Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 23-Sept-2021

 Villages Hiking Club – Board Meeting Minutes 23-Sept-2021

Called to Order: 9:03am by President Al Girolami

Attending Board Members:

President – Al Girolami.                                  VP Social – Michelle Breslin

VP Membership & Website – Jim Beyer         Treasurer – Sandy Petrin

Secretary – Gordon Carbonetti (via Zoom).    Dan Kato as Hill Lands Com Chair


Update – Memorial for Faye Swanson (RIP September 19, 2021) – JIM BEYER

In an email Sunday night September 19, 2021 and with a heavy heart Al Girolami announced the passing of Faye Swanson (VP Trails) that night.

Faye’s daughter Erica, reached out to Jim Beyer this week and he met with Faye’s three children. Erica said OK to a Village’s Memorial service for her. Faye’s two sons, Charles, and Miles will also plan to attend. Jim said all three children were a pleasure to deal with, but they said Faye’s husband Ray might not attend the Memorial.

Erica said the cremation process should take about three weeks to complete, and that Faye’s condo will be put up for sale in due course.

The children also told Jim that Faye was at her happiest while at the Village’s and active with the library in addition to the Hiking Club (HC). Jim encouraged Erica to place an article about Faye in the Villager and gave her the Villager contact info.

Jim volunteered to take the lead for all activities for Faye related to the HC.  It was suggested to Jim to invite Faye’s sister-in-law to the Memorial Service. She lives near San Luis Obispo and Faye was close to her in recent years.


Sandy Petrin made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 26, 2021, Board Meeting.  Jim Beyer seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Treasurer – SANDY PETRIN

August 2021 Hiking Club General Fund

Beginning balance as of July 31, 2021                                                      $4,602.22

Income – Membership Dues (Benjamin Friedlander, Jill Barber,                   $21.00

Judith Owen)

Expenses –

Ck#1679 8/7 Cracked Crab (Pismo Beach Outing Dinner)                ($1,000.00)

Ck#16808/23 Maria Montiel (picnic Refund for over-charge)                  ($17.00)

Ending balance as of August 31, 2021.                                                      $3,602.22

Note: Bank Balance is $4,606.22 as Ck#1679 is outstanding

August 2021 Hiking Club Hill Lands Project Fund

Beginning balance as of July 31, 2021                                                     $2,801.82

No Income and Expenses                                                                                $0.00

Ending Balance as of August 31, 2021                                                     $2,801.82

The preceding Financial Report was approved by a motion made by Gordon, and seconded by Michelle, and it passed unanimously.

Status of Summer Picnic Income – Sandy said we cleared $293.85 in profits for the Summer Picnic in July 2021: Revenue was $1,509.00, Expenses were $1,198.15, an over-charged amount was $17.00.

Sunshine Committee – Sandy is standing by to determine who shall receive a hand-painted condolence card by Terri Vivoli for Faye Swanson.  Jim Beyer says Faye’s daughter Erica is the executor of Faye’s affairs, so he will get her address and send it to Sandy. Jim also said we need to decide what to do with the $50.00 usually donated as directed by the family. Al said his wife Vera is not in good shape and has been in the hospital for 33 days. Al asked if another card can be sent to Vera as it lifts her spirits. Sandy will coordinate this with Terri.

VP Membership & Website – JIM BEYER

Jim reported with a few new HC members in September and the revised status of Faye, the total current membership now stands at 304.  Al asked Jim to try to recognize new members at the next general membership meeting.


Given Faye’s passing, Dan Kato is willing to help with this function on an interim basis, along with assistance from Jim and Al.  Dan will focus on long hikes, plus getting information from hike leaders passed along to the General Membership. Jim will help with newspaper write-ups and coordinating interface with the Villager staff.  Also, Dan asked Jim Beyer for a list of members to review to possibly approach for hike-leader positions.


While out of town for the HC Potluck Dinner, Michelle’s helpers reported the attendance for the HC Potluck Dinner was about half that of the Summer Picnic.  However, it was felt the event attracted plenty of food and was a success even though some of us had to battle bees to get to some of the dishes.

The Board also unanimously agreed to give a $50 gift card each to Michelle’s son John, and his girlfriend Alicia, who both helped tremendously supporting the HC’s Summer Picnic.

Michelle advised the Pismo Beach Outing is now down to 33 people, and thus will likely run a deficit.  This arose due to some late cancelations by some members and the agreed dinner minimum with the Cracked Crab restaurant.  This was further complicated by the fact that at least 3 couples asked to split a meal, which is not ideal (loss of $200 revenue) with the type of table dinner Cracked Crab serves. Michelle hopes the deficit will be mitigated by the anticipated bar bill.  Also, Michelle advised in the future to tell members upfront that split meals are not allowed. In any event, Michelle said the Restaurant and Hotel have been accommodating.  Dan Kato and Deb Siedband will work to suggest long hikes in the Pismo area. Sandy and John Petrin will organize the Rambler hikes.

Michelle informed all her final Board Meeting will be the October meeting.

Al tabled discussions on the HC T-shirts and preparing the 2022 Meeting Schedule for distribution to members till the Next Board Meeting.

President Report, Old Business – AL GIROLAMI, DAN KATO

Al says both new table/benches have been installed by the VGCC in the Hill Lands on Buffalo and Upper Meadow Trails, so that project is completed.

There is no new news about the status of the new picnic table to be purchased (HC pays) and installed by the VGCC near the NE corner of the Hill Lands.

Michelle advised that the Wildland Fire Manager from the SJ (San Jose) FD has agreed to hike the Hill Lands with us (w/Bill Johnston) to investigate local wildfire risk of years of underbrush build-up, which is a severe fire hazard to VGCC.  Re-introducing cattle grazing may help in this effort.

President Report, New Business – Al Girolami

Al asked Sandy to start preparing the 2022 HC Budget to be adopted in November 2021. Al suggested using the 2021 budget as the template for the 2022 budget except to incorporate another $500.00 transfer from the HC main account to the Hill Lands account. We did this in 2019, but not in 2020 due to COVID concerns. Sandy asked and got approval to order more checks

Al asking for volunteers for Board Positions for 2022. At the October 2021 General Membership meeting a new slate of volunteer candidates must be presented, with voting and approval to occur at the General Membership Meeting in November.

Next Meetings

September General Membership – Monday, September 27, 2021, at 7:30pm in the Foothill Center (please bring your mask). Program: Villager, Peter Holmes will talk about his favorite hobby of finding wild mushrooms.

October Board Meeting – Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 9:30am, in the Patio Room in Cribari.

October General Membership – Monday, October 25, 2021, at 7:30pm in the Foothill Center (please bring your mask). Program: Villager, John Trudeau with talk about hiking the Eastern Sierras.

Meeting Adjourned – The meeting adjourned at 10:03a after a motion by Jim and second by Sandy.

Respectfully submitted,

Gordon Carbonetti – Secretary

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