Berryessa Flea Market Trip

Susan Brown,Cookie Hunley,Arlyn Unruh,
Faye Swanson,Marion Logie,Caryl Swinyard,
Bonnie Knight,Nancy Mosher-Williams,
Bonnie Preston,Victor Kelaita,Katy Peretti,
Cheryl Allman,Linda Kelaita
Fay Swanson and Bonnie Preston led 16 Ramblers on an unusual summer trip to the Berryessa Flea Market. We enjoyed exploring the various stalls and found many interesting and funny objects. Our treasure hunt for the best buy for $3.00 or less was won by Cheryl Allman who was declared the master shopper for the cloth cow which she had spent $1.00 for. The runner ups were an old antique clock by Susan and a unicorn pinnata by Bonnie. It was also interesting to see the location of the new Bart which is being built near the Flea Market. In addition Susan introduced us to a new Chinese restaurant which we plan to go to again.It was a day of exploring.

Shopping “treasures”
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Portola Redwoods State Park Hike

Jackie Jones,Katy Peretti,Tony Orlando,
Karan Foss,Peter Nicholls,Dan Kato,
Amy Meier,Jane Ruona,Debbie Siedband,
Susan Brown,Faye Swanson,Phi Grote,
Kamini Patwari,Wate Bakker,Subhash Bal,
Viren Patwari, Radhika Rajpai,
Johanna Bakker,Peggy Grote
Photographer:Jim Beyer

 Jackie Jones  led an eight mile hike with less than 1000 ft. elevation gain in a tree-lovers park on the Coyote Ridge trail. Some ramblers hiked a slightly different way. It was a cool pleasant walk with plenty of shade and breezes. We saw many tall beautiful redwood trees sprinkled throughout the trail. The visitors’ center revealed several glass cases displaying  local wildlife.

Peter Nicholls,Karan Foss,
Jane Ruona,Susan Brown

Karan Foss,Susan Brown,
Amy Meier,Jane Ruona
Dan Kato,Kamini Patwari,Jane Ruona,
Amy Meier,Susan Brown,Phile Grote,
Peter Nicholls,Subhash Bal

Posted on Categories 2014, News

Elkhorn Slough National Research Reserve Hike

Matie Alesi,Vick Alesi,Arlyn Unruh,
Rajni Bakhda,Cookie Hunley,Gita Bakhda,
Dan Kato,Gary Holmquist,Bonnie Preston,
Terry Holmquist,Wate Bakker,Katy Peretti,
Barbara Knight,Faye Swanson,Johanna Bakker,
Pam Thompson,Janet       ,Frank Veloz
Photographer:Susan Brown
Nineteen people went to Elkhorn Slough National Research Reserve with Gary and Terry Holmquist today. Starting from the Visitor Center we hiked north toward the Hummingbird Island passing the old, abandoned barn.  Then we hiked to the North Marsh Overlook before turning back to the Visitor Center, about 3-4 miles. Around the marshes we saw lots of small and big sandpipers, a curlew and some godwits. While at the Hummingbird Island, we saw lots of white Pelicans in the water. On our way to Hummingbird Island ( didn’t see any hummingbirds there ) we saw this wall made of sea shells and burnt wood.  We had lunch at Phil’s Fish House in Moss Landing which is a very famous and large restaurant. The portions were really big there and some of us had to take  doggy bags home. 

(Roots used by cowboys for coffee) 
Bonnie Preston,Johanna Bakker,
Susan Brown,Wate Bakker

Posted on Categories 2014, News

San Francisco Bay Hike

F:Bonnie Preston,Cookie Hunley,Arlyn Unruh,
Amy Meier,Kamini Patwari,Wate Bakker,
Johanna Bakker
B:Jim Beyer,Dan Kato,Katy Peretti
Viren Patwari
Photographer:Ross Beyer

Wate and Johanna Bakker led a hike along the shore of San Francisco bay from Lands End, through Seacliff to Bakers Beach and back The hike was largely flat, except for a few short flights of stairs and was about 6 miles long. Views were great and fog remained all day long that created a great cool hike as there was no sun to deal with in the open spaces. The Seacliff section of San Francisco revealed many fabulous large homes. Afterwards we ate at the Golden Gate Park Chalet.

Johanna Bakker,Viren Patwari,
Bonnie Preston
Seacliff neighborhood
Amy Meier,Wate Bakker.Katy Peretti
Dan Kato,Katy Peretti,Viren Patwari,
Kamini Patwari,Jim Beyer,Wate Bakker,
Amy Meier,Cookie Hunley,
Arlyn Unruh,Johanna Bakker
Photographer:Ross Beyer

Posted on Categories 2014, News

Saratoga Gap Area Hike

Bonnie Preston,Debbie Siedband,Pam Thompson,
Rajni Bakhda,Faye Swanson,Gita Bakhda,
Katy Peretti,Amy Meier,Nancy Mosher-Williams,
Mauran Bull,Brad Hinckley,Ruth
Photographer:Robyn Siebenthall

A Rambler hike to Saratoga Gap area was led by Brad Hinckley. It was a shady woodlands area where the group explored the Sarataga Gap and Achistoca Indian trail for a loop of 4.5 miles.

Gita Bakhda,Debbie Siedband,Robyn Siebenthall,
Nancy Mosher-Williams,Rajni Bakhda

Car rolled off trail years ago and
never pulled out of the forest,

Posted on Categories 2014, News

Big Basin State Park Hike

F:Nancy Rumple,Frances Wilson,
Kamini Patwari,Karan Foss
B:Peter Nicholls,Viren Patwari,Gigi Clarke,
Anka Hoek,Debbie Siedband,Trish Smith,
Jackie Jones,Dan Kato

On Saturday,August 2nd, twelve hikers did a challenging 12 mile hike from the Park Headquarters climbing up the Sunset Trail, down past Silver, Golden, Cascade, and Berry Creek Falls. They then looped back up the hill on the Skyline- to- the- Sea trail to the park headquarters. There was some rock scrambling.

Posted on Categories 2014, News

Downtown Doors art installation tour

Faye Swanson,Katy Peretti,Robyn Siebenthall,
Debbie Siedband,Nancy Mosher-Williams,Cookie Hunley,
Barbara Knight,Wate Bakker,Johanna Bakker,
Jim Beyer,Dan Kato,Bonnie Preston
Photographer:Susan Brown

Debbie Siedband and Jim Beyer led 13 people on a tour of the Downtown Doors art installation. The vibrant work of local high school students was really impressive. After lunch we enjoyed a docent tour of the Beethoven center (complete with instrumental demonstrations), followed by a quick but informative tour of the Steinbeck center next door.  Both centers are part of the Martin Luther King Library.

Susan Brown,Faye Swanson,Wate Bekker,
Johanna Bakker,Debbie Siedband,Cookie Hunley,
Barbara Knight,Bonnie Preston

Posted on Categories 2014, News

Urban Hike in San Francisco

Karan Foss,Amy Meier,Wate Bakker,
Cookie Hunley,Dan Kato,
Johanna Bakker,Faye Swanson
Photographer:Jim Beyer 

Wate and Johanna Bakker led an urban hike in San Francisco of 4-5 miles long. We started at the Embarcadero, climbed the stairs to Coit tower where we looked at all the interesting paintings on the walls depicting events of the past in San Francisco inside the tower on the first level. As we walked up, we saw several gates to private homes next to the path as show in the one picture with Cookie and Amy.Then we walked down to China town for lunch at one of the local restaurants. After lunch we walked back to the waterfront. The day was sunny and pleasant with a cool breeze.

Coit tower

Cookie Hunley,Amy Meier

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SF-Oakland Bay Bridge

Jane Ruona,Rich Bainbridge,
Liz Giarratana,Brad Hinckley,
Laura Gelman,Dan Kato
Photographer:Sy Gelman
Richard Bainbridge led a hike on the pedestrian portion of the new section of the SF-Oakland Bay Bridge on Saturday, July 19th. It was  a total hike of about 8 miles. The trail from the parking lot to the bridge was flat and about 2 miles and from the start of the bridge to the end point another 2 miles with an easy 2% grade. There were a number of benches on the bridge where people could rest before proceeding. Lunch was at Jack London Square after the hike. 
Jane Ruona,Brad Hinckley,
Laura Gelman,Rich Bainbridge,
Dan Kato,Liz Giarratana
Photographer:Sy Gelman

Posted on Categories 2014, News

Hill Hike

Mary Wu,Michelle Prest,Nora Chang,
Quincy Chang,Phil Grote,Kevin Prest,
Gigi Clarke,Bernie Loth,Carolyn Tornay,
Nancy Rumple,Jane Ruona,
Jackie Jones,Karan Foss
Photographer:Brad Hinckley

There were 14 people that stayed in the Villages to climb the hill today. The only thing that was unusual was a tree fell across Rawhide trail between Power Line Road and Indian Trail.

Posted on Categories 2014, News