Shoreline park 6-12-24

On 12-June-29 John Petrin led twenty Ramblers out at 9:15 am and headed to Shoreline Lake in Mountain View. It was great to see so many out there on a perfect morning for hiking. There was a gentle breeze from the bay by the time we began the hike at 10:15, continuing through our finish about 11:45. All dined at the American Bistro, adjacent to where we parked. Despite the excellent weather conditions we did not see the usual array of water fowl. This hiking shortcoming was blamed on the organizer, John Petrin, for not anticipating the LOW tide conditions at that time on that day! He promised to check the tidal charts before scheduling future hikes to the Shoreline Lake area. All in all, there was just enough wildlife to pique the interest of many of the hikers who vowed to return when the tide was IN!

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