Board Meeting Minutes 30-September-2024

9-30-24 Villages Hiking Club GENERAL Meeting Minutes

Call to Order-Bob called the meeting to order at 7:05pm in the Foothill Center with the following
Board Members present along with members and 5 guests in the audience (49 in attendance):
President – Bob Bogdanoff; CoVPs of Social- Bibi Bruce; VP Membership & Website – Jim Beyer;
Treasurer – Bert Tang; and Secretary – Cheryl Allmen. VP Hiking and Trails – Gordon Carbonetti
and CoVP of Social-Linda Arbaugh were absent.
Officer Reports
VP Membership & Website – Jim welcomed the 5 guests and. reported 3 new members were
added: Bonnie Larson, Bonnie Horresberg and Laurie Aknin this summer reaching a total
membership of 351 club members. Jim indicated the website is operating well and he is
working with David Cook for adding a few new photos to our website
Secretary – Cheryl indicated that the club’s August General Meeting Minutes and the 9-26-24
Board Meeting Minutes were available for review on the back table. Lucy McProud made a
motion to accept the August General Meeting Minutes, Wendy Werner seconded. Motion
Treasurer – Bert shared fiscal reports on the white board indicating the Hills Land Account
remains the same-$2,279.72. Because of the resident’s payments for the Santa Barbara outing,
the resort gave guests a discounted rate. As a result, the General Account currently totals
$15,513.13. The Club’s payment to the resort has been sent and once cleared by the resort, the
Club’s next General Account balance will be lower.
VP Hiking and Trails – Bob filling in for Gordon shared 60 individuals (with 31 rooms reserved)
plan to attend the Santa Barbara Trip from October 23-25 th with some traveling by rail and a
few members driving their cars. On Thursday 2 trolleys will pick up our group at 9:30am at the
hotel for the 2 hour tour excursions around Santa Barbara areas. Rambler lite, Rambler, and
Long hikes will occur in the afternoon. Thursday night dinner is still being researched to handle
the large group. Dinner details will be forwarded to the attendees by email once the
arrangement is confirmed.
VP Social – Bibi shared that 60 individuals attended the September 19 th fun, yummy and
comfortable weather End of Summer Potluck Picnic with great entertainment provided by Ed
Knott music, Villages dancers and a hiking sing-a-long lead by Carol Baker and supported by
Cheryl Allmen & several Village Voices singers who rounded each table. Good time was had by
all. Next, plans for the Sunday November 10 th Game Night, Saturday December 14 th Holiday
Party and Friday December 20th Holiday Lights Walk continue.
President – Bob reminded the audience that the election of new board officers for 2025 will
occur at the November General Meeting. Currently Jim, Linda, Bert and Cheryl are willing to
remain on the Board while Bob, Bibi, and Gordon are retiring. As a result, nominations are now
open for president, co-vice president of social (Rose Eagan willing to run), and vice president of

hiking and trails. In addition a newly-formed vice president of membership has been added
which separates the previous membership and website role into 2 positions (Marisue Cody
willing to run for membership).
Next, he reported that last year’s club survey had been reviewed which indicated here was a
willingness to raise the price of our Club’s member dues if needed. He shared our expenses
have heightened since our website and emails costs have increased. Additionally, higher
inflation prices of food items have raised prices for our social activities. Social committee has
done its best to lower expenses by switching from banquets to potluck and ‘bring your own
food’ items. In some cases it was discovered that committee members have been spending
their own funds without reimbursement to supply some of the social dishes. As a result, it’s
time to cover our expenses by increasing our annual membership fee to $15 for 2025. Bob
indicated that Jim Beyer will send an email later in 2024 announcing the $15 fee to all
members. He announced to let Jim Beyer know by the end of December 2024 if you don’t wish
to continue your membership with the Villages Hiking Club.
Next Meetings: General Meetings:  Monday October 28, 7pm, Foothill Center is a joint meeting
with the Garden Club where Darcy Ernst (daughter of Dan Kato and Evergreen College Faculty
member) will speak on Owls in the Upper Garden Area. Monday 11/25, 7pm Foothill Center –
CA Condors – Richard Neidhardt, Director Pinnacle NP Foundation Monday November 25 th ,
7pm, Foothill Center- Board Meeting:, November 21, 9:30am-10:30am, Cribari Forum Room.
October board meeting to be rescheduled since original date conflicts with the Santa Barbara


Break – 15 minutes included fellowship time along with delicious cookies and fruit.
Presentation by Kim Silverman on How to Eradicate Fear & Anxiety from Your Life was well
received by the audience. Many good ways were shared on how to make one’s life more
Meeting Adjourned at 8:50pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl Allmen
Cheryl Allmen, Secretary