be available. Sanitizer, water, games, and other supplies will need to be checked out of the HC Cage the day before.
· Al suggested to cover the details of the October 2021 Pismo Beach trip at the next Board Meeting.
Miscellaneous Items
· Nomination of New Board – Al wants to form a committee to begin finding candidates for next year’s Board. Bob Bogdanoff will be approached. Jim Beyer will help, and Wate Bakker will be invited. The slate of candidates must be presented at the October 2021 General Membership Meeting. Voting and approval will occur at the November General Membership Meeting.
· Events for 2022– Al and Michelle submitted the HC event schedule for 2022 to Mary Tatum, and it has been approved.
· Updated Hill Lands Map – Jim Beyer saw John Trudeau and learned John made some changes to the Hill Lands map. Dan said this should have gone through the Hill Lands Committee. Dan will try to speak with John. Al requested Dan to see if John would “pencil in” the new proposed trail improvements.
· New Bench/Tables – Al reported the two new bench/tables were installed by the Villages on Buffalo and Upper Meadow Trails. Al believed Russ Glines made the installation request.
· Trail Blockage– Michelle has been following an ongoing conflict at the junction of Bay, Farm and Richter Trails. She said someone blocked a side trail with tree branches. Al will talk to Russ to see if the Villages can clear this.
· AV Equipment – Due to Covid concerns, the Villages has stopped providing AV Equipment for club meetings. John Trudeau offered his own equipment which will be used for the General Meeting on Aug.30th.
· Other – Al suggested T-shirts and Trail news be covered at the next Board mtg.
4. Next Meetings
· General Membership – Monday, August 30, 2021 at 7:30pm. Program: Liz Giarratana to speak on her hike of portions of the Appalachian Trail.
· Next Board Meeting – Thursday, September 23, 2021 at 9:30am, with meeting details to follow.
5. Meeting Adjourned – The meeting adjourned at 10:00a after a motion by Deb and second by Jim.
Respectfully submitted,
Gordon Carbonetti – Secretary, with invaluable assistance provided by Deb Siedband
Note: See following page for Cage Inventory List.