Harvey Bear Ranch Hike

A nice day for a good hike. Sun, breeze, some flowers, lake views and good company. The Long hikers did a 6-7 mile hike from the Roop Road entrance up over Mummy Mountain with 600ft. elevation gain led by Nancy Rumple.

Gisela Pearson

Coyote Mint (Monardella villosa)          The leaves have a minty smell. Native  Americans made a tea from the leaves, stems and flowers and used  the plant to treat stomach aches.

Posted on Categories 2014, News

Henry Coe State Park Hike

B:Chuck Wyatt,Faye Swanson,Katy Peretti,
Laura Gelman,John Walker,Sandra Walker,
Debbie Siedband,Jim Beyer,Jackie Jones,
Nancy Rumple,Gigi Clarke,Eve Gebhardt,
Gisela Pearson
F:Karan Foss,Susan Brown
Photographer:Sy Gelman

Sy and Laura Gelman  led a rambler hike starting from the park headquarters on Saturday,May 24th.. The long hikers led by Nancy Rumple hiked 12 miles to Manzanita Point and China Hole and returned to the headquarters building, Wildlife abounded and many wildflowers were still in full bloom. The day started out cool and changed into a warm day with gentle breezes with most of the trail in shaded areas.

Debbie Siedband,Susan Brown,Jim Beyer

Posted on Categories 2014, News

Hill Hike

Jackie Jones,Nora Chang,Chuck Wyatt,
Jane Ruona,Susan Brown,Nancy Rumple,
Mary Wu,Carolyn Tornay,
Jim Beyer,Quincy Chang
Photographer:Brad Hinckley

On Wednesday, May 21st, eleven hikers walked from the Foothill parking lot up Rawhide to the Turkey switch back. Then onto the Oak trail and through another switch back up to Sky trail and finally arriving at the mailbox and picnic tables at the highest point in the Villages. It was somewhat overcast but made for a good morning hike.

Posted on Categories 2014, News

Pichetti Ranch Hike

Pamela Thompson, Terry and Gary Holmquist,
Wate and Johanna Bakker, Bonnie Preston, Katy
 Peretti,  Faye Swanson
Photographer: Deb Siedband

.Johanna Bakker led a 4.6 mile hike on the hills and through the woods of Picchetti Ranch.  Nine people enjoyed the beautiful surroundings and had lunch in a shady picnic grove

Pamela Thompson and
 Katy Peretti  check out the Tasting Room
 at Picchetti. 

Posted on Categories 2014, News

Mount Madonna County Park Hike

B:Jim Beyer,Gisela Pearson,Brad Hinckley,
Gigi Clarke,Faye Swanson,Nancy Rumple,
Dot Armbruster,FrancesWilson,Karan Foss,
F:Amy Meier,Rosa Balderas
Photographer:Chuck Wyatt

Twelve hikers hiked 7-8 miles on hilly trails with a 800 ft elevation gain through the Redwoods led by Nancy Rumple. We also visited the white fallow deer herd in the park and saw some wildflowers. It was pleasant with light breezes.

Rosa w/home made walking sticks
B:Amy Meier,Faye Swanson,Chuck Wyatt,
Jim Beyer,Frances Wilson,Nancy Rumple,
Gigi Clarke,Dot Armbruster,Gisela Pearson
F:Rosa Balderas,Karan Foss
Photographer:Brad Hinckley
Nancy had a surprise for us!!

Posted on Categories 2014, News

Russian Hill Mid Peninsula Open Space Hike

Nancy Rumple,Wate Bakker,John Walker,
Sandra Walker,Faye Swanson,Frances
 Wilson.Gisela Pearson,Eve Gebhardt,
Jackie Jones,Brad Hinckley
Photographer:Susan Brown

Wate and Johanna Bakker  led 15 ramblers and long hikers in the Russian Hill Mid Peninsula open space area on Saturday, May 10th. We had a wonderful wild flower hike today. It was sunny and cool up there and we saw so many wild flowers that some of us had never seen before This was a very good trip as the weather was great  and there were many beautiful wild flowers.

Jackie Jones,Faye Swanson,Wate Bakker,
John Walker,Frances Wilson,Sandra
Walker,Nancy Rumple,Brad Hinckley,
Gisela Pearson,Eve Gebhardt
Photographer:Susan Brown

Eve Gebhardt,Susan Brown
Eve Gebhardt,Jackie Jones,Faye Swanson,
Wate Bakker,Sandra Walker,Susan Brown,
Gisela Pearson,Frances Wilson,Nancy Rumple,
John Walker,Bonnie Preston,Johanna
Bakker,Cookie Hunley,Katy Peretti
Photographer:Brad Hinckley

Posted on Categories 2014, News

Overfelt Gardens Park Hike

Bonnie Preston,Katy Peretti,Faye Swanson,
Stan Pegram,Suzanne Pham,Nancy
Mosher-Williams,Brad Hinckley,Marie Buck,
Debbie Siedband,Amy Meier,Susan Brown

On 5/7/14 Eleven Ramblers joined the journey to the Far East tour of the Overfelt Gardens on Mckee Rd in San Jose with a guided tour by Ranger Valeri Heyberger. The 33 acres of land was donated by Mildred Overfelt in memory of her parents, William and Mary to create a peaceful and tranquil park surrounded by natural plants, wildlife and ponds. The park is also known as the Chinese Cultural Garden due to Frank and Pauline Lowe who worked to acquire several historical objects from Taiwan including: a 30 ft bronze and marble statue of Confucious, an ornamental front gate, Sun Yat Sun Memorial Hall, Chung Kai Shek Plum Pavillion, a sundial and the Black Stone which was mined from the Mt. ranges of Taiwan.We also toured the Overfelt family house located in the park. Afterwards, we visited Pao Hua Buddhist Temple on our own which is located also on McKee Rd. Everyone enjoyed a Dim Sum lunch at Creekside Chinese Restaurant on Piedmont Rd before going home.

Posted on Categories 2014, News

Harvey Bear Ranch County Park

B:Gisela Pearson,Johanna Bakker,Faye Swanson,
John Trudeau,Eve Gebhardt,Nancy Rumple,
Quincy Chang,Jim Beyer,Nora Chang,
Carol Allbright,Frank Allbright
F:Amy Meier,Debby Siedband,Gigi Clarke
Photographer:Susan Brown
There was a special hike to Harvey Bear Ranch County Park on Monday, May 5th led by Nancy Rumple and Jim Beyer. The participates hiked on the easy hills of the Coyote Ridge Trail before cutting over at Calaveras Trail to the flat Valley Oak Trail and returned on Campground trail to the Coyote Ridge Trail. We then climbed the switchback trail over Mummy Mountain for a total of about seven miles.The elevation gains were less than 1000 ft. It was a crisp, partly sunny day with some wind that made for a delightful day of hiking. 
Amy Meier,Faye Swanson,Eve Gebhardt,
Gisela Pearson,Debbie Siedband,Susan Brown,
Nancy Rumple,Johanna Bakker,Gigi Clarke,
Nora Chang,Quincy Chang,Jim Beyer,
Frank Allbright,Carol Allbright
Photographer:John Trudeau
Posted on Categories 2014, News

Calero County Park Hike

Johanna Bakker led a rambler hike on Wednesday, April 30th in Calero County Park. They took the Figueroa trail to the, Vallecito trail and the Pena trail and Los Cerritos trail loop back to the car. It was about 3 miles and one of the Healthy trail hikes. There was a nice picnic bench to eat our lunch.

Posted on Categories 2014, News

The Windy Hill Open Space Hike

B:Jane Ruona,Eve Gebhardt,Chuck Wyatt,
Sandra Walker,Gigi Clarke,John Walker,
Nancy Rumple,Johanna Bakker,
Katy Peretti,Bonnie Preston
F:Amy Meier,Rosa Balderas,Wate Bakker
Photographer:John Trudeau

On Saturday, May 3rd, John Trudeau led the long hikers on the Spring Ridge and Hamms Gulch loop for a hike of about 7.5 miles, with an elevation gain of about 1400ft.  Windy Hill is noted for lots of woodland and grassland wildflowers in the springtime. The day was notable for the abundance of wildflowers, good clear views, a variety of environments:  uphill, sunny & warm, cool ocean breeze, level hiking on the ridgline, woods & gulch, shade, big trees, woodland flowers. Ramblers started from the same trail head and left the long hikers at the Meadow trail cutoff to the Betsy Crowder trail around Sausal pond, with elevation gain about 230ft.

Posted on Categories 2014, News