Fall Creek Hike

On Saturday, August 13th Nancy Rumple led the long hikers on an 8 mile loop with a 1200ft. elevation gain at Fall Creek State Park in Felton. The hike was on shady trails among the Redwood trees, along a running creek and it included a visit to some historic sites.

Posted on Categories 2016, News

Hill Hike and maintenance Hike

A small group of members did a special hike on our own hill trails on Saturday, August 6th . This hike was special because they didn’t go all the way to the top but took Bay trail (shady) to Tower, then over to Oak (also shady) and back down.  What also made this a special hike special was that they did a little TRAIL MAINTENANCE along the way.  Specifically, where Bay meets Meadow/Tower (the area we cleared at last Spring’s trail maintenance day) we will simply cut a few weeds.  The top end of the Bay Trail and the area we cleared last Spring has, or will soon become, overgrown with what looks like some nasty yellow star thistle weeds. Everyone pitched in until the entire job was complete — many thanks to everyone who helped!   We even carried down a bag full of yellow star thistles that we cut so they wouldn’t stay there and possibly germinate.

Posted on Categories 2016, News

Ano Nuevo Hike

Wate and Johanna Bakker led long and rambler hikes along the beautiful coastline between Gazebo Park and Año Nuevo state park on Saturday, July 30th. The hikes were basically flat with some ups and downs across dunes and rocks.There also was some walking along sandy beaches. Ocean views were excellent. The ramblers did 3-4 miles and the long hikers 5-7.

Posted on Categories 2016, News

Evergreen Hike

Wendy Ledamun and Rich Bainbridge led a rambler hike on Wednesday, July 27th through the community college, around Montgomery hill, and through the community walkways which took the group through a park-like setting to the Evergreen Square to the Farmers Market and the new library.

Posted on Categories 2016, News

Huddart Park Hike

On Saturday, July 23rd John Trudeau led a 7-mile hike in Huddart Park in Woodside along the Dean, Crystal Springs and Richardson Road trails. Elevation gain approx 1,400 ft. Gary and Terry Holmquist led the Ramblers on a 6.5 mile loop of the Dean and Crystal Springs loop; elevation gain about 1,000ft. The hikes were mostly in the shade.

Posted on Categories 2016, News

Coyote Creek Hike

Cookie Hunley led a Rambler Hike on a 6 mile hike along Coyote Creek to Hellyer Park and around the lake and back on Wednesday, July 20th.

Posted on Categories 2016, News

Sanborn Skyline County Park

Nancy Rumple led the long hikers on a 9 mile hike with a 1200 ft. elevation gain from the park up to Skyline Boulevard near Castle Rock Park on Saturday, July 16th. The trail was mostly shaded.

Posted on Categories 2016, News

BBQ Summer Cook Out

The Villages Hiking Club held its annual Summer Cook out on Thursday, July 14th, beginning at 5:30 pm at the Gazebo. Music was provided by our favorite Villages DJ, Ed Knott. Bocce courts were available for our exclusive use also. About 100 members and guests enjoyed good food and good fellowship.

Posted on Categories 2016, News

Alum Rock Hike

Gary and Terry Holmquist led a rambler hike to Alum Rock along the valley trail for a 4.5 mile hike on Wednesday, July 13th. There was an elevation gain of 300 feet. It was almost all in shade for this time of year.  Afterwards some went lunch at Lee’s Sandwich shop on Berryessa.

Posted on Categories 2016, News

Starbucks Hike

Katie Peritti led a favorite hike to Starbucks off of Silver Creek Valley Road on Wednesday,July13th. The group met at the  Cribari Center at 8:30.

Posted on Categories 2016, News