Sunol Regional Park Hike

Gisela Pearson led a determined group on Saturday, July 15th in blazing heat as advertised on a  hike in Sunol Regional Park of about 6  miles .The hike was from the headquarters to the top of Flag Hill.  A fun day topped off by a stop for ice cream.

Posted on Categories 2017, News

Thompson Creek Trail Hike

Brad Hinckley lead a 4.5 mile hike along Thompson Creek Trail that is maintained by the Santa Clara Water District.

Posted on Categories 2017, News

Gazos Creek Hike

Wate and Johanna Bakker led a Coastal hike from Gazos Creek to  the Ano Nuevo SP., along HW 1. The hike was along beach,dunes, a rocky coastline and a coastal plain. Wate  led a long hike of about 7 miles. Johanna  led a shorter hike  of 4-5 miles.Elevation differences less than 200.There were a few remaining flowers.

Posted on Categories 2017, News

Water Ways Hike

Katy Peretti and Suzanne Pham led a hike through the water ways of del Lago, Montgomery, and Hermosa Villages followed by a stop at the bistro.

Posted on Categories 2017, News

Hill Hike

Richard Bainbridge led a hill hike, starting from the parking lot of the upper garden. The hike was along the Cougar , Richter,Oak and Buffalo trails to the Bay and Meadow trails.  A renovation and partial rerouting of the upper Bay trail and Meadow trails has recently been approved by the VG&CC board and is expected to take place in October or November after the first winter rains. Since the upper trails are presently in poor shape some scrambling was anticipated there. Rich pointed out how and where the trails would be rerouted and widened to county park standards. Finally the hike led to the picnic area at the highest point of our hill lands.


Posted on Categories 2017, News

Point Lobos State Natural Reserve Hike

Johanna Bakker led a hike to Point Lobos State Natural Reserve on Wednesday,June 28th, one of the most beautiful hikes by the ocean. It was located just south of Carmel.

Posted on Categories 2017, News

Sanborn County Park Hikes

Dan Kato led ten hikers on a visit to Sanborn County Park on 6/24/17.  All started on the Sanborn trail together for about a mile.  After that the ramblers took the Peterson trail back to the trail head and the long hikers continued on a long climb up the San Andreas trail.  At one point we crawled under and through the brush from downed trees blocking the trail.  Quite an adventure.  Lunch was eaten in a wooded glen sitting on logs.

Posted on Categories 2017, News

Happy Hollow Park Outing

Kathy Tanaka led a tour of the Senior Safari at Happy Hollow Park and Zoo in San Jose on Thursday, June 22nd.  Senior Safari is a day when seniors get free admission and parking at the zoo.  The zoo is open only to seniors between 9 and 10 am, but you can stay as long as you like.  You can see the animals, get your steps in and even ride some of the kids rides!

Posted on Categories 2017, News

Saratoga Gap into Long Ridge

Nancy Rumple  led hikers on an 8-9 mile hike on Saturday, June 17th. The start was at Hwy.9 & Skyline Rd. they hiked the Saratoga Gap Trail into Long Ridge Open Space. The hike was along the Hickory Oaks Trail and then along the Ward and Long Ridge Road to the Wallace Stegner Bench. There were views of the hills and the ocean. The return was back to the Achistaca Trail and back to HWY. 9 and the cars.

Posted on Categories 2017, News

Coyote Creek Trail Hike

Sy Gelman led a hike on the Coyote Creek Trail ending at the lake on Wednesday, June 14th.. It was 5 miles and flat and mostly in the shade.

Posted on Categories 2017, News