Calero County Park Hike

John Walker,Nancy Rumple,Jackie
Jones,Anka Hoek,Debbie Siedband,
John Trudeau,Eve Gebhardt,Sandra
Walker,Gisela Pearson

 On Saturday, February 15th thirteen members hiked in Calero County Park. The ten long hikers hiked 7-8 miles with a 1400 ft. elevation gain led by Nancy Rumple. They passed the bat house and had views of the reservoir and the valley. The Ramblers did 4-5 miles led by Bonnie Preston. They consisted of Bonnie Preston, Sy Gelman,and Laura Gelman. It was a pleasant day with cloudy skies and moderate temperatures.

John Walker,Jim Beyer,Jackie
Jones,Debbie Siedband.Anka Hoek,
John Trudeau,Eve Gebhardt,Sandra
Walker,Gisela Pearson

Posted on Categories 2014, News

Village Hike

Bonnie Preston  led a Village hike today. The group met at Vineyard Center at 9 a.m and walked up through Valle Vista and on to the upper garden and to the first picnic area on the lower part of Skyway. It was a pleasant day and the fog made way for a sunny morning. The hike ended back at the Vineyard.

Posted on Categories 2014, News

Fremont Peak State Park Hike

Susan Brown,Debbie Siedband,Johanna
Bakker,Cookie Hunley,Jackie Jones,
Gigi Clarke,Wate Bakker,Nancy
Rumple,Gisela Pearson,Chuck Wyatt
Wate and Johanna Bakker led long and rambler hikes in the historic Fremont Peak state park. Johanna lead a 3-4 mile hike with elevation gains of less than 500 ft while Wate lead a longer hike of 4-5 miles with elevation gains of 500-1000ft . Both hikes  had excellent views of the Salinas Valley and the Monterey Bay. It was a beautiful day, and everyone had a good time. We had lunch at Jardine’s in San Juan Bautista. 
Posted on Categories 2014, News

Todd Quick Trail Hike

F:Susan Brown,Amy Meier,Gisela
Pearson,Gigi Clarke
B:Eve Gebhardt,Debbie Siedband,
Sandra Walker,Nancy Rumple,Jim
Beyer,John Walker,Jackie Jones

On Saturday, January 25th,the long hikers  were led by Nancy Rumple and hiked in Alum Rock Park up the Todd Quick Trail onto the  Boccardo Open Space Trail. The hike was an 8-9 mile hike with a 1200ft. elevation gain. It was a popular trail with many other hikers and bikers present. There were four ramblers that did the South rim trail loop, Toby Katzman, Wate and Johanna Bakker and Suzanne Pham. They were able to admire the 11 long hikers across the canyon on the Bocardi trail, up,up and away.

Posted on Categories 2014, News

Castle Rock State Park hike

Wate Bakker,Jackie Jones,Gigi Clarke,
Susan Brown,Phil Grote

Five brave long hikers and 2 ramblers joined Wate and Johanna to the unique Castle Rock State Park hike Saturday.You can’t see it from the road but as soon as you leave the parking lot and start walking on the trail, you will see the stunning rock formation and the beautiful view of the forested hills. Wate took us on a 4-5 mile, partial loop trail with 6-700 elevation. Most of the trails were straight forward but at times we had to scramble on big slippery boulders. This is a popular park for rock climbers and we saw a few groups on the big rocks. The view from the top is fantastic! We had cloudy and cool weather all day and the fog rolled in just as we were leaving in the afternoon.

Wate Bakker,Phil Grote,Jackie Jones,
Gigi Clarke

Posted on Categories 2014, News

Annual New Years Brunch-2014

Wednesday, January 1st 2014 was a bright sunny day, just right for the annual New Years Day brunch at the top. This year we had both a Rambler hike part way up the hill as well as the usual march to the top for the Long Hikers.  Bonnie Preston  led the Rambler hike to the new picnic table at the intersection of Sky and Indian trail for an 11:30-12:00 celebration and a glass of bubbly. Nancy Rumple led the Long Hikers also starting at about 10:00 AM at Foothill parking lot for a celebration at 11:30 to 12:00 at the top of the hill, where there is now two picnic tables. There was good fellowship and fun for all that attended. There were about forty combined people that attended.

Jim Beyer,Nora Chang,Amy Meier
Sy Gelman,Gigi Clark,Karan Foss,Jackie Jones

Posted on Categories 2014, News

Holiday Party – 2013

On Thursday, December 12 at the Foothill Center starting at 5:30 p.m. ninety members and guests attended the hiking club holiday party and enjoyed appetizers, dinner and a dessert. Lively music provided by the “Blue Mountain Radio Band” enhanced the evening.

Bob Hunley,Cookie Hunley,Claire Gililland

Susan Brown,Gigi  Clarke,Nancy Rumple

Bernie Loth,Jackie Jones

Jack Kuzia,Katy Obringer,Terri Molloy

Odila Nielsen,Jim Nielsen,Rayette Adams

Jim Beyer,Prescilla Simms

Joanne Cooke and guests

guest,Marie Buck,Ray Buck

guest,Karen Carlson

Barbara Orlando,Lynda Kelaita

Posted on Categories 2013, News

Sierra Vista Open Space Hike

Debbie Siedband,Nancy Rumple,Jackie
Jones,Akiko Giordono,Wate Bakker,Susan Brown,
Gigi Clarke,Mike Warfield,Sandra Walker,
John Walker,Gisela Pearson

On Saturday, November 23: a group of club members hiked a Sierra Vista Open Space trail of 5-6 miles with a 1,000 ft. elevation gain. The Sierra Vista which is perched above Alum Rock Park and normally requires a hard hike to get to but we were allowed to drive up to it. This was a beautiful hike with spectacular scenery.

John Walker,Gigi Clarke,Sandra Walker,
Jackie Jones,Susan Brown,Debbie Siedband,

Posted on Categories 2013, News

Willow Glen Hike

Suzanne Pham,Liz Giarratana,
Sy Gelman,Laura Gelman,Victor
Kelaita,Linda Kelaita,Barbara Knight,
Arlyn Unruh,Katy Peretti,
Bonnie Preston,Katy Obringer

Liz Giarratana led a historical walk on the leafy streets of Willow Glen on November 16th. It was about 2 miles total with a break for lunch. We met at 8:30 AM in front of Cribari to carpool.

Liz Giarratana

Posted on Categories 2013, News

Almaden Quicksilver Park Hike

F:Jim Beyer,Wate Bakker,Debbie Siedband
B:Gigi Clarke,Eve Gebhardt, Anka Hoek
Johanna Bakker,Cookie Hunley,Brad Hinckley,
Nancy Mosher-Williams,Bonnie Preston,
Teri Tyrrell,Amy Meier,
Jackie Jones,Suzanne Pham

Wate and Johanna Bakker led hikes in the Almaden Quicksil​ver Park, starting at the Web Canyon entrance in an area of the park we have not visited before. The Long hikers did a 6.5-mile hike with an elevation difference of less than 1,000 ft. The ramblers did a 3.6- to 4-mile hike with an elevation difference of less than 500 ft. The day provided beautiful weather with ideal hiking conditions, great views, and good fellowship. 

Cookie Hunley,Johanna Bakker,Suzanne Pham,
Teri Tyrrell,Nancy Mosher-Williams,Bonnie Preston

Brad Hinckley,Debbie Siedband,Wate Bakker,
Dan Kato,Jackie Jones,Amy Meier,
Gigi Clarke,Eve Gebhardt,Anka Hoek

Cookie Hunley,Johanna Bakker,Bonnie Preston,
Nancy Mosher-Williams,Suzanne Pham,
Teri Tyrrell,Brad Hinckley

Gigi Clarke,Jackie Jones

Teri Tyrrell,Suzanne Pham,
Nancy Mosher-Williams

Posted on Categories 2013, News