Board meeting minutes 22-August-2024

Villages Hiking Club Board Minutes

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Call to Order-Bob called to order the meeting in the Cribari Forum Room at 9:35am. Attending Board
Members included: President – Bob Bogdanoff; VPs Social – Bibi Bruce Linda Arbaugh; VP
Membership Website – Jim Beyer; VP Hiking Trails – Gordon Carbonetti and Treasurer – Bert Tang.
Since Cheryl Allmen (Secretary) was leading a club hike and absent from the meeting, Gordon was
recording the meeting. June 2024 minutes had been emailed to the Board and Bob was given hard
copies of the June General and Board meeting minutes as substitute.
President – Bob shared the 2025 calendar/room requests submittal draft that had been emailed to the
Board. He initiated a discussion with the Board members and it was decided to eliminate the following
social activities-Safari, Summer Picnic and Variety Night. Changes included a May BBQ emphasizing new
members/newcomers. He indicated a revised schedule would be sent for review by the Board
members. Next was a discussion on next year’s officers which resulted in a motion by Bob and seconded
by Gordon to modify one of the VP positions and expand into two positions–one handling membership
and second to maintain and update the website. It was approved. Also at the end of December 2024,
Gordon, Bob and Bibi indicated they wished to drop their roles. Bob indicated he would continue to seek
others who would like to run for offices for 2025, a secretary could be an entry level position. Social VPs
indicated they will be reaching out for another addition to their team as well. Thirdly, the topic of
increasing the yearly membership fee to $10 or $15/year was brought up given increased
administration, technical/computer and social expenses. It was decided that a yearly increase will be
driven by the Social committee and presented to the membership later.
VP Social – Bibi Linda. Linda announced the September 19th End of Summer BBQ will be potluck
serving 8-10 people (last names A-E= dessert, F-K=main dish, L-R=appetizers, S-Z salad or side dish.
Attendees are asked to bring their own drinks, dinnerware etc. Water will be available and Ed Knott will
provide entertainment music.  Sunday, November 10th will be Game Night with light snacks such as
popcorn will be available.
VP Hiking  Trails – Gordon indicated the weekly hikes email blasts are going out to the membership
every Sunday to approximately 304 people (partners count as one) and Kori is adding the hikes to the
on line version, which is currently available when clicking on “clubs”. New trail logs are being added.
Bob made a motion to name the new trail (formerly the Garden steps) as the Bobcat trail seconded by
Gordon-motion approved. The Santa Barbara Trip, October 23-25th, now has over 50 individuals signed
up, 32 signed up for the trolley which might mean a second trolley could be needed. 29 rooms are
already booked. Gordon is finalizing the long hike which could end up beginning at the hotel and ending
at Inspiration Point.
VP Membership Website – Jim announced the club membership is 348 individuals. New members
include: Susan Price, Mallory Hayes, David Shilton, Linh Nguy, Carol Wynne, Barbara Sunseri, and June
Altieri. Related to the website, Jim indicated that he is adding the waiver release of liability form (paper
copy used to be available) for non-members who participate in a hike allowing hike leaders to print and
carry it in their backpacks.
Treasurer – Bert. Bob (since Bert had to leave earlier) shared that the balance in our account is now
$13,357 since over $10,000 has arrived due to the Santa Barbara trip signups. More updates will be
discussed at the Monday General meeting and Bert will email the reports to the Board ahead of time.
Gordon made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, seconded and was approved.

Secretary – Cheryl –Bob as substitute made a motion (since minutes had been emailed to the Board
ahead of time and hard copies were available in the room-there were no changes needed) to approve
both the June Board and General meeting minutes, it was seconded and approved.
Next Meetings: General Meetings: Monday August 26, 7pm, Foothill Center, Jim Koska – iPhone Tips.
Monday September 30, 7pm Foothill Center, Kim Silverman – Professional Life Coach. Monday October
28, 7pm, Foothill Center -presentation, tba.  Mon Nov 25, 7pm, Foothill Center-presentation, tba. Board
Meeting: Thursdays, September 26, October 24, November 21, 9:30am-10:30am, Cribari Forum Room.


Meeting Adjourned approximately at 11am as there was no new or past business.
Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl Allmen
Cheryl Allmen, Secretary