Carmel Fall Outing

Wate Bakker organized a hike for the first day that started right after lunch where we got  a little warm up before checking into the hotel.That first night October 22nd we met for light hors d’oeuvres and snacks at the hotel patio at 5:00 pm.  Jackie Jones did a wonderful job with help from Jane Ruona organizing this event and supplying the food. Dinner that first night was on your own if you were still hungry.
John Trudeau led hikes on trails in Garrapata state park on Thursday October 23rd. It included hikes for all levels of hikers. Some members hiked at  beautiful point Lobos that day also. For those not hiking, the town of Carmel provided many interesting tours and activities. The second night, Thursday October 23rd, we met again at the hotel patio at about 5:00 for light snacks provided by the hiking club. After snacks we all walked to the Bistro 211 restaurant for dinner. Terri Molloy did a wonderful job of selecting and arranging all the details as the meals were delicious.

Posted on Categories 2014, News