Hidden Pathways Hike

The Hiking Club held the annual hidden pathways in The Villages on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, November 26. The hike was led by Jackie Jones and started at Vineyard Center at 9:45 a.m. for a start time of 10:00 a.m. After the hike of about 1.5 hours (2-3 miles), everyone gathered at the Foothill Center for a potluck lunch.

Posted on Categories 2016, News

Starbucks Hike

Cookie Hunley led the ramblers on a hike to Starbucks on Wednesday, November 23rd. This was the Starbuck’s in the Canyon Creek Shopping Center on Silver Creek Valley Parkway.  The loop hike was approximately 5 miles.

Posted on Categories 2016, News

Ano Nuevo State Park

Sy Gelman led a rambler four mile hike in Ano Nuevo State Park on Wednesday, November 16th .  It was mostly on sand and boardwalks where there were lots of birds and other animals observed including elephant seals.

Posted on Categories 2016, News

Harvey Bear Ranch Park Hike

Akiko Giordono led long hikers on a 10-11 mile hike that was a moderately hilly route in Harvey Bear Ranch Park in Gilroy.  The hike started from the Martin Murphy Trail parking area off San Martin Ave, and offered views of south Santa Clara Valley and Coyote Lake area.

Posted on Categories 2016, News

REi Maintainence Day

The Villages Hiking Club Helps Maintain Local Park Trails

Nine  members of The Villages Hiking Club joined with other volunteers to help maintain the trails of one of our favorite parks, Alum Rock Park on Saturday, November 5th.  Sponsored by REI, The City of San Jose and the Ridge Trail Council, volunteers helped in repairing trail tread, improving drainage,  and pruning overgrown vegetation.  All tools were provided for together with a free lunch from Chipotle and a raffle where volunteers could win valuable prizes (which one lucky hiking club member did).  Debbie Siedband,  one of the member volunteers noted  “We got a lot done, & that was really satisfying.  As always, we met nice people & received some atta-boys from those who noted our age.  We continue to inspire wherever we go.”  The Villages Hiking Club leads hikes on most Wednesdays and Saturdays together with social activities every other month.  For more information about the Hiking Club and our hikes and programs contact Sy Gelman 408-532-1239.  Also please check out our web site http://villageshikingclub.blogspot.com.

Posted on Categories 2016, News

Montgomery Hill Hike

Johanna Bakker and Bonnie Preston led a rambler hike to Montgomery Hill off of Yerba Buena and in back of Evergreen College on Wednesday, November 2nd. The hike went back to the Villages by way of Starbuck’s Coffee Shop.

Posted on Categories 2016, News

Seascape Beach Walk

On Saturday, October 22nd Jane Ruona again graciously offered her Seascape condo for the day.  All level of walker was welcome whether they were a short casual stroller, rambler, or a long hiker. Everyone joined in our fall potluck and beach walk.

Posted on Categories 2016, News

Alviso Slough Hike

On Wednesday, October 19th  Sy Gelman led a 3 mile hike around Alviso Slough where there were lots of birds flocking together.

Posted on Categories 2016, News

Santa Teresa County Park

Gary Holmquist led a rambler hike in the northern section of Santa Teresa County Park on October 12th. It was approximately four miles with an elevation gain of about 500 feet.

Posted on Categories 2016, News

Hill Hike Octiber 5th

Johanna  and Wate Bakker led  rambler hikes on October 5th in the Village hill lands. Both hikes started at the upper garden parking lot of village view drive  Johanna led a 3 mile hike with a 300 ft elevation gain on the Richter, Oak, Buffalo and bay trails. Wate’s hike was about 4 miles long with a 700 ft elevation gain  on the Richter Oak, Tower, Rawhide, Indian and Sky trails.

Posted on Categories 2016, News