Wilder Ranch Hike

John Walker,Eve Gebhardt,Faye
Swanson,Marc Siedband,Debbie Siedband,
Susan Brown,Jim Beyer,Nancy
Mosher-Willams,Bonnie Preston,Brad Hinckley
Photographer:John Trudeau

A rambler Hike today was led by John Trudeau to Wilder Ranch on Hwy 1 just north of Santa Cruz which we passed by on our way to Ano Nuevo. The weather was sunny, cool, and delightful with a stiff breeze. We were able to see many sights not available from a car. We were all thankful for our ability to walk in such a fabulous and visually pleasing area. We visited the small cultural preserve area in the park. The trail was mostly level and along the coast side bluffs and coves.

(Notice sign!)

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