Rambler lite hike 3-23-2022

Bonnie Preston  led a hike to Village Cribari along the west walkway and back through the central park area.



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Silver Creek Valley Restaurant Hike

On 3-16-2022 Pam Thompson led another hike through Silver Creek Valley country club in the opposite direction as before! They met up at the Silver Creek Valley parking lot at 10:30am and afterward they enjoyed lunch at their Bistro.

Posted on Categories 2022, News

Game Night

On 3-10-2022 the club gathered for our funtastic Game Night at Foothill Center beginning at 6:00 pm. Members and Guests were asked to bring their favorite board or card game(s) to play with their tablemates.





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Rambler Lite Hike

On 3-9-2022 Bonnie Preston led a hike to Valle Vista and the lower Joe Marsh trail.


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Windy Hill Open Space Hike

On 3-9-2022 Akiko Giordono along with Gigi Clark led long hikers on 7-mile hike in Windy Hill Open Space Preserve. They started on the Hamms Gulch Trail and onto Lost Trail with a gradual climb of 4 miles to the picnic/rest area. There were trilliums in bloom and red columbines  along the trail. After a lunch break, they took the Anniversary Trail to the Spring Ridge Trail with a view of the bay, and then the Betsy Crowder Trail took them back to the parking area.


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Joseph Grant Hike

On 3-5-2022 the long hikers did about 7.7 miles, enjoying the great views, even snow on nearby ridges. After the hike they stayed for refreshments and socializing.
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Larkspur Hike

On 3-2-2022 Bonnie Preston lead a rambler lite hike to LARKSPUR HILL They met at the parking lot across from the Pickleball Courts at 9:20am and begin the hike at 9:30 am. They walked through the Villages’ gate to San Felipe Road and then took a left and walked for about 100 feet to a path on the right which took them up the slow long hill to the park which overlooks the Villages and the Diablo Range. They then returned.

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Lake Almaden Hike

On 3-2-2022 Laura Gelman led a rambler 3 mile hike around Lake Almaden.  It was flat with great views of the lake and wildlife.

Posted on Categories 2022, News

Silver Creek Valley Restaurant Hike

On 2-23-2022 Pam Thompson  led a Silver Creek Valley County Club Rambler hike. They met at 10:30am in the Silver Creek Valley restaurant parking lot.  They had lunch at their Bistro after the hike.
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Shoreline Park Hike

February 16: Wendy and Rich led a hike at the Shoreline Park in Mountain View. We brought our binoculars and cameras.  We saw many migratory and other shoreline birds.


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